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Personal & Professional Development

Personal & Professional Development

Guiding your professional and personal growth.

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Personal and Professional Development is where you can find tips, stories and resources that will boost your professional trajectory, and personal growth. From resume-building to staying on track at work, the following resources will teach you how to conduct yourself personally and professionally.

black and white photo of someone looking up to a light source
An Open Letter To My Chronic Pain

Diana Smith pens a series of poignant and moving letters addressed to her chronic pain. A must-read to better understand from a personal perspective what it is like to live with chronic pain.

The author's headshot
Working in the Corporate World as an International Student

Still not sure if co-op is for you? Chetachi explains why co-op was such a valuable experience for her and what it was like to work in the corporate world during her Economics co-op work term.

Zahid and coworkers standing in front of white board
My Summer at Technical Safety BC

Zahid shares what it takes to work for an government-adjacent organization and how his academic experience as a Masters of Public Policy student helped him out last summer.

Advisor helping student
From Advising in Person to Advising at Home – My First Co-op Work Term

JenJen was not quite expecting to be advising fellow SFU students as a Student Academic Advisor from the comfort of her home as her very first co-op experience. Read on to learn more on how she found her stride in getting used to a new work environment as a new co-op student in unusual circumstances.

Claire and her students
Heat in Catalonia: Lessons from International Co-op

A student desperately wanting to have class outside suggested we put the decision to a vote. An overwhelming amount of hands went up for having class in the sun and I paused to think about how I could adjust my lesson plan without a chalkboard. The students saw my hesitation and said, “but Claire, don’t you believe in our right to have a democracy?”. This was when I knew I would learn a lot more than just how to teach, from my international co-op term in Catalonia.

Toronto skyline with the CN Tower
New Job, New City, New Adventure

Considering a co-op outside of BC? Jenny shares 4 tips on moving to a new city based on her experience relocating to Ontario’s capital city, the 6ix.

A cup of coffee placed on a written planner with the word "goals" next to it
Getting Out of the Dumps and Back on the Hunt in a COVID Job Market

Like most soon-to-be graduates, Keeley was looking forward kick-start her career. And what better way to do it than to start looking for industry-applicable experience? But when COVID-19 hit, plans had to change. Read on to find out how Keeley overcame a saturated job market in the middle of a pandemic. 

Student in graduation gown looking forward
My Mindset Graduating in a Pandemic

Be it if you’re graduating or getting ready to start a new semester at SFU, there’s a lot of uncertainty around what will happen next. Earth Sciences student Klaus McCloud shares his top three tips of how he maintains a positive mindset while getting ready to graduate from SFU.

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Roots and Wings: How Soft Skills Keep you Relevant Throughout your Career

Senior Career Peer Michael Ford writes about the importance of indispensable and eternal human skills for a career that thrives in times of crisis or calm.

a girl sitting on top of a mountain staring into the sunset
An Internship to Remember…For All the Wrong Reasons

Like many other students, Joane has worked very hard and landed a co-op position that she had wanted. Unfortunately, the internship is not what it seems. Read more to find out how she navigates the arduous journey ahead. 

Bright red "for hire" sign is displayed
An Insider's Guide to Successful Work Search

SFU's Career Specialist Deanne Esdale, with Francis Mercurio, Career Peer, show you how to set up for a successful search by getting strategic and supported. You deserve to get noticed! Check out their nuggets of advice on how to seek jobs effectively.

A woman working on her laptop while her dog is sleeping next to her
Leave Work Where It Belongs

It's hard finding a balance between work and life in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Like many others, Eleanor experienced a shift in her routine, from maintaining a work-life balance to that of an unstructured mess.  However, she also knows it's important to take care of your mental health, especially during this time. Read more to find out some tips Eleanor has been using to ensure her professional and personal life stays distinguished.  

time (13:09) showing on a computer screen, placed on a table filled with office paraphernalia
How to Keep Yourself Busy, but Not Too Busy

Everyday, you’re bombarded with content from others on social media on ways to be productive during the quarantine. The reality is that you don’t have to make the most of a pandemic. Alan provides helpful tips on keeping yourself busy, but not too busy.

a logo of a person thinking while working hard
Summer Volunteer Opportunities for SFU Students During COVID

COVID has made it tougher to find jobs this summer, but there are still some good opportunities to expand your skillset through volunteering – even if you are stuck at home. Whether you are looking for remote opportunities or want to support front line workers, here are some ideas to navigate your search.

girl at home looking out the window
4 Things I Learned Working Remotely During a Pandemic

On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic. With this news came many unprecedented changes to people’s lives, including their jobs. Janani worked remotely during this time, and had to learn, unlearn, and affirm some things about working during a crisis.

two women practicing social distancing
Looking for Summer Work During COVID? Here’s Where to Find Jobs

If your summer job was cancelled, you’re not alone. Students are facing tough summer job prospects due to COVID, but there are opportunities out there. Here are the industries and companies hiring. 

a person sitting on the floor with their laptop screen open
6 Ways to Improve Communication When Working Remotely

Within days, our team of 12 dwindled down as students ended their terms, returned home, and our remaining team switched to working remotely. Although our team specializes in online work, communications are still one of our biggest challenges. Based on the past month of my remote working experience, I am going to share some tips on how to improve communication in teams.

a person climbing up a mountain
How to Get Back on Your Feet When You Lose Your Job During A Pandemic?

Did you happen to lose your job due to COVID-19? Well, you’re not alone. Here are some tips and resources to help you get back on your feet in no time!

the author working from home
Surviving the Shift to Remote Work: A Message from One Co-op Student to Another

Have you stopped commuting to work? No more walks to your favourite local coffee shop? Stuck at home working on your tiny laptop? Maria and her team are figuring out new ways for effective communication your teammates while staying sane. She realized that she's not the only student struggling while undergoing the shift. To learn more about the resources that helped Maria turned her hectic reality a bit more manageable and enjoyable, read on.

Man writing notes on paper at a desk with a macbook on the side
5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Co-op

Thinking about doing a co-op term but not sure how to have a successful experience? Starting a co-op term for the first time can be daunting. Here are a few tips to make the best out of your co-op opportunity. 

a SFU graduate during convocation holding her diploma
Go Fund Your Graduate Degree – A Guide to Five Academic Sources of Funding

The prospect of pursuing a graduate degree can be hampered by the inability to fund such studies. Srijani discusses five strategies that can help you pay for a graduate degree without breaking into your bank account!

A head shot of Julie
Career Guidance For Rookies: A Q & A with a Coop Student

How would you explain co-op to high school students or how would you explain your journey to discover your career path? While a co-op student, Julie was asked to participate as a panelist for high school students visiting Teck Resource Limited.  She shares her experience as a panelist and co-op advocate in this Q & A summary.