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Co-operative Education

Take risks, experience your field, bring your learning back to the classroom.

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International Co-op
Indigenous Co-op
Co-op Blogs
Kelly smiles next to a graphic that says, "Maximize Your Co-op".
5 Ways to Maximize Your Co-op Experience

Want to make the most of your work term and thrive in the position? Public Relations Intern Kelly shares 5 tips on maximizing your Co-op experience. 

Image of Kelly
5 Ways to Maximize Your Co-op Experience

Want to make the most of your work term and thrive in the position? Public Relations Intern Kelly shares 5 tips on maximizing your Co-op experience.

View of BC Cancer Research Center from W 10th Avenue looking North
Branching Out and Standing Out at the BC Cancer Agency

Working in a huge building can be intimidating and make you feel very small, especially as a temporary Co-op student. Check out what Josh did to make sure everyone in the BC Cancer Research Center knew who he was!

Interview Illustration
Turning the Tables During Co-op Interviews: How to Showcase Yourself as the Candidate They Want

A lack of confidence can make you feel like you are getting raked over the coals in an interview. Learn what you can do to flip the situation on your interviewers in order to look like a pro and learn what they are really looking for in an employee.

William Thomas
Ergonomic Exploration

Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology students often find themselves lost in the hazy fog of physiotherapy, med school, chiropractic’s and post-graduate studies.  New graduates can find salvation in a challenging, but rewarding field that calls upon the creative and the technical sides of an individual. Read on to learn about working in the field of Ergonomics.

Evgeny and colleagues
Improving Professionally and Personally

Evgeny not only met his goals professionally at Broadcom, but he was able to improve in more ways than he could imagine - including meeting his personal goals and growing as an individual. In this four part blog series, Evgeny shares with us his co-op experience at Broadcom. 

A painting made by Evengy
Staying Motivated

Evgeny not only met his goals professionally at Broadcom, but he was able to improve in more ways than he could imagine - including meeting his personal goals and growing as an individual. In this four part blog series, Evgeny shares with us his co-op experience at Broadcom. 

tax papers with a coffee mug next to it

Leo Ng is a fifth-year BBA candidate in the SFU Beedie co-op program who worked at for Canada Revenue Agency for 8 months. He shares what training is like, learning on the job, and in this article, he shares his overall reflections on what it was like to work as a Taxpayer Services Agent.

The Honest Truth: What it Takes to Land a Co-op Job

After working for a year with Arts and Communications Co-op here at SFU, I’ve seen students land amazing Co-op opportunities, and I’ve also seen students struggle when it comes to following through, and landing the job. Here are a couple of truth bombs from yours truly that I hope will help you buck up and land a Co-op job.

Evgeny and colleagues
Finding Your Strengths

Sometimes in a co-op position, you might not get tasks that you absolutely love.  Make the most of it as Evgeny did, Evgeny went from feeling this way to having his co-workers ask for his advice! Read about his experience in this four part blog series! 

an ibm logo
My Second Work Term at IBM

Patrick started his career as an elementary school teacher and now he is completing SFU’s Computing Science Second degree program. Patrick shares his experience of transitioning from teacher to computing science, his first co-op at Malaspina, and here he shares his second co-op experience.

image of the author
Training for the Role

Leo Ng is a fifth-year BBA candidate in the SFU Beedie co-op program.  He worked at Canada Revenue Agency for 8 months. He shares what it was like to train for his role as a Taxpayer Services Agent.

a CRA directory
Learning on the Job

Leo Ng is a fifth-year BBA candidate in the SFU Beedie co-op program who worked for Canada Revenue Agency for 8 months. In this article of his three-part series, he shares his experience learning on the job.

Logo images Evengy created
My Journey to Broadcom

Did you know the School of Computing Science has a co-op program for graduate students?  Evgeny was thrilled when he found out and because of the program, he was able to land a job with everything he was looking for at Broadcom. Read about his experience in this four part blog series! 

a work space set up with a big computer screen
From Teaching to Computing Science

Patrick started his career as an elementary school teacher and now he is completing SFU’s Computing Science Second degree program.  He shares how he got there and how co-op has been a great help!

image of a developer working
My First Work Term at Malaspina Labs

Patrick started his career as an elementary school teacher and now he is completing SFU’s Computing Science Second degree program. He shares how he got to the program and how co-op has been a great help!

Kay Sze
Go With the Flow, Opportunity Will Come

As a co-op student you often get a lot of advice about the value of research based or industry based co-op. According to Kay, sometimes we just need to sort out which one suits each individual best. Read on to learn about her experience with both research based and industry based co-op positions.

Picture of a building with the Canadian flag and a sign that says Canadian Revenue Agency
A Day in the Life of a Taxpayer Services Agent at CRA

Haqikat is a fourth year Business student who worked at Canada Revenue Agency for co-op.  Haqikat shares what training and a typical day looks like as a Taxpayer Services Agent. 

