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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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A person speaking in front of an audience
How They Raised Their GPAs

The SFU Student Learning Commons held a 'How I Raised my GPA' panel where students shared their experiences and advice on improving grades. Take a look at what they had to say, and what audience members thought of the event. 

Students dressed in business wear in a meeting
So, You Got a Big Girl Job — How to Navigate the World of Adults

You know when you go to another country on vacation and everyone is speaking a different language? That’s the way it kind of feels walking into a new job and you are by far the youngest in the room. Everyone seems so educated, knowledgeable and probably old enough to be your parents. But don’t worry - I’ve (kind of) successfully learned how to navigate this intimidating world of adults and I’m here to share my awkward experiences to minimize yours.

a workspace in a company
Small Firm, Big Opportunities: Insights into Working at a Small Firm

If you ever wondered what it was like working at a small to a mid-size accounting firm, read on for a few insights from my first co-op work term!

lottery balls falling down
My Adventures Working with the BC Lottery Corporation

Is working in an unfamiliar industry scary to you? Don’t know what to prepare before working in a co-op? Read on to find out more.

the author standing next to Canadian Western Bank logo
Moving From Retail to Corporate: Life as an Operational Specialist at Canadian Western Trust

For three years I worked part-time at TD Canada Trust as a customer service representative and eventually a personal banking associate.

Sonya taking a selfie with a CBC microphone and another image of her workspace at the company
Gzowski 2019: Intership with CBC

"I cried the day I heard that I had won the CBC Radio Peter Gzowski Internship" — Sonya shares her story on how she ended up being an intern at CBC Radio and why it's so important to not give up on your dreams. 

Graph on a computer screen
Golden Opportunity: How I Accidentally Ended Up at a Fortune 500 Mining Company

What many students may not know is that it can be very disheartening to apply for jobs at first. You may not receive many responses. It feels almost as if all the positions you want have already been filled. 

"Proactive" spelled with SCRAMBLE tiles
Becoming A $60K Assistant

When I first started at PCL as an Administrative Student, I was slightly disappointed.

False Creek Olympic Village destination walk
Building Routines to Build Productivity

Procrastination became a close friend of mine and by the end of the semester, I was burnt out but relieved that it was all over. Then the cycle would repeat itself for another four months.

Computer desk
Social Media 101: 4 Tips to Ace Social Media Management for an Institution

Curious how to run social media for a company out of your expertise? Take a look at Cristyn's article, where she reveals the best approaches to social media management and get ready to work in the field!

Seraphina standing and smiling in front of a Canadian Coast Guard vessel
My Co-op Journey: How I Landed a Co-op Working on 3 New Vessels for the Canadian Coast Guard

“When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up. Let your reason get you back up” - Les Brown

Anca holding a cup of coffee
Getting Through the First Month of your Co-op

Getting Through the First Month of Your Co-op: How do you prepare for a new work term? And how do you survive the first month in a new co-op position? Business Major Anca Zgreaban shares five tips for easing smoothly from a study semester into a working term.

Hilda Martin Kasyanju Co-op Reflections
3 Myths About Working in the Technology Industry Out of Town

Working in a technological industry as a non-tech student is much more exciting as you might have thought of it. Hilda shares her experience and debunks three myths about this niche.

3 office workers in a corporate office
Corporate Environments DO In Fact Contain Interesting People

If you think that working for a corporation is incredibly dull in terms of social connections, take a look at Leo's article, where he busts this myth!

an SFU student wearing her graduation gown
Being Qualified-ish

Have you ever felt that you are not qualified enough for a job you just got? Privilege explains why it is more than alright to be a newbie and what you should understand about your position to take the best from your co-op term.

Cory Henderson
Gaining a New Perspective on Politics Through a Bilingual Program

Cory Henderson has been interested in politics since she was a young girl. She was a Grade 10 student in the French immersion program when a representative from Simon Fraser University’s French Cohort Program (FCP) visited her school in Penticton, B.C. 

