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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Have a great story to share?  Pitch it to our editors.

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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hong kong's night food market
Expose Yourself

Ever wondered what it would be like to work in Hong Kong? Yat Li shares with us in this 3-part series on his experience adapting to new cultural and professional norms and standards. Read about how he faced and overcame these challenges for a successful international Co-op placement.

Changing Circumstances
Changing Circumstances

This edition of my marketing blog strays from my time at TELUS to look back to grade school, where I learned an important lesson about not giving up on myself.

Jim Lee at a concert
Justin Lim's Co-op Success Story: Working with the Singapore Youth Olympic Games

If Justin Lim could describe his international co-op experience in one word, it would be AWESOME! Read on to find out more about his unique opportunity to work with the Singapore Youth Olympic Games in Summer 2010 as a multimedia producer and his eye-opening experience working overseas.

Ghana coastline
A Once-in-a-lifetime Experience in Ghana: Interning with Projects Abroad

In Summer 2010, Cici Chenliu, a Kinesiology student, went to Ghana with Projects Abroad for a month to work as an intern at a local hospital. Check out her life changing experience working in the ward and exploring the beautiful cities of Ghana.

RCMP statue
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Mihai starts their co-op at the Royal Canadian Mountain Police (RCMP) as an Informational Management Specialist Assistant. Read on to find out what they do and how they do it! 

Canada Revenue Agency Headquarters
Working as a Taxpayer Services Agent at CRA

Are you considering or planning to work for the government? Read on to find out more about Doug's co-op experience at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a Taxpayer Services Agent and the surprises he encountered during his work term.

Elise and coworkers
Movin’ on Up: How to Accelerate Your Climb Up the Corporate Ladder | Part One

Is career advancement on your mind? Whether you are a current student, a recent grad, or have been in the workforce for a couple of years, for many of us, improving our position never seems far from our minds. Read on to find out about how you can move up the corporate ladder as a student.

Picture of two people sitting at a table looking at each other
Elise's CGA-BC Co-op Experience: Landing Your Dream Job

Are you pursuing a career in Human Resources or interested in working for the CGA? Check out Elise's co-op experience as the Recruitment & Employment Assistant and her important career lessons she took away from her placement.

Toren Barnes: Real Property Branch of Public Works and Government Services Canada

Innovation and government might not be two words that one usually expects to find in the same sentence. Toren's experience proves this idea wrong. Toren describes his experience working as a Co-op student for the Federal Government.

a Hong Kong banner depicting the island and food
International Spotlight: Hong Kong

Discover Hong Kong. Discover Asia's world city, where the awe-inspiring attractions are embedded with culture and history and where there is a diverse contrast between city skyscrapers and lush greenery. Labelled as a shopping haven, Hong Kong boasts one of the most unique shopping experiences in Asia! Indulge in the culinary delights and embrace the fast-paced, city-life that encompasses this dynamic city!

My Eye-Opening Experience

Even before the first month of my one year co-op contract with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) was over, I knew that my co-op experience was going to be different from what I had ever suspected I was getting myself into.

International Spotlight: France

The old world charm that France preserves with its monumental wonders, along with the sophisticated modernity that attracts tourists from all over the world, serves as a cultural experience not to be missed. Wake up to smell the fresh baked baguettes and experience the exquisite French lifestyle. Work, travel and indulge in a culture that is so rich with heritage! 

a bunch of cars stuck in traffic
Feeling Stuck? Put A Halt On It!

You know the feeling of being stuck. Whether in your personal, interpersonal, professional, or any other life, the sense of having fallen out of the groove is always similarly and markedly unpleasant. You're spinning your tires, expending lots of effort with seemingly no forward motion to thank for it. So how do you get out of this funk? Here's a simple strategy for getting "unstuck"

Desk with a calculator and accounting papers
Co-op: The First Step to Your Career as a Chartered Accountant

Are you considering or planning to pursue a designation as a Chartered Accountant (CA)? If so, read on to find out how Co-op can help you gain a competitive edge and achieve this goal successfully.

a red bus in the middle of a busy street in Hong Kong
Challenge Yourself

Ever wondered what it would be like to work in Hong Kong? Yat Li shares with us in the last installment of his 3-part series on his experience challenging himself, adapting to cultural differences, norms and work environments as well as overcoming mistakes.

