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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Have a great story to share?  Pitch it to our editors.

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Helen shaking hands with another person
Find Out About Informational Interviews

There was a time when I didn’t know what informational interviews were. Little did I know that I could contact people who had positions that sounded interesting and ask about what they did! Can you imagine how shocked I was when I found out, I wondered why would anyone want to help me?

Two people in the bus smiling to the camera
My Co-op Work Term in Gaborone | Part One | Dumela (Hello) Botswana

Health Sciences Co-op student Kaleigh Banister is spending the spring semester in Gabarone on a Co-op work term with the Cancer Association of Botswana. In Part 1 of her series, Kaleigh arrives in Gabarone and begins to adjust to life in the slow lane.

picture of the theatre district in new york with lots of advertisements
Communication: So You Love Advertising, But Don’t Know How to Get in the Door

With a love for marketing and advertising, Communication student Lilian Sue discovers how to break into the industry and finds great online resources to improve one's creativity skills during her search.

A man sitting at the surrey campus
My Boss Hates Me and I Can’t Do Anything Right: Common Thinking Traps and How to Avoid Them

SFU Health and Counselling Services offers suggestions on how to adopt a more balanced way of dealing with potentially negative situations to help avoid stress, anger and other negative feelings or reactions.

Amy met with this year’s participants from the University of Glasgow, Strathclyde University, Glasgow Caledonian University, Columbia University, SFU, Waterloo, Warsaw University, and Hong Kong University
All About Edge: What Interested Students Need to Know

In mid-June, WIL International Coordinator Amy Lee went to Scotland to help facilitate the opening phase of the Encouraging Dynamic Global Entrepreneurs (EDGE) Program, and offers some advice for students thinking about applying in the future.

a laptop screen showcasing a portfolio
Creating An E-portfolio: What Not To Do

It could be the difference between getting the job and getting overlooked – so before sending your e-portfolio off to an employer check through this list to make sure you know ‘what not to do’ when creating an e-portfolio.

Open knowledge
Academia vs. Students – Disconnected

Something is very wrong.Maybe it’s just the “what does it all mean?” question that I find myself asking from time to time, without being able to come up with a satisfactory answer. Maybe it’s the existentialist in me coming out since I started reading R.D. Laing’s The Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise.

picture of rwandan children in their school uniforms
Volunteer Profile: Emmanuel Krebs

While many entered the WIL photo contest, only one emerged victorious in the category of Community Engagement. We chatted with Emmanuel Krebs about his photo “Recess”, taken while volunteering abroad in Rwanda.

Minding the Gaps While Working Abroad

'Please mind the gap'. To those who have visited England's transportation system these words of caution are heard throughout the day. But for Co-op alumnus Jeanette LeBlanc, the words took on new meaning while working in London during her year-long adventure.

person sitting beside a gold lamp, writing something down in their journal
What Learning Objectives Can Do For You

A successful Co-op work term can involve many factors, one of which is developing and working towards meeting your learning objectives. Developing a learning objective helps you to think about what you want to accomplish during your upcoming work term and begin developing a plan for how you’ll achieve success.

a flatlay of a work station featuring an ipad
How to Make a Successful E-Portfolio

A student’s e-portfolio is a chance to wow employers by showcasing their creative and detailed work. To do this, there are specific elements that can make the difference between getting the right kind of attention and getting overlooked.

Photo of 8 men stacked in triangular pyramid formation, standing on each others shoulders
Team Work Works: The Story Behind the Photo

Karan Durairajan may be new to SFU, but that didn’t stop him from entering the 2008 WIL Photo Contest under the brand new entry category, Community Engagement. Read the story behind the photo.

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Twitter Vs. Carrier-Pigeon

We are now the post modernists. We are slowly moving away from the target population of advertisements into the strange and illustrious world of being grown-ups, having jobs, and being self sufficient.  We are also unfortunate enough to be the “in-between” generation in terms of technology.  Our parents, while inferior in email technology, excel at verbal communication.

picture of a bunch of hand-painted bowls
International Studies: Experiences Abroad Set Students Apart

International Studies (IS) is a fairly new faculty at SFU. How can students in IS market their unique perspectives and skill set to potential employers? Read on for advice from Jan Bérubé, Manager of Academic & Administrative Services for the School for International Studies, and for some upcoming events with international-focused employers.