A photo of the author smiling
The Secret to Securing Your First Co-op Term: A Reflection On My First Co-op Search And How I Landed My Dream Placement

Kelly is a Communications Co-op student who landed her dream job. She shares how she did this with 5 tips!

Icons of Facebook
Application Review

Ever wondered what it would be like to be interviewed by Facebook?  Bradley Sutherland, a recent graduate from SFU’s Interactive Arts and Technology and a specialist in interactive design, was selected to be interviewed by the social media giant.  Bradley shared this 3 part interview experience with the OLC.

Kiran smiling
Great Minds Think Tech: Kiran Basra at Electronic Arts

For Kiran Basra, senior Communication Co-op student, working at Electronic Arts was a unique experience from the get-go. Between re-constructing her job description and fine-tuning her marketing analytics skills on-the-job, Kiran has re-defined what Communication Co-op students can accomplish. 

two computer screens showing a portfolio
Portfolio Review

Ever wondered what it would be like to be interviewed by Facebook?  Bradley Sutherland, a recent graduate from SFU’s Interactive Arts and Technology and a specialist in interactive design, was selected to be interviewed by the social media giant.  Bradley shared this 3 part interview experience with the OLC.

Stacked paperwork showcasing a high caseload
Learning in Shifts

Jaclyn Marshall shares why students considering a career in law enforcement should consider working for the RCMP as a co-op position.

Ronald Yeung at his workstation
Safeguarding Canadians

Ronald spent his co-op working at the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy and describes the importance and benefits of working in the public sector. 

Elinor McNamee-Annett at her workstation
It’s All Related

Elinor worked in the External Relations Department of Parks Canada and explains how this was the right choice for her as an International Studies student.

group of colleagues sharing advice
Advice from an Arts Co-op Student: Alison Tan

Meet Alison Tan, a fourth year student who has completed three co-op terms. She shares her experiences with the co-op program.

Aayla Umar on service at the CBSA
Enforcing Soft Skills

Meet “Student Border Services Officer (SBSO) Umar”, who shares what her co-op was like at the Canada Border Services Agency.

Picture of Science World and its reflection on False Creek
How Do Snakes Poop? And Other Curious Questions a Science Facilitator Co-op Student Could Ask You

For her first co-op, SFU Biology and English student Kristina Charania headed to the heart of Vancouver to work as a Science Facilitator at Science World for four months. Read all about her co-op adventures and challenges under the dome!

A clip art image of three faceless people standing next to each other. A person in the middle has a grey face and orange body, while the remaining people have an orange face and grey body.
Becoming the Leader You Want to Be

Whether in the workplace or at school, we’ve all come across difficult personality types. Read on to find out how you can turn those interactions into positive experiences.

a computer screen showcasing a man holding binoculars with Facebook icons as the lens
Interview with a Recruiter

Ever wondered what it would be like to be interviewed by Facebook?  Bradley Sutherland, a recent graduate from SFU’s Interactive Arts and Technology and a specialist in interactive design, was selected to be interviewed by the social media giant.  Bradley shared this 3 part interview experience with the OLC.

Think Co-op Isn't For You? 4 Excuses You Need to Burn Right Now

As Emily Taylor, a senior Communication Co-op student says, "Reality check: a degree doesn’t guarantee a job. Vancouver communications, marketing and writing jobs aren’t waiting for you in the stands at Convocation. You’ve got to hunt for them, and Co-op is your open door. " Read on for compelling evidence of how Co-op can benefit you - regardless of what you've been led to believe!

Natalie, author, smiling
Making the Most of the End of Term Project

Co-op students are required to do either a project or presentation to complete their co-op requirements at the end of their work term.  As a communications student, Natalie did not know what to expect the first time she presented her PowerPoint presentation for her project.  Read on so you can have an idea of what to expect for yours!   

Kettlebells at Kiki's Gym
My Co-op Experience with Performance Institute

"What do you want to do with your degree?” It’s not a simple question, but the place you find your answer can surprise you. Read as Kiki goes through her co-op experience to find out more.

Stepping in the Power Industry: Co-op with Hydro One

Tauseef Alwaris recently changed his major from “Electronics Engineering” to “high voltage Electrical Engineering” because of his various co-ops, speaking to different people, and his educational experiences.  He reflects and shares both how and why he decided to make this change and how Hydro One helped his decision.

Engineer Designing Equipment
Engineering My Co-op Journey

In this article, Mehul shares his Co-op journey with us and let's us in on the secrets of getting a Co-op! 

