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Co-op Blogs

Blogs written by students & staff sharing tips and experiences

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a closeup shot of a suede messenger bag on top of an individual's lap
And Round Two Begins: Preparation Is Key

Have you been asked to prepare a presentation and write an exam on top of your typical interview for your next job? Read on to find out more about Natalie's experience with this new job interview format and her key take-away lessons for you.

a girl working on her ipad
Tips on Starting Your Portfolio

In this blog post, Patricia shares with us some tips and tricks to creating our own portfolios. Read on to find out more! 

a woman raising both her hands up in the air
My Lesson In Flexibility

Everyone has a picture in their mind when they think of what they will be doing when they land their first co-op job. It’s good to think big, but just remember to think FLEXIBLE. Let me tell you how being flexible allowed me to get a great co-op experience.

a group of staff gathering in the lunchroom eating together
The Joys of the Lunchroom: Being Social on the Job

You are new to the company, and you don’t know anyone. Where do you start? How about the lunchroom! Read on to learn about Natalie's lunchroom experience for her first co-op job.

A group of houses in Poland
Co-op Poland: Evan's International Adventure of Self Exploration

University can be a draining experience. So how to do you recharge yourself without delaying your academic or professional plans? Why not go on an international co-op placement? Check out BPK student Evan Hutcheon's adventure, reflections and experiences he gained working in Poland.

Wes Regan standing outside of work
Alumni Profile: Education Opportunities in Environment & Sustainability

SFU Faculty of Environment alumni Wes Regan graduated with a BA in Geography and two certificates in Urban Studies and Sustainable Community Development. Since then, he has become a successful contractor/consultant in Community Development and Urban Planning.

Students sitting on the grass
Sidestepping The Plan: My Co-op Reflection

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s a seemingly simple question – something for which no answer could be considered incorrect. So why do university students suffer an existential crisis the very moment we’re posed its equivalent: “What’s your plan after graduation?”

a boy wearing a volunteer shirt
How Volunteering Helped Me Get My First Co-op Job

Applying for jobs is a very difficult task, especially if you do not have any work experience and are just entering the ‘working world.' Read on to find out how Natalie gained her competitive edge through volunteering and secured her first co-op job.

Krisandra Reid and team
Sparking Change Across the Province

Read on to discover how Krisandra made a difference during her co-op by bringing awareness to a free recycling option in BC.

Lesley Richards
Fostering Families at Capstone Youth

"When I saw the job posting from Capstone Youth and Family Services for a respite worker with at risk youth, I was drawn to it..." Read about Lesley's co-op working with at-risk youths and the important lessons they've learned during this experience.  

Brittney's Journey of Career Exploration in Australia | Part One
Brittney Merryweather is a force when it comes to International Co-op. Not one to shy away from opportunities abroad, she dives into each country she goes to with gusto and an open mind for learning. In 2007 Brittney went to the University of Wollongong.
Stacey Bryant with Uganda native
Building Foundations

Stacey was given the unique opportunity to work with Schools Building Schools (SBS) as the Field Coordinator in Mbarara, Uganda.

A sign saying You Got This
Job Search Tips & Tricks

Victoria, student advisor for the Arts co-op program, shares her top four tips to help you become a more competitive candidate for today’s job search as a co-op student. 

different countries flag against the sky
Why You Should Go International...With Co-op

Before you begin your international exploration, uncover the treasures lurking behind an international Co-op. Here are five quick benefits of why you should go internationally with Co-op as opposed to going independently.

a red taxi in the streets of Hong Kong

Ever wondered what it would be like to work in Hong Kong? Yat Li shares with us in this 3-part series on his experience adapting to a new culture, living arrangement and workplace culture. Also hear about his food and city adventures exploring one of the world's most densely populated areas.

International Spotlight: Germany!

Work and live in Germany, where fresh baked goods and sausages wake you up in the morning, new and exciting experiences await you and monuments filled with centuries of history beam down at you as you make your way to work.

Snapshot of an interview
Nail Down the Interview

I’m sitting in front of an interview panel with six Environment Canada staff. The man in the suit at the centre of the panel asks me, “What are BC’s biggest environmental issues?” My mind is blank, yet six pairs of eyes are staring at me to say something. “Er,” I stumble, “it rains a lot?”

International Spotlight: Japan!

Working in Japan provides great experiences for students wishing to venture abroad. Enjoy the beautiful sights, incredible food, and the chance to work in an exciting new locale!

three students smiling side-by-side
4 Workplace Success Tips to Advance Your Career

Have you secured your next co-op placement? Do you want to get the most out of your work experience while making a lasting, positive impression on your managers and colleagues? Here are 4 quick tips to create a personal and professional brand for yourself to advance your career.

