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Our team is doing some spring cleaning starting with user accounts. Login using your CAS credentials for instructions. We appreciate your speedy action so we can move onto other new and exciting initiatives over the summer.

Welcome to the



Join the community using your SFU CAS account.

Join the community using your SFU CAS account. Then, complete your registration by clicking on your name located in the top right corner of the page.



Share Your SFU Story 

Have a story to share about your time at SFU? Add your voice to the ever-expanding gallery of community stories on our SFU Stories page! Take about 15 minutes to reflect on your experiences at SFU, including, but not limited to, involvement in clubs, student unions, peer mentorship, and work opportunities. Share your story to educate, inspire, and connect the SFU community. Submissions are welcome year-round, from all years and faculties.

Everyone has a story! What's yours?



Multilingual SFU

SFU students (graduate and undergraduate,) staff and faculty share their multilingual experience and welcome you to multilingual week at SFU. Do you have a multilingual story to share? Add it to the OLC.



Share Your SFU Story 

Have a story to share about your time at SFU? Add your voice to the ever-expanding gallery of community stories on our SFU Stories page! Take about 15 minutes to reflect on your experiences at SFU, including, but not limited to, involvement in clubs, student unions, peer mentorship, and work opportunities. Share your story to educate, inspire, and connect the SFU community. Submissions are welcome year-round, from all years and faculties.

Everyone has a story! What's yours?


Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Image of Priyanka Das
Discover Your True Self: 7 Tips to Develop Unwavering Self-Belief and Authenticity
Digital Resource Assistant

Take chances as you never know what opportunities may arise. Meet Priyanka Das, a Beedie Co-op student who’s working with SFU’s Communication and Marketing department as a Digital Resource Assistant. Learn more about how she landed her current co-op and other opportunities such as the CEOx1Day finalist by being authentic and believing in their abilities.




Join our team

The OLC is looking for volunteers for various positions that have a range of time commitments including content creators, editors, UI/UX developers, and website testers. Positions are open for all students hoping to gain valuable experience in writing, website development and management, task and time management, collaboration, communication, and more. There is no deadline to apply as we recruit year-round!



Chinmayee's Picks

Chinmayee's Picks

OLC has things to help students go pro. Having been part of the OLC's technical team and coming from a tech background myself, I tend to skim through tech-related articles first, diving deeper into the ones that pique my interest. I've compiled a list of my favourite finds from the OLC website, considering them valuable assets for fellow students.

Jared's Picks

Jared's Picks

Working as an editor for the OLC has been such a positive learning experience and has help me connect with so many unique and engaging stories. I would like to share some of my favourite pieces that I had the pleasure of working on. Yes, their grammar and spelling is great and their writing voice is very personal but each of these had something special.

Serena's Picks

Serena's Picks

It's been an amazing four months as a Copy Editor here at the OLC. I've had the chance to work on a variety of content, and it's been quite a journey. The OLC is a unique space where students can explore and contribute to a wide range of topics. Choosing my top picks was tough with so much good stuff, but here are three pieces that really stood out to me.


Hustle Culture

Hustle Culture

When should you stop and take a break? How much work is too much work? In this episode of Diving Into the Everyday, join us as we explore what is hustle culture, looking at its rise in exposure, and why a person may feel this pressure to participate.

Experiencing A New Culture In Mexico

Experiencing A New Culture In Mexico

I learned a lot more about myself – new interests, being more adaptable, future ambitions, etc. It was one of the most unique and remarkable experiences in my lifetime.

7 Ways to Have a Successful Meeting With Your Supervisor or Team

7 Ways to Have a Successful Meeting With Your Supervisor or Team

If you are struggling to facilitate or actively participate in meetings, you are not alone, as many students share the same struggle in school projects, student clubs and the workplace.

person laughing


Job Search in a Pandemic

New episodes of Career Conversations from SFU Career and Volunteer Services are released every Tuesday on the OLC. Tune in see your most burning questions about the world of work, volunteering, and career exploration answered by guests from diverse professional backgrounds and organizations across Canada.

Episode 3 features Kristina Lee, Director of the IT Division at Impact Recruitment. You don't want to miss her expert tips for job searching during the pandemic and how you can best show off your soft skills to employers.

person laughing


Job Search in a Pandemic

New episodes of Career Conversations from SFU Career and Volunteer Services are released every Tuesday on the OLC. Tune in see your most burning questions about the world of work, volunteering, and career exploration answered by guests from diverse professional backgrounds and organizations across Canada.

Episode 3 features Kristina Lee, Director of the IT Division at Impact Recruitment. You don't want to miss her expert tips for job searching during the pandemic and how you can best show off your soft skills to employers.