Portrait of Christina
How to Make the Best of Your Co-op Work Term

After the exciting and terrifying process of applying to jobs, landing interviews, and finally accepting a job offer, I started to settle in to my new job in the Communication department of the Canadian Mental Health Association. With a solid goal in mind, each day became a new challenge for me to rise and make myself known. Here are the tips I followed that made my placement meaningful to both my employer and I.

A photo of the author smiling
Should You Stay or Should You Go? 8 Gifs to Help You Decide!

Having trouble deciding to whether stay local or move abroad for your co-op placement? Read through SFU Communication Co-op student Samantha's tips on how to make an educated decision when it comes to going abroad for co-op!

Christiane smiling
Spring: Those Little Places

In the winter of 2013, SFU Geography student Christiane Pulluau trekked to La Paz, Bolivia to work with a CED (Community Economic Development) group. In her final instalment she shares some of her favourite places.

christiane with co-workers
March: Arts and Culture

In the winter of 2013, SFU Geography student Christiane Pulluau trekked to La Paz, Bolivia to work with a CED (Community Economic Development) group. She shared her diary entries with us, and we present the third insallment: Arts and Culture in March.

Group of elderly Bolivians
February: A Little Bird Told Me

In the winder of 2013, SFU Geography student Christiane Pulluau trekked to La Paz, Bolivia to work with a CED (Community Economic Development) group. She shared her diary entries with us, this is part two of her adventure.

Image of beach; Copacabana
February: Arrivals and Carnaval Times

In the winter of 2013, SFU Geography student Christiane Pulluau trekked to La Paz, Bolivia to work with a CED (Community Economic Development) group. She shared her diary entries with us, and part one is featured here.

Yuka smiling over a tank of sharks she is taking care of
Student Profile: Biology Student Yuka Obayashi

Biology Co-op student Yuka Obayashi returned from her self-directed International Co-op at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in the Kunigami District of Okinawa, Japan with a new-found appreciation for marine wildlife.

4 Reasons Why Lightning Round is Awesome

So it’s mid-March and you haven’t got a Co-op job for the summer yet, exams are approaching, and you're getting worried you'll never land a job. Co-op coordinators Heather Keeping and Marcia Shimizu offer up tips on how to excel during lightning round, and why it's actually awesome.

two women sitting across from each other in conversation
Preparing for Informational Interviews

Natalie continues her Road to Graduation series with tips on how to prepare when a professional finally grants you an informational interview. Follow her tips and make the most of the opportunity.

Austin working
The Co-op Life of a Mechatronics Systems Engineering Student

Curious about what wonders a mechatronics engineer can do? Read about Austin's Co-op journey and find out for yourself! 

Jeff Lemon's Bolivia Experience

Jeff took Bolivia by storm, working with the Centro Integral de Desarrollo Economico Comunitario (CIDECO), as part of the Bolivian CED Project. Find out more about how his International experience impacted his career journey.

Portrait of Elizabeth
Getting Familiar with Adobe Creative Suite

Within the first week of my second work term, it became apparent just how much I would be working with Adobe Illustrator. I felt I should be an expert when I was, in fact, still a beginner. How would I rise to the challenge, and become more familiar with the Adobe Suite while on the job?

4 students talking with each other
How to Shine When Working in a Team

“How in the world will I be able to add value to this team?” This was my initial (and pessimistic) reaction upon hearing that I would be working with 9 other individuals in the Donor Relations & Events team at the VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation.

SFU Vancouver library
Seven Reasons You Haven't Landed A Job Yet

You think you’re doing everything you should be, but is there something you’re missing? We collected seven simple reasons why you haven’t landed a job yet.

a group of SFU students looking at a notebook
8 Tips for a New and Improved Resume

Resumes are tough, they’re one of the first things an employer sees from you, and they need to represent your skills and abilities. That’s why we’ve put together eight tips to help you create a resume that presents the best of you and helps you land that coveted job.

aerial view of two people sitting side by side looking at a laptop screen
7 Reasons You Haven’t Landed a Job Yet

Whether you’re looking for your first post-grad job or are in the middle of a Co-op seeking semester, it’s easy to get discouraged when applications go out and responses don’t come in. You think you’re doing everything right, but is there something you’re missing? We have 7 simple reasons why you haven’t landed a job yet.

 Man in Orange Crew-neck Shirt Using Laptop Beside Two People
Anudeep's Life Changing Co-op Experience

Thinking about doing a Co-op semester? Anudeep explains why this is an important experience for all students and tells us what his experience at the SFU Power Lab was like.  

Output from one of Geovia's Imaging Tools
The Unexpected Co-op Position in the Computer Mining Industry

Read about Christopher's triumphs and challenges as he shares with us his co-op journey at Geovia.

Carmen Wilson at Ignite Technical Resources
Igniting Passion

Carmen, a Psychology student, spent two semesters at Ignite Technical Resources as a Recruiting Coordinator. Read about her co-op experience here!