Picture of a mascot with people in the background
Spotlight on a Loaned Representative

Averyl Bancroft spent her co-op workterm as a Loaned Representative, as well as one of the United Way's Care-y mascots! As part of the United Way Spotlight series she shares her experience about the Loaned Rep program taking her out of her comfort zone.

Communicating With Culture in Mind

A co-op placement at VACFSS allowed Aleks Besan to learn about the progress being made within the world of child welfare, family preservation, and social work. She reflects on this rewarding experience and her work in Communications.

A hand holding up three fingers
If I Could Only Offer Three Pieces of Advice . . .

I would say to never give up, to really spend time tailoring the cover letter to the employer, and to apply for jobs that you may not initially like…because you never know what’s out there until you explore the opportunities!

Your 101 Guide on Working Out-of Province

While it is difficult to secure a co-op or internship placement in today’s declining job market, out-of-province work experience is even harder to come by. If you are going to relocate soon or are thinking about doing an out-of-province co-op or internship, here are some must-know tips and information to help you make the transition smoothly and successfully!

Image of a girl in a blue blazer getting interviewed by 2 offscreen people
Dealing with Interview Rejection

Dealing with interview rejection is not always easy, but don't let it stop you from landing your dream job! Read on to find out how to deal with job rejections and how you can improve your future interview performance!

closeup up a hand using a desktop mouse
Writing an Effective Cover Letter

A cover letter is your chance to show enthusiasm for a particular job position and a complementary marketing document to your resume. Like the resume, a cover letter should stand out, be easily readable, relevant and avoid any spelling mistakes!

a girl focusing on her computer screen working
Time Management On the Job

Having a difficult time completing your tasks on time at school or work? Natalie has 3 must-know time management tips to help you manage your time better and work more productively. 

a group of people talking to each other in the workplace
Working for an International Company

Working for an international organization has its perks and challenges. Check out what Natalie thinks are the most interesting aspects of working for a global company and how she overcomes the challenges she encounters on the job.

Image reads, "Rejected" in red block letters, with a large X over the word "resume"
Five Reasons Why Your Résumé Might Get Tossed Out (and Other Resume Don'ts)

Your résumé is your first chance to impress a potential employer. A few avoidable mistakes, however, might force a potential employer to toss out your résumé in the “NO” file. What are the most common mistakes applicants make with their résumés? Avoid these common pitfalls to increase your chances of getting an interview!

a flatlay of a piece of paper with a pencil and a pencil sharpener
Put Your Cover Letter at the Top of the Stack

While it may take a while to master it, keep working on your cover letters and continue to try new things. Writing cover letters is an art -- the only way to get good at them is through practice.

a woman smiling at the paper she's holding
How-To Succeed & Have Fun On the Job

Natalie wanted nothing more than to do well at her first co-op placement. Here are some things she picked up to make her work term fun and more successful! 

the back of two women staring at a laptop screen
What to Expect During a Site Visit

I had no idea what to expect for my first co-op site visit, did you? In this blog post, I reflect back on what happened during my first site visit, to help prepare you for what might happen at yours!

Diary of a Marketing Co-op: Stand Your Ground
Stand Your Ground

In this segment of Diary of a Marketing Co-op, I look back at the need to be assertive to meet never-ending deadlines and how to balance this with the ability to know when to go with the flow.

Business man with his arms up looking at the sky
Business Career Management Corner: Professionalism in the Workplace

Landing the job is only the first step. Once you arrive for work you not only need to make a good first impression, but create a lasting professional reputation.

a closeup of a woman concentrating in her work space
The Office Culture: What School Doesn’t Prepare You For

There are many things school doesn't teach you about working in a corporate environment. Check out 3 areas Natalie wants you to pay attention to when you are on your job and tips to help you improve your work performance.

Image of the Author
Top Ten Tips for Co-op Work Term Success

John Grant, an SFU Communication Co-op Alumus has five work term experiences in his portfolio and shares his top ten tips for completing a successful and fulfilling Co-op work term.

a girl networking with her colleagues
Top Tips for Workplace Transition and Performance

Are you starting your first co-op work term soon? Here are some top tips to help you transition from school to work smoothly and successfully and improve your work performance and professionalism.

workplace environment with a bunch of people sharing a work space
Natalie's First Day at Allied Vision Technologies

Are you starting your first day at work soon? Getting anxious because you don't know what to expect? Read on to learn more about Natalie's experience and her tips on making the most out of your first day.

one person at the head of a table leading a meeting with 7 other members
Top Ten Ways to Wow Your Boss

You impressed your boss during your job interview, but now it’s time to really show what you are capable of. A good business relationship with your boss is one of the components of a positive work experience. Here are the top tens ways to dazzle your new employer.

