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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Have a great story to share?  Pitch it to our editors.

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Learning to Design
Danny shares how he has developed as a result of his UX design co-op experiences.
Laptop and smartphone on desk
Three Tips for Working from Home

My first co-op semester was somewhat different from a majority of the co-op positions that students apply for on Symplicity. I chose to do a self-directed co-op which had me primarily working from home.

Two hands holding each other
John Howard Society - Hobden House

Theresa did her co-op as a residence worker.  She shares about her learning experiences and her future goals.

Bernice Puzon
Beyond My Office Desk: The Community I Discovered in the Downtown Eastside

During her time with Union Gospel Mission, Bernice Puzon spent her 9-5, like most Communication Co-op students, behind a desk. But, it was also her time spent beyond her office desk that provided rich opportunities to grow and to lease a new perspective on Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.  


Man standing on rock with arms spread looking out at mountain range
Four Tips to Overcome Failure

Have you ever found yourself frustrated, disappointed and in despair after not attaining what you set out to achieve? This blog will explore some essential tips that you could use to bounce back from failure. 

Parliament Buildings National Historic Site of Canada
Alcatel-Lucent University

General Studies student Zahra did her co-op in Ottawa in a business role.  She shares about her duties as a Program Coordinator. This article was originally published in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Summer 2012 newsletter.

Cover of the book, The Fourth World
Indigenous Literature Series: Grace J. M. W. Ouellette

Grace J.M.W. Ouellette's book, The Fourth World: An Indigenous Perspective on Feminism and Aboriginal Women's Activism.

Web of Job search
Nikki’s Co-op Job Search

Are you interested in joining Co-op and wondering what the process is like? Are you wondering when exactly you should be starting Co-op? This article provides insight on what the Co-op job search is really like through my own personal journey.

a close up of a laptop screen with a man jotting down notes in the background
What You Can Do Now to Make Your Resume Stand Out After Graduation

So, you’re at university to get yourself a degree, and that degree is going to get you the dream job that you’ve always wanted, right? After you graduate, maybe you’re thinking of sending a few resumes off, just to see what happens. Did you know that employers evaluate you on your resume before they even meet you? If you want to increase your chances of landing that dream job, you really need to make your resume stand out from all of the rest, especially if you want to land that interview.

Samaah Jaffer profile picture
@SFUVan Profile: Samaah Jaffer

Meet Samaah Jaffer, an Arts Co-op student who has worked at the US Consulate and SFU's Vancity Office of Community Engagement. Read about Samaah's experiences during these co-ops, and their invaluable advice for other students!

image of the author
6 Things Communication Students Can Include In Their Portfolio

Although important, your resume and cover letter don't do your skills complete justice. So, instead of simply telling a potential employer what you can do, Karen Leung discusses how to show them through selecting specific items to build your portfolio. 

Women wearing a black dress and sunglasses
Appropriate Workplace Attire: How To Dress Professionally Without Compromising Your Style

I’m a young and trendy fashionista. A self-identified accessory-lover. A student. And I’m obsessed with how to make a great impression at my new co-operative education job without compromising my style. This article highlights my opinions on how to dress professionally, while still maintaining your sense of style. 

Sheldan Manansala
Co-op Jobs Help Fulfill Iron Man Career Ambition

Inspired by his childhood hero, Iron Man, Sheldan eagerly accepts a co-op placement at Tesla. Read on to find out what his experience was like. 

View of the AQ exterior
5 Must Know Services at SFU

Not sure where to seek professional help? Having a mental breakdown over an assignment? Looking to improve your study habits? No worries! Here are 5 SFU services to help.

Alex Yoo taking a selfie
Volunteer Spotlight: Alex Yoo
Alex Yoo is a volunteer for the SFU OLC and he shares what he has learned from volunteering as a Social Media Content Curator.
Students graduating
Tips to the Top – Student Advice to Find Your Career Path

Attending post-secondary school gives endless possibilities. However, choosing a major or career can be overwhelming to the point where people get swept away in passionless choices. Here is some of the personal advice of experienced SFU students to help you choose your future major or career.

4 volunteers helping two community members by passing out food from behind a table of supplies
3 Reasons Why Volunteering in University is Good for Your Mental Health

Discover how volunteering influences your mental health and wellbeing. Learn about the ways your happiness, social relationships and feeling of purpose are affected by engaging in volunteer acts. 

Book cover of Iskwewak
Indigenous Literature Series: Janice Acoose

A summary of Janice Acoose's trail blazing book, Iskwewak kah’Ki Yaw Ni Wahkomakanak: Neither Indian Princess Nor Easy Squaw.

Student Success Story: Chris Macklin

I’ve always had a passion for helping people. For the longest time, I wasn’t sure how to apply this passion.

Big-Data Student Applies Skills during Ericsson Co-op Placement

Yongyi Wu applies his newly acquired skills as one of the first cohorts of the Professional Master's Program in Big Data at his co-op work term with Ericsson's Research and Development Centre.

Erik Bainbridge Smiling
International Co-op: An Interview with Erik Bainbridge

Erik Bainbridge, a Political Science student, shares his international experience doing four work terms in three different positions in China and Hong Kong. He worked as an English teacher in Shandong, an Event Manager at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce (CamChamHK) in Hong Kong, and a Trade Intern for the Consulate General of Canada in China.

Halloween at the Office: Costume 101

Halloween is just around the corner. Natalie shares her office-costume tips, successes, and lessons learned. 

Vanessa at work in a booth
How I Survived in the World of IT: 3 Quick Tips for a Successful Work Experience

Working at an IT company was a refreshing experience for someone like Vanessa, who has never been exposed to this industry before. Here she shares a few tips on how she made it through and got the most out of her 12 months at BCNET.

Picture of Raisa
How Volunteering Can Help You Find Your Dream Career

Panicking because you’re still undecided or unsure of your major? Keep calm and apply for a volunteer position! It can help you in more ways than one. Here’s how.

Banner depicting "school now, game later"
A Procrastinator's Guide to Success

Do you find yourself discouraged and in need of advice? Do you find yourself procrastinating and wondering when the right time to get started on your career is? This article highlights the importance of starting early and some fun ways to get started.

Backside of Katherine Karr
What I’ve Learned While Being the Boss

If you had told me in high school that I would be the leader of a non-profit organization in just a few short years, I probably would have stopped talking to you. And yet, here I am, a President at age 20.

Give Agency a Chance: Why You Should Consider a Work Term in an Agency

Ever consider working for a communications agency? Terence Chu certainly has. Currently in a co-op position for global communications consulting agency FleishmanHillard, Terence presents three reasons why working in an agency is a wise career move.

St. Paul’s Hospital
The Journey of Clinical Research

Read about Joanne's four-month co-op journey at Providence Health Care Research institute. 

Posters on walls saying to vote
Why YOUR Vote Matters!!

If you don’t vote, you’re handing your future away to those who will be making decisions on everything from how much you’ll be paying back in student loans and taxes, to what kind of jobs and career opportunities you might find. 

International Spotlight: Mexico

Work and live in Mexico, a popular tourist country, and experience the pleasant weather and great food. Visit museums, pyramids, beach resorts, and see the unique architecture.

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