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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Have a great story to share?  Pitch it to our editors.

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Stressed Student
Defogging the Future: 10 Anxiety-Lowering and Empowering Resources for the “Lost” Student

Almost all of us have experienced those all-encompassing feelings of fear, dread, and confusion that so often go hand-in-hand with moving through life and figuring out what it is you want to do. Thankfully, there are ways to prevent anxiety from taking control. Check out this list of on-campus and online resources to find something that works for you!

Image of the Author
A Date With Myself: How I’m Surviving Burnout

Striking a balance between work and life is a difficult task for anyone regardless of their profession. Katerina explains how her desire to work overtook her personal life and she has some tips for making sure burn out doesn’t creep up on you.


Image of the Author during the Internship
It’s Part of My DNA: An Interview with Amber Funk Barton

An interview with the artistic director of a contemporary dance company. Brittany speaks to Amber about her upcoming solo work, past work and background in dance, thoughts on opportunities for emerging dancers, and more!  

A painted image of a person trying to rope in both the brain (on right) and the heart (on left). As a result the person is splitting from the middle.
The Path and Pursuit of Passion

We’re at a stage in our lives where internal conflict feels like it’s just another part of becoming an adult. None of these conflicts are, perhaps, greater than the life-altering crossroads of whether or not to follow your passion. This is what choosing the path of passion looked like for me.

Scott Beaupré smiling portait
The Unconventional Job Hunt: Creating Your Own Co-op Opportunities

In five years at SFU, engineering physics undergrad Scott Beaupré landed three co-op job positions and four research projects without ever dropping off a résumé. Find out how! 

Toronto Landscape
My Transition to Toronto: A Guide for Students Going Away for Co-op

Planning upfront saves you from last minute hustles. This article will prepare you for co-op in a city outside Vancouver where new opportunities and variable threats are waiting.

Dancing Practice
Reflecting on My Internship & Interviewing a Professional Dancer

Interning with a contemporary dance company was one of the best choices I made in my degree. After participating in a performance/installation, I met with one of the professional dancers in the production to talk career, personal strategies, and the ins and outs of the dance community in Vancouver.

Tired Student
The Vicious Cycle of the Contemporary College Student

You may be stuck in a cycle familiar to many university students. Learn to recognize the signs of this cycle, and make 2017 the year you finally do that thing you said you would. It’s a new year, why not try something new?

Comic Guide: 5 Tips to Survive your First Week of University Banner
Comic Guide: 5 Tips to Survive Your First Week of University

New experiences can be scary. The transition from high school to university can be tough, especially when you go from a class of 30 to a class of 200. In this comic strip blog post, Linnea offers her top five tips for kicking first day jitters to the curb. 

Man holding lantern in darkness
The Semester Survival Guide: Six Tips and Tricks to Keep You on Track!

Another new year means another new semester! From buying an old fashioned agenda to letting your employer know your schedule, keep yourself on track with our semester survival guide.

A surfer on the beach near Tofino
Fishing for Experience

Spend your summer in one of the most vibrant and popular tourist destinations in BC! Make a difference in the operation and performance of a small company, and grow your entrepreneurial skillset in a meaningful way by working for WardoWest in Tofino. 

Ottawa during sunset
How to Capitalize on the Capital: My Insight into Ottawa

Moving to Ottawa enabled Melissa to grow in new ways, make lasting memories and provide insight into their career and life goals. This article provides steps to make your experience in Ottawa meaningful and will (hopefully) inspire you to make the move. 

Both authors standing in a booth showcasing their research with posters of super seniors in comic form, around them.
An Essential Guide to Healthy Aging | Part Two

Want to know the secrets of living a long, healthy life? Find out what makes someone a Super Senior in Part 2 of Monique and Olivia’s co-op story as they share what was learned from these amazing individuals and their Essential Guide to Healthy Living, so you too may become a Super Senior!

Both authors standing in a booth showcasing their research with posters of super seniors in comic form, around them.
An Essential Guide to Healthy Aging | Part Two

Want to know the secrets of living a long, healthy life? Find out what makes someone a Super Senior in Part 2 of Monique and Olivia’s co-op story as they share what was learned from these amazing individuals and their Essential Guide to Healthy Living, so you too may become a Super Senior!

Close up image of the Cancer Research Centre
An Essential Guide to Healthy Aging | Part One

Read Olivia and Monique's experience in conducting a Healthy Aging Study with Genome Sciences Centre (GSC).