Making the Most of Your Co-op Experience: Turning Work into Words

SFU Co-op student, Elise Elliott, working with the The Certified General Accountants Association of British Columbia Recruitment & Employment Team, was welcomed by her supervisor, Dan Relihan, to create a guest postings on the the CGA CareerView Blog. The topic?   Something she valued from her co-op experience with The CGA.

An array of fruits laid out on the ground while a man on the side bends down to pick an apple up
Our Neighbourhood: Gariahat, Kolkata

Martyna provides a quick tour of the neighbourhood where the SFU Health Sciences Co-op Team is living in. From fresh fruit stalls to unusual afternoon traffic, take a look at what the girls have been up to in India. 

a man wearing a suit is on his laptop in a quiet setting
The Screening Interview

The screening interview is used by many large companies as a first, usually informal round of interviews. They are often conducted by HR reps before you can even meet anyone you'll be working with, but you need to perform well to get a foot in the door.

a group meeting
Group Interviews

Group interviews aren't as common as some of the other formats we've explored in this series, but they can often be used as part of a screening process, so it's always good to be prepared for them.

3 women sitting down and discussing ideas in a business setting
Panel Interviews

As a part of our continued series, we look at the panel interview. This can be intimidating as it puts the interviewee up against an entire group of experienced professionals, so confidence is key to its success.

animated hands in front of a laptop screen
Giving Feedback and Increasing Responsibilities

The following article is the second in a three-part series on how Co-op supervisors can make the most of a Co-op experience with their student. Read this blog to learn how to provide constructive feedback, and when the best time is to add additional responsibilities. 

two women writing on the white board
Performance Interviews

In this edition of Interview Types, Elizabeth discusses Performance Interviews. It can be intimidating to showcase your skills on the spot, which is why in this blog, Elizabeth looks at the good, the bad and the helpful, as well as potential questions you may face. 

Serena in the snow
Serena's Winter Co-op Adventure: Working at Iron Ore Company in Newfoundland

Wondering what it's like to work in HR and in Newfoundland? Read on to learn more about Serena's winter adventure and experience adapting to a new culture, environment and life away from home!

Piece of paper reading: Ads, Articles, Brochures, Flyers/Sell Sheets, Newsletters, website content, other
Portfolio Building | Part One

The Co-op work term has already provided a healthy dose of experience.  Now it is time to gather that tangible experience, take it home, and organize it into a general portfolio.

twins smiling; one presenting as an introvert, the other as an extrovert
You're Not An Introvert (And You're Not An Extrovert Either)

When it comes to personality, typology seems an intuitive fit. We like to think of ourselves as defined by neat and tidy categories, like introversion and extroversion. But, while there's definite value in having insight about your own and others' personality, our obsession with putting people into boxes can lead to unhelpful assumptions. Read Dave's blog exploring Ambiversion; the middle ground between Introverts and Extroverts.

a group of SFU students smiling at the camera
Don’t Panic: Tips from Industry for Graduating Students

Are you graduating soon and are panicking about job searching in the “real world”? If so, read on to find out what some successful SFU alumni and co-op employers are saying about what grads can do to stand out.

Alumni Profile Banner of Shawna Lum
Alumni Profile: Shawna Lum on being a Peer Health Educator

Time and time again, we’ve told you how volunteer work can help you develop work-related skills. One thing that’s not always highlighted, however, is how volunteering can be an empowering experience, especially when you’re working on something that you’re passionate about.

Portrait of Chris Lo
Alumni Profile: Chris Lo on being a Career Peer Educator

Oftentimes, students see volunteering and the classroom as two separate things. However, with the right planning, volunteer work can in fact enhance what you learn at university. Take Chris Lo, an SFU alumnus, as an example of someone whose volunteer experiences have been a great addition to his education.

A graphic of several hands of different colours reaching upwards. Each hand contains a heart-shaped hole.
How Hungry is Your Soul Today?

Need some motivation? Feeling overwhelmed by school? Read this article for inspiration!

Chris sits behind a microphone, looking left.
Alumni Profile: Chris Lo on being a Career Peer Educator

In this Q&A, former Career Peer Chris shares his positive experience with the program.

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