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Co-operative Education

Take risks, experience your field, bring your learning back to the classroom.

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Co-op Blogs
From left to right a lamp, laptop, and a stack of books are next to each other on desk
Advice on Adulting Your Co-op Term

Working a new 9-to-5 can come with a pretty steep learning curve, especially if you hold on to your university-student habits. In his article, Gryfin tells us his tips for adjusting to his co-op placement (and adulthood). 

Picture of Emily Lam smiling
Just Trying It, Strength, and Balance: The Biggest Lessons From My 1st Co-op Term

Your first Co-op work term comes with a lot of valuable lessons and take-aways that stick with you throughout your professional career. For Emily, these lessons include just doing it, finding your strengths and striking a work-life balance. Read on to learn more.

Person standing on one foot on rock, in front of sunset
Finding Balance: My Experience as a Co-op and Varsity Athlete

Does working 40 hours a week seem tiring? Try adding 15 to 18 hours of strenuous running, weightlifting, stretching and physiotherapy. Carlos takes you through his journey as a varsity track athlete while completing an eight-month co-op with Streamline Athletes.

Woman talking on the phone, with laptop in her lap
Over-Communication is Just Communication!

Communication skills are more than spelling and grammar structure. As per Alyanna's supervisor, "Communication is a strategy action to receive what you expect to accomplish.” Read on to learn more about how she develops a different perspective of what communication is about from her co-op experience.

Two men in suits and ties sitting down, shaking hands
The Most Important Trait to Get You Hired

Robert's boss shared a key lesson with him about an essential trait that can get one hired. What is that trait and how can you develop it? Read on to learn more from Robert.

Large computer monitor with silver microphone to the right
How I Brought My Office to My Home

It was confusing figuring out how to work from home on a short notice back in March 2020. Since then, Terry has been learning and reflecting on what really makes a home office productive and what is needed to keep it a friendly and productive environment. Read on to learn more about his insights.

Person typing on Macbook keyboard
Finding Light at the End of the Co-op Tunnel: Failures and Expectations in the 2020 Pandemic

Finding a co-op placement can be quite stressful, but if you stick with it you might just find your dream position. Read John’s article on persevering through a difficult job search and making the most of a co-op placement.

Woman sitting on cliff, looking out at view of mountains and body of water
Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude: How I Found Value in All of My Internships

How you carry yourself in your working environment will determine your growth, achievements, and what kind of work environment you engage in. Read more about how Tiffany realized what she has made out of her experience is what ultimately defined her workplace.

Man sitting at desk, with hands behind head
What Has Worked So Far With Remote Working

Remote working is no longer only the future of working but a current-day reality. Matthew provides three of his tips and tricks that have worked for him when working remotely with Student Recruitment and Admissions at SFU.

Older couple sitting on bench, looking out at mountain and ocean views
Planning Death in the Era of COVID-19

Like any other person, we have all thought about death at least once in our lives. Join Paneet in this honest conversation about end-of-life issues and what to do when such a tragic but inevitable discussion arises amongst loved ones. In this article, Paneet provides helpful advice and carefully selected resources to ease in to the conversation and to help prepare for the unpredictability of life.

Picture of Vanessa Clarke
Working with Weebly One Day and WordPress the Next

Things move fast in a Co-op. One day you could be working with your favorite application, completely comfortable, and the next, you'll be tasked with learning an entirely new application. This is what happened to Vanessa in her Co-op, and here's how her first placement went, as well as her favorite things about both Wordpress and Weebly - two applications you may also find yourself using in a Communication Co-op.

Gabriel's Team
Four Leadership Lessons That Are Critical to Your Co-op Success

Follow Gabriel on a journey of self-reflection as he shares with us some of the lessons he's learnt while on a Co-op term at Tranction on Demand.

Picture of res team
Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting my Marketing Communication Co-op

In this article, James details a few things he wishes he knew when he was starting out in his Marketing Communication Co-op placement. Read more to find out what James' top tips for rocking a co-op as a first-timer are. 

Working from home with a MacBook Pro laptop
How to Make the Most of a Remote Internship

Having trouble figuring out how to stay engaged at work from the comfort of your own home? Tiffany shares some ways she’s become more proactive with her learning despite working from home, and how she’s gotten more involved at IBM during her remote internship experience.