After listening to the presentation, Cory was so sure that SFU was the place for her that she didn’t apply to any other universities. Cory graduated from the FCP, a bilingual program in public and international affairs, in Summer 2019 with a major in Political Science (Honours), and an extended minor in French. Many factors played a role in getting her to that point, but the biggest one was having a sense of community at SFU. Her university journey was challenging, but she was not without support. 

People pointing at a computer screen
Five Essential Skills for CMNS Co-ops

Are you wondering what skills you might need for a job in CMNS? Co-op student Amy unpacks five essential skills for your future CMNS career you might want to develop.

Dear Younger Self: Never Give Away Your Power.

Taking steps to prioritize your financial wellness can set you up for better overall wellness.

Emily sitting on a hill
Experiencing SFU Beyond the Classroom

Classes only make up half of the university experience; the rest is what you make of it.” Join Emily as she depicts her experience outside of the classroom with co-op, study abroad, and semester in dialogue.

Five people fist bumping over an office desk
How to Mess Up at Work and Not Get Fired

Is messing up at work one of your greatest fears that keeps you up at night? Taylor talks about how to deal with mistakes in the workplace. The end of the world can eventually turn into a valuable experience worthy of mentioning in your resume.

Danielle Arciaga Portrait
First-of-its-Kind Engineering Program Readies SFU Students for Emerging Green Industries

Second-year engineering student Danielle Arciaga faces a tough decision once she graduates from Simon Fraser University—which emerging green industry should she choose: clean tech or smart cities?

Six people standing in front of a banner and table
Fake It Till You Make It

“Business courses helped me with workplace etiquette, while Communication courses allowed me to develop different perspectives.” Human Resources student Tabraiz reveals the hidden benefits of applying to jobs outside of your major and gaining a unique, mix-matched skillset.

A woman in a suit talking to a man
What Happens When You "Don't Want to Bother Your Boss" with Questions?

“Should I ask my boss what to do, or am I being annoying and asking them too many questions?” Leo emphasizes the importance of establishing a clear line of communication with your supervisor and not being afraid to ask for clarification.

Five people sitting around a table, having a discussion
A View from the Other Side of the Table: Interviewing from a Co-op Student's Perspective

Ever wondered what your interviewers were thinking? Amanda takes us behind the scenes of an interview process and shares how to prepare for trick questions, ways to leave a strong first impression and techniques for highlighting skills and experience. 

Monique in grad gown and cap
FHS Co-op Leads to Ministry of Health Position

“Co-op is the tricycle of professional life: you’re getting rewarded and gaining vital skills, but you’re supported, have a chance to experience all aspects of your role, and have time to figure out what works for you and what you’re ready for. There is no better way to prepare for life after university." Read about Monique's co-op experience here! 

Sabrina Kan in front of a Samsung logo
Sink or Swim: Four Tips to Remember if You're Drowning in Work

When you go from smooth sailing to being submerged beneath a tidal wave of work, it can be easy to feel a little lost at sea. Before jumping overboard, consider Sabrina's tips for tackling a stormy situation and arriving safely to shore. 

Canadian flag waving in the wind
Adventurous Vibes: Your Guide To An Incredible Study Experience in Canada

Are you thinking of studying in Canada? Are you about to arrive or have recently landed? Make the most of your experience with these tips for studying abroad.

Two women talking
Learning to Thrive in Discomfort

"Discomfort isn't bad - it's just stepping outside of your comfort zone." From embracing once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, to seeking out constructive feedback, Magali offers ways to survive and succeed in a new work environment.  

Frogplum Solutions Inc. Team
Read Beyond the Job Description

"When you work at a start-up, literally anything can happen." Anmol takes us into a world where content is born out of chaos, and the landscape is dynamic, creative and challenging.  Becoming an integral part of a new company and seeing your creations make an impact can be one of the most rewarding experiences.  

Translink Skytrain at Station
Five Tips to Make Your Long Commute to Work a Little Easier

Mysteries, money management and meditation: how do you spend your commute? Sarah recommends ways to make that daily bus ride feel a little shorter and add extra pep to your work morning. 

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