Activism Burnout: An Interview with Registered Clinical Counsellors

In light of the increased visibility of injustices around the world, taking a stand and contributing to social justice is becoming more prominent in our everyday lives. As you learn and advocate about different injustices, you may experience activism burnout with added stressors such as balancing work, personal life, school, and extracurricular activities. SFU Health Peers interview Counsellors at Health and Counselling Services for advice.



Why You Should Consider Submitting an SFU Story to the OLC

SFU Stories on the OLC are short-form, Instagram-style, narrative stories that help to build a welcoming SFU community. No matter how big or small, every story has something to offer. Share your story today!



I’m Starting a Minor Late Into My Degree... Now What?

One of our OLC team members, Brianna Tsang, shares her experience of deciding her minor in her 3rd year at SFU. "The knowledge and genuine connections made throughout this process has been an amazing experience and opportunity to have."



Social Media Addiction & Screen Fatigue: A Survival Guide for Jobs in Social Media

When it comes to social media and digital marketing positions, it’s easy to be blinded by the positives. After all, many Communication majors are fascinated by digital marketing and algorithms— and if you’re a digital native, creating social media content might already be second nature to you. Whether you manage social media for your organization or create external content, there are a few bonuses to consider.



On the Spot with the OLC

The OLC team is extremely excited to introduce a brand new podcast titled On the Spot with the OLC. Your hosts, Mehtaab and Terae, discuss important topics revolving around community, engagement, education and overall life advice! Within these 12 episodes, your hosts aim to bring a well rounded perspective to a variety of topics as they believe they can provide insightful knowledge about what it's like to be an SFU student. Please make sure to have a listen!

Listen to Episode 1: Creating Community at SFU



Welcome to Studio Bytes! A podcast inspired by the energy of the SIAT Studios and the memories students make in those spaces. This podcast invites Alumni back into the studio and we get to learn about their experiences at SIAT and their lives after. In Episode 2 meet SFU Alumni Marie Cheung who shares her experience at SFU, her life post SFU and her time in Europe

Listen to Episode 2: What is Service Design?

Login to Provide your Feedback!

Did you know that each landing page on the site has a feedback section for logged in users? We use this information to discover and fix issues, consider site improvements and addition of new features. Our tech team is focused on feature improvements this summer, so share your input to direct changes to the OLC.



Our Learning Community

SFU's Our Learning Community has an incredible range of content created by and for the SFU community. This includes diverse and authentic stories, which show a range of inspirational knowledge sharing happening between students, as well as handy tools that help with learning anywhere and everywhere you are.
Discover how you can contribute to our ever-expanding learning community.


Members Joined


Projects Created


Series Compiled



Recognizing that our SFU community members are versatile storytellers, the new OLC has expanded how you can tell your story. Come take a look by exploring into this brand new range of content curated by our editors; this includes Blogs, SFU Stories, Videos, and Podcasts. And remember, no matter where you are in your learning journey at SFU, we want to hear your story! Learn more on how you can contribute to the OLC.



A woman standing with a cardboard box on her head
How to Navigate Student Mindset Traps

When students enter their first or second Co-op work term, there can be a risk of falling into student mindset traps. These are the habits we pick up as students that are detrimental to our professional performance and development. Read on to learn more about how Bowen learned to avoid student mindset traps after four Co-op semesters working for three different companies.

A picture of Aslam sitting in front of a window.
Building Community










There is so much to explore on the new OLC!

So, browse around and have fun with the new learning and storytelling tools. Found something not working?


Recognizing that our SFU community members are versatile storytellers, the new OLC has expanded how you can tell your story. Come take a look by exploring this wider range of content including Blogs, SFU Stories, Videos, Experiential Learning Experiences, and Podcasts. And remember, no matter where you are in your learning journey at SFU, we want to hear your story! Learn more on how you can contribute to the OLC.

Let us know button - hidden


Catch up on the latest and freshest content from the SFU OLC. You're bound to find a fresh new perspective, the most current advice, and recently published stories that are sure to inspire you.



a girl sitting by the window working on her laptop
Disconnected: Working Remotely from Vietnam

Due to the unprecedented situation surrounding COVID-19, many students are struggling to adapt to their new work environment. Thuy An continues her story of how COVID-19 has impacted her life, and how she adapted to working remotely in another country. Read on to find out more about Thuy An’s remote work journey.  

the author's portrait
How the Pandemic Turned my Life Upside Down: One Co-op Student’s Story

The impact of the coronavirus has been felt by everyone across the country but how has the experience been for coop students? Thuy An shares her story on how through proactive thinking from loved ones and support from coop coordinators and supervisors, she was able to book a flight home to join her family while making the necessary arrangement to work remotely.

the author working from home
Surviving the Shift to Remote Work: A Message from One Co-op Student to Another

Have you stopped commuting to work? No more walks to your favourite local coffee shop? Stuck at home working on your tiny laptop? Maria and her team are figuring out new ways for effective communication your teammates while staying sane. She realized that she's not the only student struggling while undergoing the shift. To learn more about the resources that helped Maria turned her hectic reality a bit more manageable and enjoyable, read on.

