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Caitlin Sim

SFU Student Undergraduate
Arts + Social Sciences › Psychology | Arts + Social Sciences › Criminology

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The big question after we graduate from university is always: What are you going to do? What are you planning to work as? Where are you gonna go after university?

As a 4th year student, these questions often plague my mind because as a matter of fact, I have no clue what my future will look like. From the time we were kids, it always seemed like there was a clear pathway on where we'll end up in the future. From middle school you progress to high school, to university or college, and then you become a working member of society. But now I realize its a lot more complex than that. Feelings of uncertainty get in the way, personal struggles make you question what is the next step in life.

For the longest time I felt as if this conflict meant I did something wrong, that I messed up a step in life. I constantly thought I failed, because I suddenly did not know where I was heading in life. Instead, I learnt to realize that feeling lost during this time does not mean you messed up, but is a sign that you are progressing. The future can be daunting but it is important to realize you aren't alone, and it is even more important to be kind to yourself during this time of uncertainty. Only when you tell yourself its normal to feel lost at a time like this will you be able to appreciate and be open to the opportunities that do swing your way. And when the time comes, don't hesitate to try new things because they're here to open new doors for you in the future



Caitlin Sim

SFU Student Undergraduate
Arts + Social Sciences › Psychology | Arts + Social Sciences › Criminology
visibility  162
Dec 9, 2022

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