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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Ali Najaf posing with BC mountains in background
British Columbia and International Students

Coming to a new country thousands of miles from where you grew up and from everything you know is no easy journey. In this award-winning story, SFU Business student Ali Najaf reflects on the past four years since arriving in Canada from Pakistan in 2012, sharing both his challenges and truimphs.  

Woman at an airport
Taking the Leap: Moving Across the Country for Co-op

Not everyone can say that they’ve had their movie moment. Luckily enough, it happened to Pauline, and it happened in the exact way she dreamt it would. But, what she didn't prepare for is the reality after saying yes. 

Womans memorial march
Why Attend the March for Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women

The Annual Women's Memorial March is on February 14th. This is why I attend and why you should too. 

Ali Najaf
Planning for Exchange or Study Abroad Trip

Going for exchange or a study abroad trip to a different university and country is a great experience in itself. But to make that experience remarkable, a bit of planning is required.

Student participants in the dance marathon
Dancing For Those Who Cannot, For the Kids #FTK

I'm sure that you've heard about the SFU Dance Marathon Club, but do you know what it's all about? You might be asking, “Is it another SFU dance team?”, “What is this club’s initiative?”, “How can I get involved?” This article answers those questions and highlights SFU's Dance Marathon’s history on campus.   

dance marathon participants
Dancing for Those Who Cannot, For the Kids #FTK

I'm sure that you've heard about the SFU Dance Marathon Club, but do you know what it's all about? You might be asking, “Is it another SFU dance team?”, “What is this club’s initiative?”, “How can I get involved?” This article answers those questions and highlights SFU's Dance Marathon’s history on campus.   

Jenny Vo Headshot
How to Maximize Your Return on University Investment | Part One | Get Involved and Utilize On-Campus Resources

Have you ever wondered why you should go to university and what you have done to make your university life meaningful? Have you ever been in a situation where you have no clue of what to do with your life and how to start making every penny of your tuition fees worth it? Have you ever felt frightened when thinking about your future career? I was in the same position so I want to share some tips on how to not regret going to school and how to get ready to face your future!

Contemporary Art Gallery
Internship in the Contemporary Arts

Taking the internship course at SFU this semester has turned out to be an interesting and overall invaluable work experience for me as I near the end of my undergraduate career. Read on to discover what it was like to do an internship with the Contemporary Art Gallery.

Evelyn Korompori and team at South Vancouver Adult Day Centre
Journey to the Centres

Life is an unexpected journey. Read about Evelyn's co-op experience as an activity worker at Vancouver Coastal Health's SteadyFeet and how this changed her perspective on working with seniors. 

Sandeep Johal’s new exhibition, 'Beast of Burden'
Burrard Arts Foundation Internship

The organization that I was fortunate enough to work with this summer was Burrard Arts Foundation. BAF is a registered non-profit charity organization in Mount Pleasant that seeks to promote the development of, and excellence in, the visual arts in Vancouver by showcasing local and global artistic talent and providing opportunities that enable artists to produce their work and share it with the world.

Imran Kanji at Blackberry
Heading Out East: Why You Should Go Away For Co-op

If you’ve only been looking for co-op placements in the Greater Vancouver area, here’s why you should definitely reconsider.

Mark Thompson head shot
Making the Most of the Co-op Experience: The Case for a Diversified Co-op Portfolio

Ever wonder what type of factors you should take into consideration when seeking out Co-op placements? Mark reflects on his rewarding Co-op journey to make some recommendations on how to best take advantage of the Co-op program!

Valerie Bob
2015 Graduate Aboriginal Scholarships Awarded to Valerie Bob

At 58, Valerie Bob has had a long career in social services and education after earning a BA in social work and an MA in First Peoples’ education. Now, with the help of a Graduate Aboriginal Scholarship, she’s embarking on a PhD program that combines her interests in native language renewal and ceremonial music.

Justice for missing and murdered indigenous women
Beyond the Margins: Examining the Systemic Devaluing & Marginalization of Indigenous Women in Canada

This is a paper written by an Indigenous young male of Ojibway and Dene ancestry who wants to raise awareness on the plaguing social issue of murdered and missing Indigenous women. I dedicate this paper to all Indigenous women that remain missing or who have been murdered.