Lampa’s first time wearing her uniform after receiving it in the mail. A proud moment.
Lessons from My First Work Term in the Civil Service; During a Global Pandemic

Thinking about working remotely for your next co-op term? Political Science student, Maja Lampa describes her experience adapting to remote work during her first season with the Federal Government and how she found meaningful work in uncertain times.

Jenny Lian
Finding Your Fit Among Thousands in an Organization

Working for a large, well-known organization can be both exciting and intimidating. It can raise questions about how you can stand out and forge a unique path, while fitting into the work culture. Jenny shares her top three insights during her work term at RBC as a Business Analyst on their Strategic Initiatives and Change Management.

Laptop, plant, and notebook on a desk in front of a window
Looking for the Silver Linings While Working During the Pandemic

Being able to keep an optimistic outlook was the key skill Sandy discovered that would help her weather the changes the pandemic brought earlier this year. As a research assistant promoting physical activity and social connectedness among seniors in BC, she had to figure out how to switch tracks quickly and easily without loosing sight of her team's objectives. Read on to learn how she found the silver linings to her new remote working situation.

Oscar smiling at the camera next to his dog
Alumni Spotlight: Oscar Wong

After applying to 50 jobs and going out to 12 interviews, Oscar Wong wasn’t sure he was going to land his first Co-op. Finally, on the last day of the semester, Oscar was hired for a digital marketing role and he has never looked back. Now, as a Communication alumnus working as an Internal Communications and Design Specialist at Electronic Arts, Oscar is happy to share more on how he navigated from Co-op to career. 

Someone sitting on the floor by the window, typing on a laptop, with notebooks and coffee next to them
Four Things No One Will Tell You in a Co-op Term

Heading into your first co-op without a clue of what to expect? Read about some the the lessons Katheryna learned through her own co-op experience. 

Taylor Playing Softball
An Interview with Taylor Gillis, a Varsity Co-op Alumna

It's no easy feat being able to stand out from the crowd when job-seeking after graduating. For Taylor, her unique SFU background comes from her combined SFU Athlete and Co-op work experience. Read on to learn more about why she recommends fellow athletes to join the Co-op program.

Graduates throwing their caps into the air
WildBrain Co-op Award Kick-Starts 30 SFU Student Careers
Naomi Chao never thought it would be possible to intern at tech giants Microsoft, Adobe and SAP before she even graduated. Read on and find out how her co-op experience at Spexi Geospatial helped pave the way to her dream job.
Pink and white clouds against a blue sky
(Baby) Stepping Into the Real World: How to Implement Overused Clichés into Your Plan to Kill it on a Work Term

"Okay, so you land a Co-op position after sending out what feels like millions of resumes and sweating through multiple carefully curated interview outfits. The hard part is over! Or is it?" Read Emily's piece on how accurate clichés can be, and how to use them to your advantage when entering the workforce.

Headshot of Yuchen Ni standing in front of a parking lot surrounded by trees
A Guide to Becoming Successful in the Accounting Field

A year ago, Yuchen was a full-time student without any work experience. After a long time, she landed my first Co-op position. Here are Yuchen's 5 tips for transitioning from being a student to working in the field as an accountant.

Landscape image of SFU Burnaby Campus and the Academic Quadrangle
What is It Like to Work at Your Own School?

A lot of Oliver's friends and classmates would talk about wanting to travel away and work in new and novel places. Oliver didn't feel the same way. In this blog post, he shares his reasoning for staying at SFU and why he always wanted to work where he studied.

Christina and her coworkers enjoying a company lunch around a communal table
Breaking Through Preconceived Assumptions

Deciding which Co-op opportunity to select can be challenging when there’s so many possibilities with different industries. Christina shares what it's like to work in an unexpecting industry and how she learned to pick up new experiences while learning on the job and integrating herself within the workplace.  

Image of Sarah Kim standing in front of a mural
Practicing Resilience During the Pandemic

Sarah, the only design and marketing coordinator at her workplace, found herself in a tough spot when she had to shift to working from home. Here's what she learned on her journey to becoming resilient and adaptable while transitioning. 

