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Student Success

Student Success

Success is never far away. Let these stories inspire your academic and convocation goals.

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Student Success showcases all the incredible achievements of SFU students, but also, the practical steps you can make to cultivate your own success story. The following stories shared explain how students climbed their way to success, however they choose to define success. Reading through the following stories will give you insight on tackling academic challenges such as choosing a major or studying for exams while working, but also on topics such as convocating, post-graduation, and creating your own volunteer, travel and work opportunities.


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The Latest

Eden sitting at a table with papers
Finding Your Voice: Solutions on How to Public Speak with Confidence

Public Speaking is challenging, and I applaud anyone who can speak in front of a crowd because it takes a lot of courage. These tips will help when speaking to audiences to sell yourself as a speaker and increase your comfort level and confidence.


George standing outside, next to a British Columbia sign
Interview with an Arts Co-op Student: Advice to Future Students

Meet George Gayed, a Political Science student minoring in international studies with a concentration of international security and conflict. In this quick Q&A, George discusses his work in his different positions, goes over highlights and the most valuable things he has learned.

Giulia standing in front of a window
Applying for Jobs Outside your Faculty: Low Risk, High Reward

Meet Giulia Crovini, an Economics Co-op student. In this quick Q&A, Giulia shares about her co-op experience. Specifically, she highlights the many benefits of applying for positions outside of your faculty.

Liam standing with a notebook and a construction uniform
A Technical Writer’s Guide to the Galaxy

In the sentences that follow, you will learn five very, very important tips that, if heeded, will prepare you for a career in technical writing. If these tips don’t quite have the effect I’m suggesting, it’s not my fault–you probably did something wrong.

Fatima standing in front of mountains
WHERE Are They Now: An Interview with a Former Master's Co-op Student

Many times, our co-op students graduate from our program, and use these experiences in future positions. Today, we will be interviewing a former student of ours, Fatima Sajid to see where she is now after graduation. Read about how her onboarding processes went, the skills she learnt and how her employers helped her develop said skills.

Annelyse standing in front of a window
Interview with an Arts Co-op Student: How a Policy Intern Position Improves your Writing

Meet Annelyse Ross, a Political Science and Social Data Analytics Co-op student. In this quick Q&A, Annelyse shares about her co-op experience. Read about how she discusses how she determines if a position is a good fit for her, what she did in her Policy Intern position and even how she got to travel as part of her position.

Calendar with pinned dates
Expect the Unexpected with Event Planning

I’ve learned to expect the unexpected in the field of communications, but this semester, that was taken to the next level, as event planning became the focus. While most days were fairly regular office hours, I did once spend the weekend as a guide and mic runner for a research summit. Another time, I got to attend a free class in voguing!

Brianna standing in front of a Communication Banner
I’m Starting a Minor Late Into My Degree... Now What?

Picking a major is a journey in its own rite, now you’re considering taking on a minor on top of that? Sometimes, this task tends to be pushed aside for another time; then suddenly, you’re in your third year at SFU and have yet to pick a minor. The job may be difficult, but with enough planning and research it is doable. If you find yourself in a similar situation, here’s some information that may help guide you when starting a minor later into your degree. 

Image of Tianna standing in front of trees
Working as a Green Operations and Sustainability Intern at the Canadian Space Agency

SFU Surrey Co-op features student Tianna Sequeira, a Sustainable Energy Engineering student who has been doing some calculating and analyzing work on her co-op journey. 

Oliver, next to a computer with work on his desk
Captain’s log: a Co-op Students Guide to Navigating Their First Work Term

I will be going over my transformation from a bumbling Co-op student to a full-fledged Marketing Coordinator and give tips on how you too can navigate through your first work term.

Girl looking into the screen sobbing
Interview Tips from an Extremely Anxious Cry Baby

I made such great progress throughout the years that Little Nadya would definitely be in awe (and in worry because she’ll need to go through all those interviews). So, how did I do it? It wasn’t easy or comfortable, but that’s how you progress. Here are my tips for overcoming, or at least coping, with extreme interview anxiety.