Close up image of the Cancer Research Centre
An Essential Guide to Healthy Aging | Part One

Read Olivia and Monique's experience in conducting a Healthy Aging Study with Genome Sciences Centre (GSC).



Image of the Author
The Introvert’s Struggle: Conveying Your Ideas

You have ideas to share, but you can’t bring yourself to interject. Sound familiar? It might be a confidence issue, fear of being wrong, or an unwillingness to seem impolite. Even though conveying your ideas can seem like a daunting task, it doesn’t have to be. Read about Chantel's journey with public speaking in this article. 

Image of Author. He is smiling at the camera. He is wearing a white shirt and black coat
Working in the Public Service: 3 Key Realizations

Curious about what it's like working in public service? Joseph breaks down his role as the Web Communications Assistant for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Read on to learn about his experience.

Image of the Author during the Internship
Learning to Teach and Not Just Treat Patients

As a Laser Therapist/Clinic Office Assistant, Kim discovered that learning occurs every day and everywhere. Not only did she apply knowledge from school, but researched and learned about the different patient conditions she treated, teaching patients about their conditions and care. Read on to find out about her co-op experience. 

Indigenous Event Photo
SFU Indigenous Day: Celebrating Knowledge and Culture

On September 28th, the First Nations Student Association (FNSA) hosted the third annual SFU Indigenous Day. An event that brings together students, faculty, artists and community members to celebrate Indigenous culture. 

Image of the Author
Exploring the Realities of Startup Life

When you think of a startup, does the HBO series, Silicon Valley come to mind? While the computers, parked bottoms, and long hours don’t stray too far from the truth, Melissa clears up some misconceptions about the startup life.

Christopher and his coworkers holding up a jersey
Working for Your Passions | Part One | An Idea and a Hope

Christopher used to think success depended on the separation of personal and professional passions. That was until he did a self-directed co-op term in Brazil researching some of the most successful soccer clubs. Follow him as he prepares to embark on his journey to Brazil. 

A photo of the author in front of a beach in Sao Paulo
Working for Your Passions | Part Two | Arrival and Research in Brazil

In part two of Christopher's Brazillian co-op story, he arrives in São Paulo feeling overwhelmed. This all changes as he carries out his research, realizing something very powerful about the connection many Brazilians have to the sport of soccer.  

Image of the Author during the Internship
My Time as a Safe Software Co-op

What do Dungeons & Dragons and whitewater rafting have to do with software development? Aidan did an 8-month co-op work term at Safe Software where he participated in many such team building activities. Here, he discusses Safe's amazing work culture and shares thoughts from his experience. 

Author standing in front of mountainous background
Things You Learn Journeying (Close) to the Top of the World

Nowhere are the dire effects of climate change more apparent than in the Arctic. Join Sarah as she recounts her 3-week expedition at the top of the world and the 3 invaluable life lessons learned along the way. 

Flatlay of laptop, a chalkboard, headphones
Your First Day: Preparation Timeline

Congrats! You’ve landed that job you worked so hard to get. Now what? Here's a guide with tips on how to to prepare for your new co-op term!

Image of the author
Alumni Spotlight: Almira Bardai, the Globetrotting Communicator

A globetrotting communicator, Almira Bardai is a PR and communications professional with over 17 years of experience in the field working all over the globe from Vancouver to Australia. Read on to learn more about her journey!

Image of the Author
My Journey of Indigeneity (From a Non-Indigenous Perspective)

In this blog, I take you through my personal life story from immigrating to Canada, working and living in a rural First Nations community, to finding a sense of belonging and a second identity, which has forever changed the way I will view the world.

Image of the author
Invest in the Unexpected: Why You Should Join Co-op and Share Your Story with the OLC

Taylor joined SFU’s Aboriginal Co-op Coordinator, Trina Setah, as a Work-Study student to help promote co-op to SFU’s Indigenous community. Read about Taylor’s personal experience with co-op, and why she thinks you should join too.

a long dark hallway
The Waiting Room

"'I'm here for an interview with, ah... Mr. Jenson." He felt more than saw her purposeful scan of his appearance. In his mind, the just-noticeable wrinkles in his only white collared shirt became words scrawled in thick, black permanent marker. I'm not good enough. A days' stubble. Hastily tied necktie. What am I even doing here?

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