Elizabeth and coworker smiling beside each other
Seeking Approval

The latest entry of the Diary of a Marketing Co-op series looks at the need and importance of aquiring endless rounds of approvals, and what it can teach you.

out of focus image of a binder and man in the background with the tagline: .... first week on the job?
What To Do: Your First Week On the Job

You’ve applied for the job, gone through the interview, been selected, and now you’re ready to begin your first week on the job! But are you? Read John's tips on how to prepare for your first weeks on the job!

People shaking hands
Top Ten: Best Ways to Make a GREAT Impression

The Co-op advisors at SFU are in the unique position of hearing from both employers and students about what makes a successful work term. Paulette Johnston has a list of ten simple ways to get off on the right foot.

picture of lighting with the caption: lightning round tips
Tips for Co-op Lightning Round Success

While it is a stressful time in the semester with exams and final projects upcoming, it doesn’t need to be for Co-op students. A large number of students are placed during Lightning Round and it’s a great time to find out about positions you may not have previously considered.

Jerkone's online portfolio
5 Tips for Online Portfolios: Employer’s Perspective

Portfolio tips straight from the employers, they share with us what they look for in online portfolios and how they decide who they’re bringing in for interviews. 

birds eye view flatlay of a person's work station
The Tables Have Turned

During the lightning round Natalie was shortlisted for a third job interview and was ultimately offered a co-op job! She reflects on her latest interview experience and shares some very important insights you should know to succeed at your next job interview.

Drexel University
Paul’s Journey to Landing His First Co-op Job

Take a read at this interview with Paul as he shares with us his first co-op experience at Drexel University in Philadelphia. 

picture of Marcia smiling
Marcia Tells It Like It Is: Cover Letter Info You Oughta Know

This fictitious and funny article provides you with some insight into important elements to consider in your cover letter. Communication Co-op Coordinator Marcia Shimizu gives the dirt on what not to do when writing a cover letter. 

a frustrated individual with her hands over her head
A Disappointing Interview Experience

Are you having a difficult time placing a co-op placement? You're not alone! Read about Natalie's disappointment with her second job interview, how she coped with her frustration and the lessons she took away from this experience to improve her interviewing skills and increase her chance at landing a job. 

a man talking on the phone
Top Tips for Pre-Screen Interview Success

So you applied for a co-op, internship or full-time position and the organization wants to schedule a pre-screen interview with you. Are you scratching your head and wondering what a pre-screen interview is and how you can prepare for it? Here are some must-know tips and questions that can increase your chance of moving on to the next round of the selection process!

a woman is presenting in front of a group of people
Lessons from the First Interview

So you went through the workshops, you took BOL I, and you’ve had your one-on-one with your advisor. Now what? Natalie asked herself the same question when she completed all the initial steps of Co-op. Read on to find out more about Natalie's job search and the lessons she took away from her first job interview.

a computer screen showing the test "Do More"
Let Your Résumé Do the Talking

Your résumé is your opportunity to demonstrate your skills, strengths, interest in a position and "appeal" to potential employers and express what you have to offer.

Student working in a lab
Why Volunteer on Campus at SFU?

Lindsay enjoys helping people achieve their goals and this experience has allowed her to follow and achieve her passion for improving services available to Indigenous students and potentially their overall academic success. Learn more about her experiences.

Mechatronics Co-op Student Profile: Armaghan Mogouei

Mogouei shares with all women that are thinking of Mechatronic Systems Engineering as an ideal fit, because it allows you to explore various engineering disciplines and industry application. Armaghan Mogouei is following her dreams through her work with Ballard Power Systems.

Brendon Sauer
Mechatronics Co-op Profile: Brendon Sauer

Fusing the world of Business and Mechatronics, Brendon Sauer has shown that MSE students really can have the bFusing the world of Business and Mechatronics, Brendon Sauer has shown that MSE students really can have the best of both worlds. Read more about his experience at Discover Energy.

Chris Stewart
Mechatronics Co-op Alumni Profile: Chris Stewart

Chris Stewart is a junior engineer at Brock Solutions. He works in the development of control systems for airport baggage handling systems and has been working with Brock since November 2011.