a quiet street in Toronto
Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: Working Remotely in a New Job in a New City During COVID-19

After two short months since April first started her co-op position in Toronto, the pandemic hits. She would choose to make the same decision of moving out of town for her co-op term even if she was given a second chance. Read more to find how she transitions to remote working, and what lessons she gains through her experience working from home. 

work station with a guitar and hat stand next to it, pictures hung up on the wall
My Co-op Experience During an Ongoing Pandemic

This was Ethan's second co-op semester and it started off similar to their first. Little did they know, this work term would be completely different. Having already had experience in an office environment, things went smoothly as Ethan picked up their work tasks in stride. However, the first couple of months on the job flew by compared to what was yet to come. Read on to find out more! 

Man writing notes on paper at a desk with a macbook on the side
5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Co-op

Thinking about doing a co-op term but not sure how to have a successful experience? Starting a co-op term for the first time can be daunting. Here are a few tips to make the best out of your co-op opportunity. 

Elvina headshot
Your Health Matters In The Workplace

Mental health is integral to your growth in the workplace; which Elvina expands upon in her unique and enlightening experience as a Marketing & Outreach Assistant with SFU Health & Counselling Service. Read on to find out how it is important to look after your well-being while being motivated and productive in your workplace.

A head shot of Julie
Career Guidance For Rookies: A Q & A with a Coop Student

How would you explain co-op to high school students or how would you explain your journey to discover your career path? While a co-op student, Julie was asked to participate as a panelist for high school students visiting Teck Resource Limited.  She shares her experience as a panelist and co-op advocate in this Q & A summary. 

the author doing yoga against the ocean background
How to “Buckle up your Elbows” and Thrive at your Co-op: Tips from an Israeli in her First Co-op

"There's a phrase in Israel, "buckle up your elbows" which means that it's time to hustle. This is exactly what brought me to the place where I'm writing to you right now." -- read Kim's story and learn how you can achieve anything with enough courage and motivation.

Josh and his colleagues
Imposter Syndrome and the Benefits of a 16-Month Internship at IBM

"So how do you overcome that voice inside your head, telling you that you’re not good enough and that it’s only a matter of time before someone finds out you’re a fake?". Read Josh's story to learn how he overcame the imposter syndrome during his internship as a designer for IBM. 

A picture of Olivia Chan
How My Student Club Involvement Scored Me My First Co-op- Recruiter Perspective

Joining a student club is an excellent way to develop transferable skills! Olivia shares how her campus involvement not only helped with skill development and securing a co-op position, it eased the transition and helped differentiate Olivia from her peers. In her own words: "If you want to be one step closer to finding your dream co-op, I suggest starting with community involvement!"

Sharan and his team dressing up for Halloween at the office
A Step in the Right Direction: How I Thrived in a Data-Driven Marketing Culture

"I walked in excited (and of course, nervous) for the first day of my co-op term at Allocadia. Fast forward to eight months later, I can say, with every inch of confidence in my body, that I have never felt more accomplished, more confident, and more resourceful". Read Sharan's story to see how he developed his career in a data-driven marketing industry. 

Daniel and his coworker in the clinic
Take Initiative & Leave Your Mark: Insight into Working in a Multidisciplinary Medical Clinic

Make an impact by breaking ground with new ideas and spearheading new proposals. Taking Initiative can have a long-lasting impact on one’s career. Read about how I jumped out of my comfort zone and directed the start of the Active Rehabilitation program in a multidisciplinary medical clinic.

Woman sitting in front of laptop
How To Work With Developers (For Designers)

Worried about succeeding in the workplace as a designer and developer? Especially an intense and speedy one? Read on to discover Macguire tips has picked up while working at Visier, an analytics platform.  

Marina in a conference room with her colleagues
How to Manage Multiple Projects During Your Co-op

While many skills transfer from the academic to the work world, last-minute submissions and all-nighters simply won’t cut it at top-notch companies. Marina condenses all her experience in her co-op assignments with some valuable tips on efficient project management.

Jessica smiling against an outdoor backdrop
Changing Seasons

"In the workplace, change is often chosen for us." Read on as Jessica shows how a change in workplace personnel can have a big effect on you personally as well as professionally.

a black and white photo of the back of a graduate wearing a cap and gown
To Graduate or Not to Graduate?

What happens when you are six courses away from graduation but unsure of what to do after? Aleisha reflects on her rationale for extending her degree to do some soul searching and professional development before embarking on her next big adventure, post grad life.

the author smiling against a blurry office background
Think You Know Where You Want To Work? Think Again.

Convinced that you need to work at a large company for the ultimate experience?  Think again! Darren emphasizes why choosing a small or  mid-sized firm will add more variety and substance to your co-op experience.

