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Job Search


These are the stories from those who have been through it all: Co-op, post-graduation life, and internships. Browse through the Job Search topic to learn more about exploring your career options, acing your interviews, and creating stand-out job applications

two women sitting across from each other in conversation
Preparing for Informational Interviews

Natalie continues her Road to Graduation series with tips on how to prepare when a professional finally grants you an informational interview. Follow her tips and make the most of the opportunity.

graduation ceremony with a focus on an individual
Taking Control of Your Success after Graduation

Wonder what resources are available to help you transition from university to the world of work? Wonder what you can do to prepare for the workforce after you graduate from SFU? Read on to discover the resources and strategies available to prepare you for the transition from ‘Backpack to Briefcase’!

a girl smiling in the office
Take Action & Welcome Opportunities

Applying for a volunteer opportunity, a job, or graduate school, are all forms of taking career-related action. But what if you don’t have enough time to tackle these aspects of your life individually? That’s where the miniBIG Fair 2014 comes in – read more to find about this very useful, one-day event.

Kim looking into a folder
Why You Should Volunteer in Your First Year (Or Start NOW!)

First year is an important time in any university student's development. Kim discusses why she feels it is also a great time to get involved with volunteering!

a robot facing up to the camera
Beat the Robots

Are you in the middle of looking for summer work? Have you applied for countless jobs online but have not been short listed once? Your misfortune could be caused by ATS ‘robot’ systems. Read on for tips and tricks to fight back against ATS systems. 

yellow themed flatlay of scissors, papers, and pencils
All About Resumes: Content & Style Tips

Whether it is one or two pages, everything from content to design of the resume should be in harmony, enabling you to showcase the great skills you have to offer.

SFU Vancouver library
Seven Reasons You Haven't Landed A Job Yet

You think you’re doing everything you should be, but is there something you’re missing? We collected seven simple reasons why you haven’t landed a job yet.

a group of SFU students looking at a notebook
8 Tips for a New and Improved Resume

Resumes are tough, they’re one of the first things an employer sees from you, and they need to represent your skills and abilities. That’s why we’ve put together eight tips to help you create a resume that presents the best of you and helps you land that coveted job.

aerial view of two people sitting side by side looking at a laptop screen
7 Reasons You Haven’t Landed a Job Yet

Whether you’re looking for your first post-grad job or are in the middle of a Co-op seeking semester, it’s easy to get discouraged when applications go out and responses don’t come in. You think you’re doing everything right, but is there something you’re missing? We have 7 simple reasons why you haven’t landed a job yet.

Picture of portfolio
Print and Digital Portfolio Tips for Every Job Seeker

Whether you’re looking at event planning or public relations, a portfolio can be a significant, helpful resource in your job search. Here are some tips on creating and organizing your portfolio, whether in print or digital format. 

Mike smiling
Captain Michael F. Harris

“Our Native Bows and Arrows today, are now Education, being clean of Alcohol and Drugs, Respect for Self and all Creator gives us, Non-Racist attitudes, Good hard work in attitude and job at hand, Love and Caring for Mother Earth and all Beings, through God Our Creator. Aho." - Michael F. Harris

Office at Microsoft
Career Change: Try Something New!

How can you get into a different industry than what you studied? Emy Sun studied electronics and later got a job at Microsoft as a software engineer. Find how how she made the transition and what it took to make it happen.

Portrait of Dorcas Yeung
Why Working for SFU Was My Best Decision

My impression of co-op was that it was supposed to be a way in which to explore the challenging world outside of school; consequently, working at my school felt comfortable, and limited. At this point, after a rewarding four months, it is impossible for me to think of my experience as limited.

Jodie smiling
Jodie-Lynn Waddilove: Indigenous Journey Story

Maclean's Magazine named Jodie-Lynn as "One of Canada’s Top 100 Under 30 to watch in the new millennium.” Her career as a lawyer has been nothing but inspirational.

a woman volunteering
Five Key Advantages of Working in the Non-Profit Sector

Working in the non-profit sector may be associated with myths such as there's no room for upward movement, limited responsibilities, and that there are not many opportunities available. However, there are a significant number of advantages related to working in non-profit organizations.

