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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Have a great story to share?  Pitch it to our editors.

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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graduation ceremony with a focus on an individual
Taking Control of Your Success after Graduation

Wonder what resources are available to help you transition from university to the world of work? Wonder what you can do to prepare for the workforce after you graduate from SFU? Read on to discover the resources and strategies available to prepare you for the transition from ‘Backpack to Briefcase’!

Aboriginal Front Door Society Banner
Volunteer Opportunities in Downtown Eastside

SFU Molecular Biology & Biochemistry student Ryan Danroth volunteers with Aboriginal Front Door Society (AFDS) as Harm Reduction Coordinator. They are currently looking for volunteers at AFDS.

a girl smiling in the office
Take Action & Welcome Opportunities

Applying for a volunteer opportunity, a job, or graduate school, are all forms of taking career-related action. But what if you don’t have enough time to tackle these aspects of your life individually? That’s where the miniBIG Fair 2014 comes in – read more to find about this very useful, one-day event.

Kim looking into a folder
Why You Should Volunteer in Your First Year (Or Start NOW!)

First year is an important time in any university student's development. Kim discusses why she feels it is also a great time to get involved with volunteering!

Austin working
The Co-op Life of a Mechatronics Systems Engineering Student

Curious about what wonders a mechatronics engineer can do? Read about Austin's Co-op journey and find out for yourself! 

Students posing with a mascot
Engagement Can Help You Find A Major...and Vice-Versa!

Kenny takes a look at how engaging with yourself can help you contribute to your community and shares a few tips on how to define your major and your field.

Jeff Lemon's Bolivia Experience

Jeff took Bolivia by storm, working with the Centro Integral de Desarrollo Economico Comunitario (CIDECO), as part of the Bolivian CED Project. Find out more about how his International experience impacted his career journey.

Picture of Marianne
Major Grant Helps Preserve First Nations Languages

Of Canada’s 60 First Nations languages, 30 are found only in B.C.  According to Marianne Ignane, director of SFU’s FNLC, these languages are in a state of decline, which is why she has made it her life’s work to find ways of preserving and teaching these languages.

Snapshot of the workshop
SFU Reaching Out to Aboriginal Youth

SFU instructors and students are engaged in a variety of community activities that are making a difference to Aboriginal children and youth.

Side by side picture of SFU and Jenna walsh
Indigenous Initiatives Librarian: Jenna Walsh

Indigenous Initiatives Librarian Jenna Walsh has been working with Aboriginal communities and SFU students, staff and faculty to determine how best to enhance and develop the library’s services for Aboriginal students.

Portrait of Elizabeth
Getting Familiar with Adobe Creative Suite

Within the first week of my second work term, it became apparent just how much I would be working with Adobe Illustrator. I felt I should be an expert when I was, in fact, still a beginner. How would I rise to the challenge, and become more familiar with the Adobe Suite while on the job?

Kelvin Redvers
Kelvin Redvers; Award-Winning Aboriginal Filmmaker and Television Producer

Kelvin Redvers is a multiple award-winning Aboriginal filmmaker and television producer. Attending Simon Fraser University in Vancouver on full scholarship, Redvers continued film work on both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal topics, continually achieving success at film festivals in Canada and abroad. Read Kelvin's story to learn more about his climb to success.

Women's Centre
Community Within Campus: The SFU Women’s Centre

Erika outlines some of The Women's Centre's projects as well as some past and upcoming events. Check it out to learn more about one of SFU's oldest campus amenities.

a robot facing up to the camera
Beat the Robots

Are you in the middle of looking for summer work? Have you applied for countless jobs online but have not been short listed once? Your misfortune could be caused by ATS ‘robot’ systems. Read on for tips and tricks to fight back against ATS systems. 

Portrait of Kim Hornemann
CRA Student Ambassador Blog

Kim Hornemann shares how a science loving high school student ended up in SFU's French co-hort program and working for the Canada Revenue Agency while still in University.

yellow themed flatlay of scissors, papers, and pencils
All About Resumes: Content & Style Tips

Whether it is one or two pages, everything from content to design of the resume should be in harmony, enabling you to showcase the great skills you have to offer.

4 students talking with each other
How to Shine When Working in a Team

“How in the world will I be able to add value to this team?” This was my initial (and pessimistic) reaction upon hearing that I would be working with 9 other individuals in the Donor Relations & Events team at the VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation.

Image of the Author
P2L Alumni Spotlight: Michael Thorburn

In the first instalment of a new series on Passport to Leadership alumni, Trisha interviews SFU Political Science student Michael Thorburn to find out how the P2L program affected his SFU experience.

A guy sitting by the edge of the water
A Retrospective

I thought it might be fun to revisit some of my favourite articles from the past four-ish years, with a brief excerpt from each. I hope you get as much out of remembering them as I have!

SFU Vancouver library
Seven Reasons You Haven't Landed A Job Yet

You think you’re doing everything you should be, but is there something you’re missing? We collected seven simple reasons why you haven’t landed a job yet.

Sfu graduates sitting beside each other during convocation ceremony
Five Tips From an Almost Graduate

Natalie has shared her experiences as a Co-op student, but now that she's completing her final semester at SFU she takes a look back at her educational journey, and offers five tips for other students.

a group of SFU students looking at a notebook
8 Tips for a New and Improved Resume

Resumes are tough, they’re one of the first things an employer sees from you, and they need to represent your skills and abilities. That’s why we’ve put together eight tips to help you create a resume that presents the best of you and helps you land that coveted job.

aerial view of two people sitting side by side looking at a laptop screen
7 Reasons You Haven’t Landed a Job Yet

Whether you’re looking for your first post-grad job or are in the middle of a Co-op seeking semester, it’s easy to get discouraged when applications go out and responses don’t come in. You think you’re doing everything right, but is there something you’re missing? We have 7 simple reasons why you haven’t landed a job yet.

David waving goodbye
Saying Goodbye At Work: This Time It's Personal

Leaving a position, an organization, and a field - especially one as positive as I've been in these last 4 or 5 years - always inspires mixed emotions. Excited, terrified, iinspired, sad, nostalgic - all are a part of saying goodbye. Here's why.

tsatia smiling
Working with SFPIRG

Tsatia Adzich recently became a board memeber for SFPIRG, the Simon Fraser Public Interest Research Group. She shares how it's opened up a new community for her, and how they relate to her work with Indigenous communities.

Women on the phone while working on her laptop
Don't Attend Office Hours? Here's Why You Should...

Attending office hours makes for a more engaged student. As a final year undergraduate student, Kenny shares why you should attend more of your professors' office hours!

Picture of a volunteer fair
3 Reasons Why You Aren’t Volunteering…And Why It’s Important That You Do

Everybody has a reason for not volunteering, but Emily breaks down a few and shows that they aren't as valid as you would think!

a man talking on his phone
Reestablishing (Old) Relationships

How do you reestablish old relationships you’ve lost touch with? Everyone changes, but the memories we have with people of years past are still there. This is an article on rebuilding broken networks and reconnecting with past personal and professional relationships.

Picture of portfolio
Print and Digital Portfolio Tips for Every Job Seeker

Whether you’re looking at event planning or public relations, a portfolio can be a significant, helpful resource in your job search. Here are some tips on creating and organizing your portfolio, whether in print or digital format. 

Individuals at the Food Bank
Student Profile: Bhavina Patel

Overwhelmed with so many volunteer opportunities, or not sure where to start? You can ALWAYS go local! Check out one student’s initiative to help those close to her through the Surrey Food Bank.

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