Nikita and her mentor posing for a picture together
What I Didn’t Learn in Design School

Accepting a co-op internship, especially internationally, can be tough but once you earn the opportunity it can be a wonderful learning experience. Nikita was accepted for a UX design internship in Amsterdam and faced some unforeseeable challenges. Read on to find out some of the key lessons that Nikita took away from her experience.

Paull standing beside the Google headquarters sign
My Long Journey Through Computing Science

Paul takes us on his journey as a Software Systems student and how a field trip helped to inspire him to greater heights eventually, helping him to land his dream job. His journey highlights the importance of taking advantage of every opportunity given to us as students.

the author portrait
Do, Learn, and Grow: Valuable Lessons from Company Values

"Learn. As students, we hear this word a lot in school, but what does that really mean in the working environment?" Read on as Travia delves into her personal experience of growth in the workplace.

Gloria Lai looking at the mountain view in Hong Kong
Table for One Please!: Solo Travelling Abroad

Have you ever considered travelling alone? Does it make your nervous? Well, you are not alone. There are many benefits to travelling alone and what better way to experience another country and culture than through a short-term International Co-op term? Read on to learn some tips & tricks when travelling alone.

a neon glowing building
Cultural Competence and Working Abroad

Have you landed an International Co-op work-term and begun preparing for your semester abroad? Surely, you have done your research and are aware of the cultural differences and nuances between where you are going, and your home country? If you haven’t, have no fear! This article is meant to help you understand the basic tips and tricks to adjust to the cultural differences in your new workplace, making your transition much easier.

meeting with a small group of people
International Co-op: Is Not-For-Profit The Right Fit For You?

Are you looking for an International Co-op with a not-for-profit organization? Are you torn between finding a job you like and something that pays well? Are you wondering whether you will be able to gain valuable skills and knowledge from working for a not-for-profit? Continue reading this article for more information about how to look for International co-op opportunities with not-for-profits, funding scares, and takeaways.

Mik Ho photo is one of the photo spots in Korea
Real Talk: Is an International Co-op Worth It?

You have seen the emails, read the posters, heard the presentations. The question remains, is International Co-op worth it? Is it worth the planning, cost, and time off-school? Well, you will have to continue reading to find out.

Troy's office with the blog title overlayed
A Glimpse Into The Privy Council Office | Part One

In this first part of the series, Troy Liu sits down with the senior policy asdivsor at the Privy Council Office (PCO) to gain insight on the challenges of the role. Read on to see what adivce the senior policy advisor gives on professional development, and work-life balance.

A Glimpse into the Privy Council OFFICE
A Glimpse into the Privy Council Office | Part Two

In part two of this series, Troy Liu gets the chance to attend a meet and greet with the Clerk of the Privy Council and the opportunity to participate in a Q&A session. Read on to learn what the Clerk had to say on the importance of prioritizing, good judgement, stiving for excellence, and professionallism. 

a different perspective of buildings in a metropolitan area
Finance Co-op – Tips for Succeeding in the Workplace

Working in a professional finance position can be challenging as it involves precise budgeting and planning, dealing with multiple projects simultaneously, and making big decisions. Read to learn Ricky's top tips on how to overcome such obstacles and succeed in the workplace. 

An image of the author on a balcony overlooking Spain
My Journey to Understanding the Importance of Intercultural Communication

"I realized that as time went on, I was having difficulties connecting and adapting to this new culture I believe this sprouted from the strong language barrier and my inability to communicate with most of my co-workers". Read Aileen's story about how she overcame culture clashing and engage in intercultural communication. 

An image of author doing a mic check for an interview with Stemcell Technology
Take a Chance: The Co-op Edition

In my first semester, I had no idea what type of co-op position I was looking for. This was somewhat stressful, but what helped was keeping an open mind to a range of positions, and taking a chance!

Hand holding a cup of latte while pouring cream in to create a leaf like design
The Importance Of Coffee Breaks: Friends, Coffee, Fun. All While Working In An Enterprise.

Coffee breaks provide an opportunity to take your eye away from the screen, gather your thoughts, and the chance to network with colleagues. For a project to be successful, it is vital to be able to work well with others while managing your own workload. Terry explains how coffee breaks can help you build relationships and bonds with colleagues!


Natalia and her coworkers taking a group photo together
How Co-op Helped Me Engage With the Community

Looking to succeed in Co-op while making the most of your experience? Natalia shares the best lessons she has gained her during co-op experience, and explains how to stay on top of your tasks while still enjoying the experience and having fun!

image of waterfront downtown vancouver
5 Ways to Avoid the Mid-Day Crash

"It's two hours past lunchtime, and you're starting to feel it - you slowly start to doze off." — Read 5 tips from Bessie that will help you to avoid the mid-day crush.