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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Have a great story to share?  Pitch it to our editors.

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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I’ve Got Options?

As a co-op student, it's not a bad idea to explore your options by going to other interviews if you can, even when you have a job offer already. Check out Natalie's experience going for her fourth interview and a potential second job offer!

Cynthia smiling
Cynthia George Taha | Registered Nurse

"With the uncertainty and changes in healthcare systems for our people and a separate health authority plan that will marginalize our people, I decided to be where my skills and services will be most beneficial." Read more to find out how a girl from Wetsuweten Nation became a leader in the Nursing field. 

rudy smiling
Rudy Riemer/Yumk | SFU Department of First Nations Studies and Archaeology

"I grew up in Squamish BC, learning from elders and knowledgeable community members about Squamish Nation culture.  Many of my fondest memories are walking to downtown with my grandpa, sitting at my grand uncles kitchen table and going up the river to fish. During these formative years I was always careful to listen to what they had to say." 

Portrait of Rudy
Indigenous Stories: Rudy Riemer/Yumk, SFU Department of First Nations Studies and Archaeology

"I grew up in Squamish BC, learning from elders and knowledgeable community members about Squamish Nation culture.  Many of my fondest memories are walking to downtown with my grandpa, sitting at my grand uncles kitchen table and going up the river to fish. During these formative years I was always careful to listen to what they had to say." 

Bold Eagle banner
[Indigenous Employer] Opportunities for Indigenous Youth: Canadian Forces

Bold Eagle is a challenging yet rewarding opportunity that helps to develop valuable skills such as self-confidence, self-discipline, teamwork, time management, respect and fitness to list but a few.

Cynthia in her nurse uniform
Indigenous Stories: Cynthia George Taha, Registered Nurse

"With the uncertainty and changes in healthcare systems for our people and a separate health authority plan that will marginalize our people, I decided to be where my skills and services will be most beneficial." How a girl from Wetsuweten Nation became a leader in the Nursing field. 

Portarit of Bruce Dumont
Indigenous Stories: Bruce R. Dumont, Metis National Council Minister Responsible for Health

"My father was Cree and French and my mother Cree and Scot with both parents fluent in the Cree language. I come from a family of ten. We lived in poverty as Road Allowance Metis around Sundre, Alberta, after my parents left the Metis Settlement of Kikino, Alberta in 1943 with 4 children in tow. 


Portrait of Audrey
Indigenous Stories: Audrey Tooshkenig, Elementary School Teacher

"Having not graduated from high school, I feared academic inadequacies and had a lot of self doubt about attending post secondary. Fortunately, a dear friend basically took me to an Academic Adivisor to discuss my prospective plans. By the time I left that appointment I knew that I was on my way to my next phase."

True or False picture
The Nuts and Bolts of International Co-op

This is a myth buster on some of student’s misconceptions about International Co-op. Test your own knowledge with a short true and false quiz and discover the truth about International Co-op!

Guy holding a map that covers his face
Learn How To "Internationalize" Your Resume

Is applying for a job overseas really that different than applying for one in Canada? It can be - especially when it comes to what you include in your resume. Here are some helpful tips and tricks you will need to customize your resume for an international audience.

william lindsay smiling
William Lindsay on Persistance

“Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence”. Through my life’s experience I can certainly attest to the truthfulness of these words.I hope lessons for others can be found in them. Hence, “Press On” friends and make your own dreams a reality! Read more about William Lindsay's journey and how they overcame life challenges. 

John burrows smiling
John Burrows | Professor of Law at the University of Minnesota & Author

Read about the history, education and career journey of John Burrows; Professor of Law at the University of Minnesota & Author

Portrait of William
Indigenous Stories: William Lindsay on Persistance

“Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence”. Through my life’s experience I can certainly attest to the truthfulness of these words.I hope lessons for others can be found in them. Hence, “Press On” friends and make your own dreams a reality!

