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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Have a great story to share?  Pitch it to our editors.

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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a person typing on their laptop
The Importance of Having a Portfolio

Have no clue on how to start a portfolio? Check out this blog to get useful beginner tips for building your portfolio!

Tips to Answer those Tough Interview Questions

As we’re coming up to the end of the semester, most of us are thinking of looking for opportunities to work over the summer. As such, most of you are putting together your cover letter and resume, and maybe even your portfolio. Besides the research about the company, how do you prepare for those tough interview questions?

Banner of Student of the Week: Shantelle
Engaged Student of the Week: Shantelle Medel

Learn all about the engaged student of the week; Shantelle! Find out how she engages with SFU and the community by reading on.

British Columbia Logo
Essential Skills for Aboriginal Futures

Essential Skills for Aboriginal Futures is an innovative Essential Skills program to the Aboriginal Community through employer partnerships and customized training that supports employment success and retention.

Picture of people at the CCED
Coqualeetza Cultural Education Centre

Coqualeetza Cultural Education Centre has the main purpose of promoting, preserving and interpreting Sto:lo Lifestyle, Language, Traditions, and Heritage, from the Sto:lo point of view.

Indigenous students graduating
Indigenous Student Transitions | Part Two

As an SFU student, there are many services to actively prepare for a career after graduation. Indigenous students have all of the career services available to them that any other student has; however, they also have Aboriginal resources as well.

Peer helping another person
Cover Letters: Secrets to Capturing Your Employer’s Attention

Cover letters. The bane of everyone’s work search. A great cover letter doesn’t just happen by itself; rather, it is the result of you taking the time to do your research, and writing effective and meaningful information in a few well-worded sentences.

Picture of Whiskey
Passion With A "Small p": The Whisky Story

What can we take from the "smaller" things that we love? Often, they bring our lives tremendous amounts of meaning. It's important to acknowledge that work isn't the only area of life that we can derive meaning or fulfill our values.

People talking
How To Resolve Conflict In 6 Steps

Dealing with conflict is a crucial skill. The field of Dispute Resolution offers a variety of methods to manage and dissipate problematic issues. One popular approach is Issue-Based Problem Solving, which I discuss in this post. Read on for a simple 6-step guide to help you address emerging conflicts.

a girl working on her ipad
Tips on Starting Your Portfolio

In this blog post, Patricia shares with us some tips and tricks to creating our own portfolios. Read on to find out more! 

Aboriginal Mother House building
Aboriginal Mother Centre

Aboriginal women and their children are among the most discriminated against and socially and economically disadvantaged living in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. The Aboriginal Mother Centre offers a safe and caring long-term home and all of the resources necessary to assist mothers and their children in realizing a brighter future.

A woman and a child
Aboriginal Head Start Association of BC

We are the leader in Aboriginal Early Childhood Education. We are the Catalyst for focusing expertise and creating opportunities to benefit sites. Keep reading to find out more...

Duke award banner
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

Earning the Duke of Ed Award looks great on your resume as it shows you are a well rounded individual who is connected to the community. It’s a great way to explore your interests and try something new.  

a woman raising both her hands up in the air
My Lesson In Flexibility

Everyone has a picture in their mind when they think of what they will be doing when they land their first co-op job. It’s good to think big, but just remember to think FLEXIBLE. Let me tell you how being flexible allowed me to get a great co-op experience.

a group of staff gathering in the lunchroom eating together
The Joys of the Lunchroom: Being Social on the Job

You are new to the company, and you don’t know anyone. Where do you start? How about the lunchroom! Read on to learn about Natalie's lunchroom experience for her first co-op job.

A group of houses in Poland
Co-op Poland: Evan's International Adventure of Self Exploration

University can be a draining experience. So how to do you recharge yourself without delaying your academic or professional plans? Why not go on an international co-op placement? Check out BPK student Evan Hutcheon's adventure, reflections and experiences he gained working in Poland.

Your Unpredictable Future: Where is Your Career Heading?

When it comes to your career, predicting, planning or trying to figure out what you’ll be doing in the future is well…almost impossible. Did you know that 70% of post-secondary students revealed their career choices were significantly influenced by an unplanned event (Krumboltz and Levin, 2004)?

Passion: The Enduring Debate

Of the many debates in the career development world, the one over "passion" might be the most volatile. How much of a role should passion play in career choice? Looking at what we mean by "passion" might lead to some new answers.

Student meeting with an advisor
Resumes, Cover letters, Interviews and Volunteering: Remaining Professional for Unpaid Experiences

Kerri shows you where to find SFU's resources for building your resume, coverletter, and interview skills. Read on to find out how to use this to get volunteer positions.

banner of student of the week: Hannah
Engaged Student of the Week: Hannah Seraphim

Check out this week's Engaged Student of the Week! Learn about why and how they are engaged and how you can get involved at SFU too.

Person writing in a book
How To Write Your Way Into Grad School

Harsimran Kaur is a Career Peer Educator with SFU Career Services, and a third year student studying health sciences, kinesiology, and psychology. Her passions revolve around helping people, and she aspires to a career in emergency medicine and epidemiology.

Indigenous students
Indigenous Student Transitions | Part One

Indigenous students transitioning to post-secondary often face unique challenge, which is why it's important to learn about all the community resources and scholarships avalible to Indigenous students at SFU.  

Person on transit looking out the window
How To Say Goodbye At Work

Saying goodbye is hard under any circumstance, and people tend to avoid doing it as a result. Workplace relationships end all the time, so what's the best way to end them gracefully? I share my thoughts here.

Students with SFU mascot
Tips for Getting Involved

Check out Felice's article giving you the Do's and Dont's of getting involved! Read on to find out ways to get engaged with your university.

Picture of a women smiling
DIY Career Opportunities

Finding a job that you want to wake up for can be a challenge, especially in today’s economy. But what if you could create your own job? I know someone who (almost) did this for themselves and this is his story.

Employment equity banner
Aboriginal Employment Equity

Searching for a career can be an intimidating prospect. Looking for work requires self-confidence and faith in ones abilities, as well as skin thick enough to handle rejection. Add in fear of discrimination and it can be debilitating. This is why educating oneself about Canada’s Employment Equity Act is so important.

Banner of Gilakasla
Encouraging Our Youth

Christina shares her experience in leading a group of Aboriginal high-school students through a tour of SFU, where they discussed the troubling statistics of Aboriginal student drop-out rates and the potential for their future.

How To Create A Winning Job Proposal

So you want to work for a certain employer, but they don’t have any job openings. What do you do? One option is to create a “job proposal” for the new position you’re aspiring to. Here’s how to do it.

A photo of Crystal Morris speaking a SFU Conference
SFU Indigenous Speakers: Crystal Morris

Crystal Morris shares her education and career journey, which has included a wide variety of roles in government, and the private sector, and how they brought her to where she is today.

Career fair
Top 10 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Career Fairs

Planning to attend a career fair? Don't waste the recruiters time, or your own - learn how to arrive prepared, get the most out of the experience, and leave a great first impression.

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