A microphone sits on a table between two women having a conversation
What to Expect while Seeking your First Co-op: An Interview with 3 Co-op Students

Saraan interviews Co-op students, So Hyun Park, Roop Gill, and Haoyang Zhang about what it was like applying and seeking for their first co-op work term. They share the challenges they faced during their seeking semesters and their advice for other fellow students who are pursuing their first co-ops. 

a person on their laptop
The Art of Managing Multiple Roles in One Co-op Term

The field of communications is very broad, and as a result, you may be asked to manage multiple roles in your Co-op position. In this article Abhinav will take you through the lessons he has learned and his greatest tips for managing a multifaceted position.

Woman typing on a laptop with a notebook and phone next to her on a table
Adapting in Times of Uncertainty – The Secret to Controlling the Things We Can’t Control

Holly thought she knew what was in store for her as she started her second semester work term with the First Nations Health Authority. What she wasn't quite expecting was the abrupt shift to remote working halfway through. Check out Holly's secret tip she discovered about controlling unsteady circumstances. 

Yin Teng Ho and her coworkers posing for a team photo
A Day in My Life Working from Home

Yin Teng Ho shares what a typical day in the life looks like as a coop student working in the Information Technical Solutions department at home. She gives a brief overview of what her day looks like now since starting remote working, some of the challenges she personally faced, and how she is dealing with them.

From Dishwashing to Project Management – Why I Did Five Co-op Work Terms

In his first job, Graham worked as a dishwasher. Now, he just completed his fifth co-op work term as a Project Coordinator for Translation at SAP. Graham describes what his co-op journey has been and what he's learned along the way.

desk with laptop and cup
Tips on Surviving Your Co-op Work Term

Embarking on 8 month work term with Fraser Health, Karman came across valuable life lessons from working as a HR Representative. Read on to learn more about what you should keep in mind when settling into your new workplace environment.

Rochelle presenting at the podium with a huge projector screen behind her
The Journey to Establishing a Non-Profit Organization with eCoop

Rochelle describes what her journey has been as a startup founder for the non-profit organization, SPARK Foundation. Check out what she has to say about where the origins of the social enterprise came from and where they are headed in the future.

Landscape image of an Indian fort with a road l
"Why Would Ever You Choose to Work in India?”

Despite the warnings and worries of her friends and family, Serena set off on an adventure, accepting a co-op position on the other side of the world, in India, and she has no regrets. Sometimes in order to grow we need to challenge ourselves, and Serena did just that.

The author's headshot
Working in the Corporate World as an International Student

Still not sure if co-op is for you? Chetachi explains why co-op was such a valuable experience for her and what it was like to work in the corporate world during her Economics co-op work term.

Close up of Linh's side profile while she is sitting in a field, looking into a distance
Making The Best Out Of Your Work-From-Home Experience

Going into a co-op term, every co-op student aims to utilize this opportunity to learn and gain real work experience. However, amid the coronavirus pandemic, many businesses’ working schedules have been affected. As a result, co-op students are challenged with the transition to working from home which affects both productivity and personal well-being and consequently the overall work experience. Linh Tran, a business co-op student, shares her experience on how to overcome this challenge.

Rita and her friends standing in front of the Museum
Museums and Archives at the Grassroots

Ever wondered what’s on the other side of a museum? Take a “behind the scenes” look at working in collections and archives through Rita's co-op reflection. She discusses how the field is being transformed through engaging directly with local histories, and what it means for an institution to be run by a community that seeks to tell its own story. 

Dinning area next to open windows with a harp in the back corner of the room; shelves lined against the back wall
How I Survived Working from Home

Do you dread the thought of working from home or feel like sitting at your computer all day has left you with no energy for anything else? Read how Oderah learned how to survive when her home suddenly became her workplace.

Zahid and coworkers standing in front of white board
My Summer at Technical Safety BC

Zahid shares what it takes to work for an government-adjacent organization and how his academic experience as a Masters of Public Policy student helped him out last summer.

Advisor helping student
From Advising in Person to Advising at Home – My First Co-op Work Term

JenJen was not quite expecting to be advising fellow SFU students as a Student Academic Advisor from the comfort of her home as her very first co-op experience. Read on to learn more on how she found her stride in getting used to a new work environment as a new co-op student in unusual circumstances.

the author looking at her laptop in a fashion store
Taking on the Fashion Industry as a Co-op Student

Movies like “The Devil Wears Prada” make the fashion industry seem extremely cool and unreachable for the everyday student to work in, but positions are out there for students to grab up. In this article Haoyang will take us through her experience working in the fashion industry and give her biggest takeaways from working with a high fashion, conceptual brand, Leisure Centre.