Matt and his friends in India
From Foreigner to Family: My Co-op Term in India

Matt learned the true meaning of an international experience while working in India with SAP Business Objects. The OLC sat down with Matt upon his return to discover how he went from being an unknown foreigner to part of India's big family during his short stay there.

a bird's eye view shot of a work space between two people facing each other
Informational Interviews

Informational interviews are a great way for you to get an inside look into the day to day functions of a career path you want to pursue and help you to focus your self-directed work search.

a group of people mingling and clinking glasses during an office party
Start Building Your Network

The second article in the “Self-Directed” series explores ways to be resourceful about your job search and begin building your professional network.

Student wearing a headset and sunglasses
Co-op Student Helps to Fight BC Wildfires

Co-op student Isabelle Jacques is spending the summer working as a Fire Information Officer for the Provincial Wildfire Management Branch in Victoria. As a first point of contact for media inquiries, Isabelle has had a busy few days working to inform the public and her colleagues internally on the changing situation with the latest wildfires throughout the province.

a portrait image of a woman smiling and looking into a distance
Self Discovery

In the changing labour market there are increased opportunities for seeking your own Co-op placement through a Self-Directed Work Search. In this 3 steps blog series by our career advisor Heather Williams, learn about how to successfully conduct self-directed work search from self-discovering to landing an informational interview.

grey paper bag spilling peanuts with the words "pay packet" written on it
Salary and Benefits: What you Need to Know

Calling all job seekers. If salary and benefits are important to you, learn the art of negotiation while discovering what compensation packages include and what to ask when the time comes to negotiate for them.

a business card
Your Business Card: The Ultimate Networking Tool

You have successfully defined yourself with a killer branding scheme for your personal marketing pieces and even created a business card to complete the package. With the right situation and a little know-how, your card has the potential to be the ultimate networking tool.

Picture of Katelyn smiling
SFU Home to Canada’s Top Co-op Student

SFU Biology and Biochemistry Co-op student Katelyn Mueller was awarded the 2008 National Co-op Student of the Year award from the Canadian Association for Co-operative Education during National Co-op Week, March 23rd - 27th, 2009.

What Can You Do with a Degree in History

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘historian’? Do you instinctively imagine an elderly man? This outdated imagery was sent out the window during a panel of (young) history professionals as they shared what you could do with a degree in History.

Kaleigh sitting on a cliff staring out to the wilderness
My Co-op Work Term in Gaborone | Part Two

In Part 2 of her series, Health Sciences Co-op student Kaleigh Banister gets into the local Gabarone culture and takes a bit of time to explore the natural wonders she’s surrounded by.

two women talking to each other
How to Ask, Pick and Prepare your References

If you’re looking for a new job, applying to a graduate school or another program, chances are that you are going to need references to go along with your application, resume, and cover letter. You’ll learn how to ask people to be references, how to pick from your reference list and finally, how to guide your references once you’ve selected them.

A student
3 Reasons for Students to be Optimistic

I’d be lying to you if I said that there wasn’t a lot of talk out there about some pretty negative stuff related to the job market for students these days.  And, there’s probably good reason to be concerned: BC’s unemployment rate is currently a shameful 7.5% (higher in the interior), which is notably higher than the average unemployment rate of 6.0% for BC over the previous 10 years.

animated man being pulled down a hill an @ sign, underneath the words "take control of your reputation"
Enhancing Your Online Reputation

Your resume and cover letter impressed them… Your interview dazzled them… and you’re confident that your references will sing your praises. But, what else could factor into an employer’s assessment of you as a potential employee?

Old magazine that reads, "Cool! English"
Doing Your English Degree? Be Ready fro Unexpected Career Opportunities

What can you do with an English degree? The wide range of opportunities may surprise you. Arts & Social Sciences Co-op staff and English Undergraduate Advisor offer tips on pursuing a career with a degree in English.

International Spotlight: California

Sunny California is not only one of the favorite tourist destinations but also a state with a variety of opportunities.

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Are Facebook Quizzes Undermining Real Assessment Tools?

You’ve just decided to take a break from those pesky readings for your class tomorrow morning.  Being the internet-savvy, Gen-Y, uber-connected student you are, you decide to log in to Facebook to see what your friends have been up to. And you see it, in all it’s unholiness:

Missing view, block "webform"