Portarit of John Burrows
Indigenous Stories: John Burrows, Professor of Law at the University of Minnesota

Time after time the talk would range through philosophy, geology, history, religion, political science and law. The ideas were usually big and they were generously mixed with teasing, wild speculation, humour and tears.

oprah cutting a ribbon with children
The Wisdom of Oprah

"I was never given any advice. I had to figure it out for myself. But my best advice is to let your passion lead your purpose." - Solid advice from Oprah Whinfrey, and a subject worth considering when following your own passion.

Giving Back with Telus
Giving Back with Telus

Choosing a company to devote your career to at any stage can be a tough choice. The values of a company matter, so look into what your new workplace values before devoting your time to it.

David and his dad on the beach
Advice From My Dad - Make Yourself Irreplaceable | Part Two

"Make yourself irreplaceable," he would say, regaling stories of his own young employment at a car dealership. "Take the shifts that nobody else wants, work extra hours whenever possible, be the guy that your boss knows they can always count on." Was this really what my dad wanted me to do with my life?

Two girls holding custom-made SFU book bag and pencil case
Health Sciences Engagement Improves Lives

After their four incredible months in India, the girls are finally back. This Co-Op inspired them so much so that they have decided to take the initiative to start their own fun-raiser for Destiny Reflection. Read on to find out what they have been doing since they got back and how the experience has changed them. 

Dave and his father sit on lounge chairs at the beach. A straw umbrella shades them from the sun.
Advice From My Dad: Make Yourself Irreplaceable

In this entry of Dave's Diary, Dave shares another tidbit from his dad. Read all about how Dave learned to bring value to the workplace in an innovative way.

Brandon painting
Brandon Gabriel | Professional Contemporary Visual Artist

Brandon is a professional Contemporary Visual Artist based in Langley. He grew up in the Kwantlen Reserve and went on to study at Kwantlen University and attained his BFA from the Emily Carr University of Art and Design in 2006.

Brandon painting
Indigenous Stories: Brandon Gabriel, Professional Contemporary Visual Artist

Brandon is a professional Contemporary Visual Artist based in Langley. He grew up in the Kwantlen Reserve and went on to study at Kwantlen University and attained his BFA from the Emily Carr University of Art and Design in 2006.

Improv Tips from Tina Fey
Improv Tips from Tina Fey

Our marketing co-op student takes a break from discussing the details of her work term to share some advice from Tina Fey on improv and your own co-op semester.

a laptop screen showing reports
Evaluation and Work Report

The following article is the final in a three-part series on how Co-op supervisors can make the most of a Co-op experience with their student. The final installment focuses on wrapping up a co-op term and writing evaluations.

Author with four other people in front of a table
Co-op Student Experience Surpasses Expectations

In Spring 2011, Diana Chan was hired at BCcampus as a Professional Learning and Communications Assistant, learn more about how her work experience has helped to confirm her interests and career plans.

Children that Danielle worked with
Danielle's International Co-op Journey: Hope Found in Haiti

Danielle Jeong's trip to Haiti was a self-exploring and life-changing journey. Read about her work at a local clinic and how this experience challenged herself in ways she did not think was possible, while discovering she is and finding a purpose for her studies at SFU.

prairie skies
Discipline Beats Time Management

I’m from the prairies. I’ve always loved a big, open skyline and an endless horizon. Having moved to the west coast, one of the things I notice frequently is that the coastal mountains do a very effective job of blocking out the horizon and making the sky seem much smaller

A partly cloudy sky sprawls above a grassy prairie field.
Discipline Beats Time Management

Could learning discipline be the key to effective time-management? Here's what Dave has to say.

Women sitting in a circle, with coffee, chatting
The Dinner Interview

Interviewing for a job over a meal requires the ability to not only impress with your skills and experience, but also as a dinner guest. This edition of the Interview Types series will help you master both.

Being a Career Peer: A Well Made Decision

I learned so much from this experience: Technical skills on how to improve a resume, how to deconstruct a job posting, how to prepare for an interview, and soft- skills such as being able to communicate better, prioritize engagements and actively listen.

Cecilia smiles next to a graphic that reads, "Career Peer Spotlight: Cecilia Embuido".
Being a Career Peer: A Well-Made Decision

In this informative article, Cecilia shares the valuable benefits of being a Career Peer.

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