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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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a girl working on her ipad
Are You Putting Your Best Foot Forward or in Your Mouth?

If an employer you applied to never gets back to you, it’s easy to get down on yourself. We’ve all been there. Learn from my failures to put your best foot forward when applying for jobs. 

Two people holding the number 1
Create Your Own Opportunities at Work

Communications is a vast field with its own unique challenges. It is not only about writing articles or handling social media, but usually requires you to juggle wearing various hats. To make a lasting impression in communications, you must of course fulfill the described job duties, but knowing how to hone your strengths in a Co-op is the cherry on top. 

the streets of Ottawa
From West to East: Why Students Must Push Their Boundaries

When opportunities in Vancouver were slim, I took the chance of embracing an experience on the other side of Canada, and in the process gained experience, networks, and memories that defined my final summer of university.

portrait of the author laughing
“No Mom, I Am Not Wasting My Time!”

Read Lauren's story about why she decided to take a co-op position that is not directly related to her field of study and the benefits that came with it.  

the author conducting a water sampling in Katzie Slough, holding a sample bottle and smiling at the camera
Who, What, Where, When and Why? Working for a Non-Profit

To anyone out there considering working for a not-for-profit organization, I want to share the lessons I learned at Watershed Watch with you. 

girl smiling at Elim Village sign of two seniors
When Once Wasn’t Enough

If you are about to start applying for co-ops or trying to decide if another co-op term at the same organization is right for you, read about my experience of how a surprising situation can lead to a positive experience.

The author
Grow Beyond Your Job

If you want to extract every opportunity from your co-op term, take these proactive steps to grow professionally beyond your job title. 

The author and colleagues
Welcome Sessions, Onboarding, and the Handling of Snacks

Linh shares her experience working in the HR department of a biotech firm.

The author
Working for a Start-Up

See how I faced my fears and worked for a company I never would have imagined working for.

image of the author in front of her company
My Experience with Introversion and Impostor Syndrome

Keep on reading below to learn how I succeeded in my co-op term as an introvert and overcame my impostor syndrome.

Cornel standing in front of a NATO Banner
Traveling with SFU NATO Club Co-Founder: Cornel Turdeanu

Are you having a hard time deciding on whether or not to go on exchange or field school? Are you passionate about topics like national security, defence, and diplomacy? Find out what Cornel has to say about his experience with SFU NATO Club! 

couple holding hands and women holding coffee in other hand
How Dating is like Interviewing and How to Conquer Both

Interviews can be a stressful event, full of anxiety and confusion. Much like the dating world, interviews are a first meeting where you are desperately hoping the other person will like you and vice versa. Here are some things to keep in mind for either situation.

8 members of the IABC
What’s in a Membership? 6 Reasons to Belong to a Professional Association like IABC

In such a fast-paced world of business, if you’re ambitious, it’s important to stay on your toes and be hungry for professional development. SFU alumna, and president of the IABC/BC, Jeanette LeBlanc, shares how. 

The author working out at Fortius's gym
Redefining the Modern Internship: Where Work and Sport Intersect

My first Co-op was an invaluable experience as I dabbled in the world of social media marketing, blog writing, events management and much more!

A group of engineers working
Landing an Engineering Co-op

This article provides a few tips to improve your co-op work search. Having completed a few co-op positions, I’ve learned methods that have helped me get a co-op job offer. Some of the tips may seem cliché but when the little things add up, they can help improve one’s chances by a margin.

The author is standing in front of a castle
Working in Germany with the International Paralympic Committee

Written during Liz's time at her international Co-op with the International Paralympic Committee, learn how it was a dream come true as it helped her grow both professionally and personally.

Photo of Zahra Haeri
MSE Grad Lands Plum General Motors Job

Mechatronic Systems Engineering graduate, Zahra Haeri, went in to interview for a co-op position at General Motors but left with an offer for a full-time permanent position. Read Zahra's story on moving from Iran, and the common ground between engineering and jiu-jitsu.

Photo of Kelly Furey
Co-op Experience Pays Career Dividends

Communications graduate Kelly Furey, shares how co-op helped her develop a career before graduation. 

Jien Hilario photo
What’s in a Name? Coming to Terms With Labelling Myself as a Person With a Disability

If you were to see Jien on campus, you wouldn’t know that she had a disability. She does not use a wheelchair nor does she have a seeing eye dog. She has an invisible disability. In this article, Jien shares her journey on how she came to terms with labeling herself as a person with a disability. 

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Disclosing Disability

Living with a mental illness or any invisible disability comes with many challenges. One of the most prominent is whether or not one should disclose their status to others. In this article, Jien discusses her experience disclosing her disability with her employer for the first time. 

a person standing on top of a hill staring at the horizon
How Volunteering Helped Me Expand My Career Options

Trying new things and volunteering to help your community can open up new options and ideas, some of which can be life-changing, and may direct you down a path that you never imagined you would be on. 

a different perspective by holding up a sphere against a background
Nondisabled Privilege: What is it?

Privilege shapes our world in both visible and "invisible" ways. Jien discusses the ways in which privilege is granted to the non-disabled, and how acknowledging this privilege is one way we can all help. 

a portrait of the author
Bringing Visibility to Disability

Communication student and former Career and Volunteer Services staff, Katerina Cookson, sits down with Blogger Jien Hilario to talk about her mental health journey and resources available to SFU students. 

The social
For the Blossoming Wallflowers: 3 Tips for Navigating the Workplace as an Introvert

Starting in a new workplace as an introvert can seem like a terrifying thing. Even though Camille would much rather hide behind the camera and observe, she knew that the easy way out doesn’t EVER produce the most growth and value. 

A photo of a group of people gathered together for orange shirt day
Orange Shirt Day: Remembering the Horrors of Residential Schools

Three SFU students reflect on their experience as volunteers at the City of Surrey's commemoration of Orange Shirt Day.

A photo of the author
The First 100 Days of Co-op

Congratulations! You got the job offer, but now what? The first 100 days of a new job are critical for your future success --  whether that means leading a project or simply showing your team that you are an eager learner. This blog will show you how to make the most of your first 100 days on the job. 

A group of friends posing for a photo
Keep Sight of Your Purpose

As many university students know, the start of many major projects begins with a very simple thing -- procrastination. And that is definitely what Jeremiah did before departing for their co-op term in South Korea. However, they soon found that when it comes to teaching you have to have a plan. Read Jeremiah's story to learn more about Teach and Learn in Korea!

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Walk This Path With Us

The Simon Fraser University Aboriginal Reconciliation Council invites you to witness as we present our calls to action for reconciliation to SFU President Andrew Petter.

A lab coat and financial accounting book
Benefits of Co-op for Joint Majors

When Tarnjeet Thandi would tell others about her joint major, they tended to wonder how Molecular Biology and Biochemistry could be related to Business Administration. Prior to joining co-op, Tarnjeet sometimes wondered the same. Read her story about clarifying career options through co-op. 

skyscrapers with the middle building having a Canada flag
Canadian Embassies and Consulates: An Interview with Alexander King

Landing an internship at an embassy is a dream come true for students interested in diplomacy, foreign policy, international trade and development. Students have the opportunity to gain invaluable experience in dynamic, fast-paced, and highly rewarding environments, while learning from leaders in international relations.

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