Jeffrey Reading
Research Chair to Lead Heart Health Research for First Nations Peoples

“I am very excited by the opportunity to focus on prevention of cardiovascular disease and to improve heart health and well-being among First Nations in British Columbia.” Jeffrey Reading

Veselin Jungic
Math Catcher and Its Founder Capture National Attention

Veselin Jungic, founder of SFU’s Math Catcher Program—Mathematics through Aboriginal storytelling—was honoured earlier this year when the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) selected him as a 3M National Teaching Fellow.

Marianne Ignace
First of Traditional Languages Apps Ready for Testing in New Year

Marianne Ignace has an ambitious plan. Within the next five years, she hopes to have developed language-learning apps for speakers and learners of some 12 First Nations languages in B.C. and Yukon.

Indigenous UBC-SFU logos
SFU/UBC Indigenous Graduate Symposium, “Indigenizing the Academy”

More than 120 guests attended the first SFU/UBC Indigenous Graduate Symposium, “Indigenizing the Academy,” at SFU’s downtown campus last March.

Tozo'kam singers
SFU Indigenous Day Shares Culture with Community

The Burnaby campus community was treated to the sights, sounds and tastes of Indigenous culture during the second annual SFU Indigenous Day in September.

Black Haida Canoe image
Haida Artist Bill Reid’s Black Eagle Canoe Finds New Home at SFU

Haida artist Bill Reid’s Black Eagle canoe is a symbol of knowledge, community and cultural regeneration, so its installation at SFU’s Burnaby campus is a fitting tribute to the University’s 50th Anniversary.

SFu summer camp
Summer Camp Prepares Students for University

Anika Robertson says the SFU Aboriginal camp exceeded her expectations and inspired her to aim for university.

Native woman college basketball team
Native Basketball Festival at SFU is Coming May 2016

More than 20 Aboriginal basketball teams from around B.C. and Alberta are expected to turn out for the second Native Basketball Tournament/Festival at SFU’s Burnaby campus on May 20-22, 2016

Nathalie Sinclair working with young child
Early-Number Learning and Language Revitalization a Dynamite Combination

SFU mathematics education professor Nathalie Sinclair has been working with the Ojibwe and Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations to translate her early-numbers mathematics app into their languages.

Phil Fontaine presenting
Beedie Hosts Phil Fontaine

“There is a notion that Aboriginal peoples are anti-development, when in fact we are very pro-development – but it must be responsible development,” said Fontaine

Lecture theatre with presenter
SFU Aboriginal Faculty Members to Increase

The Faculty of Education has just hired the first professor to be recruited under SFU’s Aboriginal Faculty Recruitment Plan.

Monique Auger headshot
MA Student Seeks to Address Métis Mental Health Issues

Monique Auger, a proud Métis woman from Vancouver Island, thinks there is. She is using her Graduate Aboriginal Scholarship to pursue a master of science, in the Faculty of Health Sciences, to explore this issue.

Marlana and her family
Indigenous Career Journey Stories: Marlana “Kaneratenhawi” Thompson-Baker

My professor explained, learn the things you don't know, don't waste your time learning what you already know and don't waste time reinventing the wheel. Read Marlana's story of hard work and determination!

Picture of Ian Campbell
EMBA Graduates to Blaze New Trails

SFU's EMBA The program’s second cohort began in September 2015 with 30 students, five of whom are not Aboriginal. Learn more about the graduates and the program.

Book cover of I am Woman
Indigenous Literature Series: Lee Maracle

Read about Indigenous scholar and author, Lee Maracle's book, "I Am Woman".

Hydrogen In Motion facility
Touch the Future of Hydrogen Storage

The future of energy belongs to hydrogen but you can be part of the future as well. Weilin discusses their experience as a Co-op student with Hydrogen In Motion Inc. at Powertech Labs Inc, where they were a part of the next generation power source and learned engineering knowledge throughout the whole process. 

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