A wall with a bunch of paintings containing people.
Employer Feature: An Interview with BC Society of Transition Houses’ Executive Director

Meet Amy S. FitzGerald, the Executive Director at BC Society of Transition Houses (BCSTH). In this quick Q&A, Amy discusses how co-op students adapted to the position, resources the organization provided and tips for future employers and students.

An overview of the city of Coquitlam at nighttime
Employer Feature: An Interview with City of Coquitlam's Director of Corporate Planning

Meet Graham Stuart, the Director of Corporate Planning at the City of Coquitlam. In this quick Q&A, Graham discusses the process of hiring an intern, the rewards and tips for employers hoping to hire a student.

Nicole standing next to construction material while wearing a construction uniform
Fish out of Water: Finding my Place in the World of Construction

There is a certain level of confidence you surround yourself with when going into your second work term. Suddenly, you’re not junior anymore and you have some legitimate experience on your belt. That experience can be used as almost a protective shield when going back into the workforce, especially when there’s a new element introduced. It’s no longer remote.

Student standing next to a sign at an outdoor event
A Q&A with a MA Political Science Co-op Student

Meet Aliyah Datoo, an SFU Master of Political Science Co-op student. In this quick Q&A, Aliyah shares a bit about her co-op experience. Keep on reading as Aliyah shares her day to day tasks, the onboarding process and how she has felt about the experience.

A laptop on a desk with a site containing different scenic images
What did I do to Extinguish my Co-op Nerves?

This was it. I finished writing my resumes, successfully passed the interview process, and accepted the job offer with cheers of joy. I told my mother with a large grin on my face, but in the midst of my excitement, my smile slightly lowered, and a wave of nervousness washed over me.

Balloons floating in the sky
How my First Co-op Position Inspired me to Dream

As an undergraduate student who decided to switch my degree from Psychology to Communication on a whim, I was very nervous about my future career path, especially since I felt like I was the only person that had no big dreams in life. Therefore, I decided to apply to Co-op to start piecing together my goals and ambitions.

Elvis standing in front of Simon Fraser University holding a camera
How to Optimize Workflow and Develop Excellent Time Management

My role as a Communications Assistant has it’s ups and downs especially during busy seasons of the school year where many events run consecutively one after the other. Time management and efficiency are nothing new for us students because we constantly must meet deadlines and make sure we balance work with school

Sunset at Burnaby
Aesthetic Study Spots on Burnaby Mountain

Looking for Unique study spots on the Burnaby Campus? Do you want to merge comfort, views, and serenity while studying on campus? Here are 5 study spaces on campus that I recommend. 

Student sitting on a chair at SFU Vancouver Libary
Prolonging Motivation Post Midterm Season

A rather underrated discussion is how difficult it is to keep your motivation intact throughout a four-month long semester. Especially after mid-term season when we start to lose that that adrenaline of motivation. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated!

A group of students sitting around a desk with laptops
How to Leverage Linked-In to Make Connections and Gain Experience

In university, it is important for students to initiate connections with individuals around them to make the best of their opportunities. However, networking is hard and is not taught as a skill.  Networking is something that must be practiced to be perfected. Luckily, there are tools that make it easier for individuals to connect with others, which leads to greater opportunities in their careers.

Lauretta Umukoro
Why a Sociology Major?
Amy sitting on a sofa, with the SFU VentureLabs logo behind her
Big Benefits of Smaller Companies

After 12 months of Co-op terms at 3 very different companies, I am closing out this major piece of my undergrad...All of these placements combined have given me a great foundation and transferable skills, but I also learned equally valuable things about different work environments. I encourage anyone still in Co-op to not overlook the very real benefits of smaller organizations.

Sarah Rain
Indigenous Studies Alumnus Sarah Rain's Journey of Self- Discovery

As a single mom, providing her young daughter with a bright future motivated Sarah Rain to work towards her degree, while also navigating the challenges of work, life, and parenthood.