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Personal & Professional Development

Personal & Professional Development

Guiding your professional and personal growth.

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Personal and Professional Development is where you can find tips, stories and resources that will boost your professional trajectory, and personal growth. From resume-building to staying on track at work, the following resources will teach you how to conduct yourself personally and professionally.

Prof with students
Me Student! You Professor!

I don’t much like talking to strangers. I have great conversations in my head with myself, but when it comes to vocalizing my brilliant, eloquent thoughts to other people, I often end up garbling the words into something near unintelligible.

A monk copies a text from a large book on his writing table.
3 Tips For Your Blog

As this blog’s editor, one of the many joys I get to experience is the annual inundation training of those of our wonderful volunteers who aspire to contribute to the blog. I get to discuss things like “what makes a good blog article” and a few of the basics of good, simple online writing.

People fighting
Conflict – The Nature of The Beast

Conflict. Why oh why do you plague us so? You are an inevitability – it’s just a matter of time before someone or something disagrees with someone else, and they’re suddenly in a position of deciding between actions towards resolution, mediation, antagonization, or blissful ignorance.

picture of a sword
Building Awareness of Self-Awareness

It was a pretty straightforward account of how knowing what are strengths are can help us to build on and expand those strengths into new areas.  The problem, of course, is that this viewpoint presupposes that you actually do know what your strengths are.

drawing of comfort zone
Stay In Your Comfort Zone!

We’ve all heard the phrase “comfort zone.”  We’ve probably all been told at one point or another to get outside of it, too. But what exactly does that mean?  We can make all sorts of fancy diagrams and models to illustrate the concept, but does that really do justice to lived experience?

Image of students in South Africa
Outreach in Enkanini

Earlier this year, five SFU students traveled to Cape Town, South Africa with the Light and Love Home organization to support humanitarian projects in the township of Enkanini. They recently spoke to the OLC to share their story with us.

a guy smiling while networking with his colleagues
Networking: Why it's Essential to Getting Noticed

What is the fastest way to getting noticed by a company you wish to work for? Use and expand your network.

Facebook laptop login
Use Social Media to Land Your Dream Job

In today's competitive market, job searching has become more and more difficult. Read on to find out how you can use social media to connect with recruiters and companies to find your dream job.

Dreams Come True banner
Dreams Come True

What if you could score your dream job? Through a lot of hard work, dedication, and determination, writer Derek Jory did just that when he landed himself with the career he had dreamed of since he was a little boy.

an ice hockey game with the view of the rink
From Intern to Web Coordinator

Do you worry about making the transition from a student to a full-time employee? Well stop fretting and read on to find out how SFU alumnus Karen Sum transitioned from a Canucks intern to a full-time website coordinator.

glass and plate shattering from being dropped
Make Excellent Mistakes

What is your fear? Is it fear of… Heights? Taking risks? Making mistakes? Something else? Answers will vary but one of Yat's biggest fears is making mistakes. However, despite this fear of mistakes, throughout several Co-op work terms over the last couple of years, he has had his share of experiences making them. Read more to learn about Yat's mistakes, and how to learn from yours. 

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Overcoming your Fear of Public Speaking

Hate giving in-class presentations? Looking for ways to improve your public speaking skills? Here are 3 easy steps to ace your next presentation!

Banner of Canucks Game
Scoring the Job

If you have a passion for hockey and can afford to work without a weekly pay cheque (a $1000 honorarium is provided at the end of the term), then applying for a Co-op job with the Vancouver Canucks could prove to be an unforgettable experience. Landing a coveted internship isn't easy, but if you're up for the challenge, read on and you could soon be calling yourself a Canuck.

Portrait of Ronil
From the Lecture Hall to the Office

Ronil Desai’s eye opening journey through his first co-op position with Teekay Shipping Corp. Attending university involves many deadlines and countless interactions with fellow students and professors, not to mention a constant effort to prepare students to succeed in the workforce......

Hockey Face-off
Persistence Trumps Talent

Have you met people in your life that have ample talent but struggle with motivation? Back in middle school, Yat was never a bright student. Like Bunko, he put too much emphasis on thinking inwards and constantly exerting energy towards tasks that were not producing positive results. Yat has since learned a lot, and is wanting to share his wisdom with you: 

sun peaking through a forest of trees
Following Guidance

When Yat was younger, he did what everybody – parents, teachers, counsellors – told me to do. Like Johnny Bunko, he was trapped into doing something he didn’t want to do. He focused on the wrong courses and exerted my energy on things that did not inspire or motivate me. Read more to find out how Yat found his path in university. 

a girl lying on top of her books because she's tired
It's Not About You

In the summer of 2008, Yat worked 40 hours a week while going to school with a full course load. Managing time was essential to getting things done, but everyone has struggles with time management. Read more to find out the lessons Yat learned while reading the book, The Adventures of Johnny Bunko

Picture of a bunch of volunteers
Help, Learn, & Discover.

“Help, Learn, & Discover” is an organization that gives university students the opportunity to volunteer abroad and build homes for the poor in Ecuador, while gaining useful work experience – particularly for biology and pre-medical students. There are three programs you.. can choose from

3 people peering out a window
Career Advice From My Dad - Don't Be a Lawyer

While my dad and I get along really well, we don't talk a whole lot - besides the fact that we live in different cities, I'm pretty sure we share a dislike of small talk.  I think we share a lot in common actually, and understand each other quite well.  So, despite our infrequent chit chats, my dad's been a big influence on a lot of things in my life, not the least of which being my career development.

Open book
What's Your Story?

I and the whole staff at work attended a training last week on a "narrative" method of career counselling led by Mark Franklin, the practice leader of a company called Career Cycles.  It's inspired me to write a bit about narrative therapy in general, especially as it applies to career development. 

Invisible Influences?

There were a lot of messages that I grew up with, whether it be from my parents, peers, or the all-encompassing influence of the media.  One of the ones that sticks with me most to this day, and I'm not sure where it comes from, has to do with self-sacrifice.

staircase at maggie benson centre
Dear High School Class of 2011...

Hi.  It's me, Dave - I was one of the smiley, energetic people handing out popcorn last night when you came up to visit SFU for our open house, "Info Eve."  Congratulations, by the way!  It's a pretty cool experience to be offered acceptance to any university, let alone the top Canadian comprehensive school as ranked by Macleans.  So, you've got good reason to feel proud of yourselves.  I really could see that on a lot of your and your parents' faces last night.  Way to go!

Person on the phone while working on her laptop
Routines, Moodiness, and the Job Search

A routine is one of those things in life that can be either a huge relief or a giant burden.  I know that I tend to oscillate between those two feelings, generally dependant on whether or not I have an established routine in my life at the time.  I think that for the most part, we’re creatures of habit. 

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My Time as a Canuck Insider

What would a co-op placement be like if part of your job was to interview Canucks players and write reports of their games? Take a peek at Elizabeth's co-op and what it was like to be a Canucks insider.

a girl on her laptop
The Perfect Portfolio

In addition to doing research about the company and job role, as well as preparing great answers, portfolios of work and achievements are becoming an increasingly important part of the interview process.

A man and a woman in a business suit are smiling while facing the front.
What’s an Entrepreneur?

In this blog article, David Lindskoog shares the messages about entrepreneurship that he got from a panel event, “Starting Your Own Business.” 

A crying baby
Don’t Throw A Fit!

How many times and how many ways have you heard the word “fit” thrown around? I don’t know if a three letter word has ever had such wide ranging implications.  Grammatically speaking, it’s an adjective, a verb, and a noun. Generally speaking, though, I’m pretty confident we can think of “fit” as referring to the compatibility of one thing with another.