Claire and her students
Heat in Catalonia: Lessons from International Co-op

A student desperately wanting to have class outside suggested we put the decision to a vote. An overwhelming amount of hands went up for having class in the sun and I paused to think about how I could adjust my lesson plan without a chalkboard. The students saw my hesitation and said, “but Claire, don’t you believe in our right to have a democracy?”. This was when I knew I would learn a lot more than just how to teach, from my international co-op term in Catalonia.

high rises against the sky
Five Differences Between Non-Profit and For-Profit Communication Work Terms

What does it mean to work at a Non-Profit versus For-Profit company? What setting would you enjoy most? In this article, Quentin will explain the differences between the two in culture, work environment, and expectations, based on his own experience working in varied co-op positions.

Toronto skyline with the CN Tower
New Job, New City, New Adventure

Considering a co-op outside of BC? Jenny shares 4 tips on moving to a new city based on her experience relocating to Ontario’s capital city, the 6ix.

a black cat sitting next to a laptop with the caption that says uhm...excuse me!
Handling an International Co-op during a Pandemic

Two months into your international co-op placement, a global pandemic hits. What do you do? Read Victoria’s article for tips on keeping a cool head in tough circumstances, and how to make the best of a precarious situation.

a girl sitting on top of a mountain staring into the sunset
An Internship to Remember…For All the Wrong Reasons

Like many other students, Joane has worked very hard and landed a co-op position that she had wanted. Unfortunately, the internship is not what it seems. Read more to find out how she navigates the arduous journey ahead. 

a girl saluting in front of a statue
The Role of a Social Media Project Manager

Many of us have heard of a project manager, but few of us know what this role actually entails. In this article, Bethany details what an average day might look like as a project manager, and the many steps it takes to pull a project together.

a dark image of earth with bright spots to represent hotspots
Exiting my Comfort Zone While Entering a Global Business Team

Creating a comfort zone is a healthy adaptation for much of our lives. But so is stepping out of our comfort zone when it's time to transition, grow, and transform. Anna shares her story and reassures that despite the process being difficult at the beginning, it's worthy of gained skills and self-confidence.

a little note that says "Dear Co-op Students"
Reflecting on a New Kind of Uncertainty: a Note of Encouragement to Fellow Co-op Students

"Losing your job in a pandemic is of no individual fault. COVID-19 has been one heck of a less-than-gentle reminder that each and every one of us has a stake in what sort of collective future it is that we shape through and after this difficult time. And that is hopeful." - Read Sicellia’s reflection on the situation with our future and the future of a job market affected by the pandemic.

a portrait of Thuy smiling
Co-op During the Pandemic: Navigating Science and Uncertainty

Read Thuy's story and learn about what you might find yourself doing as a Communication Co-op student working in a STEM organization during the global pandemic.

hand-drawn paper cut hearts strung across the roof of a house
Working for an Essential Service During a Global Pandemic

"When you work at a non-profit, you will notice one extraordinary and unanimous thing; everyone’s heart is in their work. And during a pandemic, when so many of those we serve are in desperate need, this dedication is clearer than ever." -- Communication Co-op student, Juliette Halliday, highlights working for a non-profit organization as it responds in the face of a pandemic. 

A woman working on her laptop while her dog is sleeping next to her
Leave Work Where It Belongs

It's hard finding a balance between work and life in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Like many others, Eleanor experienced a shift in her routine, from maintaining a work-life balance to that of an unstructured mess.  However, she also knows it's important to take care of your mental health, especially during this time. Read more to find out some tips Eleanor has been using to ensure her professional and personal life stays distinguished.  

girl at home looking out the window
4 Things I Learned Working Remotely During a Pandemic

On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic. With this news came many unprecedented changes to people’s lives, including their jobs. Janani worked remotely during this time, and had to learn, unlearn, and affirm some things about working during a crisis.

a person climbing up a mountain
How to Get Back on Your Feet When You Lose Your Job During A Pandemic?

Did you happen to lose your job due to COVID-19? Well, you’re not alone. Here are some tips and resources to help you get back on your feet in no time!

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