Stephanie talking to a reporter
Your Portfolio, Your Story

Stephanie Wiriahardja started building her portfolio in 2009, before she applied for her first SFU Co-op semester. 5 years later, with regular updates, her entire online persona is still paying dividends. Find out Stephanie's keys to branding yourself online.

Picture of hands on guitar strings
At The Bottom End: On Sucking At Your Job

Sticking with something to the point where you develop enough skill to love it isn't easy, especially when considering career choices. So, if you don't feel 100% impassioned by your work right away, that's okay! Here's why.

 Man in Orange Crew-neck Shirt Using Laptop Beside Two People
Anudeep's Life Changing Co-op Experience

Thinking about doing a Co-op semester? Anudeep explains why this is an important experience for all students and tells us what his experience at the SFU Power Lab was like.  

Group of people with balloons in the sky
Accelerating Your Career Through Community Involvement

It may only be the start of the semester, but you’re probably already piled with work. However, there’s no better time to get involved within your community than now, especially with so many volunteer opportunities around with the new year. Find out how being involved can jumpstart your career.

Timothy So at Blackberry in Waterloo, ON
An Arts Student in Tech

Timothy So is an Economics student who worked as a Statistical Methods Analyst at Blackberry. Read on to get a taste of what his position would entail. 

People wearing hard hats
Top 3 Reasons to Join a Student Club or Organization

Want to be closer to your university? Looking to gain valuable experience in your field of study? Want to have valuable connections that will last you a lifetime? Joining a student club or association just could give you the solution you need!

three images of ernie smiling
Indian Ernie: Perspectives on Policing and Leadership FNSA Aboriginal Criminology Series

The FNSA Aboriginal Criminology Series Perspectives on Leadership and Policing is on January 28th at SFU Harbour Centre. Join them to hear from Sgt. Ernie Louttit. After 27 years with the Saskatoon Police Service, he is retiring and publishing his memoirs.

Flow field around an F1 car
Maximising Your Learning Experience

Gursher shares with us his experience working for various fields within engineering. Read about his valuable experience in the co-op program! 

Cat with its eyes closed
Why Does Rejection Hurt So Much?

No matter how well you've prepared for it, rejection hurts on a gut-wrenching , tear-jerking scale. Why does it hurt so much? Perhaps more importantly, how can we deal with it? Dave proposes two conceptualizations of rejection, and some tips for dealing with it to go with each.

Direction post with path as the destinations
You Can Only Plan So Much

What are your plans for the future? Does this question make you cringe? Don't worry: you're not alone. The pressure to have our future plans all figured out can be overwhelming. But the truth is, we don't need to have it all figured out. How can we predict the future when it's always changing?

Toy pulling a sled
Christmas: A Great Time To Accelerate Your Job Search

It's understandable to look forward to a relaxing break during the winter holidays, one that will be devoid of any intellectual effort. However, I encourage you to reconsider: treat this as an excellent time to jump ahead in your job search! Here's the story of how I made the most of my holiday job search.

Portrait of a student
Looking Your Best on LinkedIn

What makes a great LinkedIn profile photo? We use examples from student photos taken during the BIG Fair to illustrate tips on how to look your best in your LinkedIn profile.

a girl drinking coffee during Christmas time
Using the Holiday Spirit Towards Your Career

Have you ever thought of how the holidays can help your career? The hustle and bustle, holiday gatherings, and gift-giving are all aspects that can be applied to expanding your network or even get you a job for the new year.

News article of bc public service
Myths and Tips of What You Can Do In Government

There are many myths that are prevalent about working in government, whether it is at the federal, provincial or municipal level. But do these myths actually hold any truth? Read on to find out more, and to also discover a fantastic event opportunity to network with government representatives from all levels!

two people sitting across from each other with their laptops open
Informational Interview: A Powerful Career Exploration and Networking Tool

Interested in learning more about a particular career path? Hoping to expand your network? Looking to practice for job interviews? An informational interview might just be the thing you need!