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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Audrey standing in front of Simon Fraser University, with her dog
Mobilizing Indigenous Knowledge Systems in my Work

I strive to make SFU a safer place for our Indigenous community to grow and flourish.

Working as a Graphic Design Intern at a Start-Up

Meet Herman Chan, an Interactive Arts and Technology co-op student who has been developing his skillset as a graphic design intern at AGvisorPro, a start-up company with a vision to build the world's most credible independent agriculture network.

Lauretta in Stanley Park
Discovering Vancouver: 4 Hidden Gems

New to Vancouver? Discover 4 spots Lauretta discovered in her adventures around the city.  

Laptop on a desk with hands typing on the keys
The Art of the Start-Up: Wearing Many Hats

I came into it wanting to learn as much as I could. Somehow, I learned more than I thought I would, including about the changeable nature of start-ups. I’ll always be grateful for the flexible work environment that allowed me to gain experience in things I never dreamed of doing.

A group of students sitting around a desk with laptops
How to Leverage Linked-In to Make Connections and Gain Experience

In university, it is important for students to initiate connections with individuals around them to make the best of their opportunities. However, networking is hard and is not taught as a skill.  Networking is something that must be practiced to be perfected. Luckily, there are tools that make it easier for individuals to connect with others, which leads to greater opportunities in their careers.

Photo of Claire Adams
Emerging Leader Claire Adams Brings Creativity and Passion to her Grassroots Community Work

Urban Studies master’s student Claire Adams is dedicated to helping transform the way self-identified women experience urban spaces and participate in civic processes, and she has been recognized for this work with the Urban Studies Alumni Award for Community Engagement.

Amy sitting on a sofa, with the SFU VentureLabs logo behind her
Big Benefits of Smaller Companies

After 12 months of Co-op terms at 3 very different companies, I am closing out this major piece of my undergrad...All of these placements combined have given me a great foundation and transferable skills, but I also learned equally valuable things about different work environments. I encourage anyone still in Co-op to not overlook the very real benefits of smaller organizations.

Sarah Rain
Indigenous Studies Alumnus Sarah Rain's Journey of Self- Discovery

As a single mom, providing her young daughter with a bright future motivated Sarah Rain to work towards her degree, while also navigating the challenges of work, life, and parenthood.

Me on the right next to a wall with the text "Communications and Marketing 2200"
So, You Finished Co-op: A Letter to Myself

As the C&M team has been (lovingly) reminding me, the sand in my hourglass is running out. And be it the sentimental self-reflector in me, I want nothing more than to sit down with my pre-Co-op-self and tell her about all of the spectacular things that are about to come her way.

Me on the right talking with one of my peers about the Burnaby Mountain gondola! I was enthusiastic about the project and engaging with the public.
What IS public relations? My Co-op experience with SFU Communications and Marketing

“What is public relations?" This question feels as vague as someone asking me what majoring in Communications studies leads to. I admit that I want to pursue a career path in this industry, but I have repeatedly asked myself this question throughout my academics. In my search to find out, my experience working as a Communications Assistant in SFU’s Communications and Marketing office has given me a clearer picture of public relations.

Alan standing in front of work logo
Feeling Out of Place at Your Workplace – How to Overcome it

Do you feel out of place at your workplace? Perhaps even like you don't belong? You’re not the first nor the last to feel this way. It is completely normal; you just landed a job working alongside people with more experience than you. Keep reading to find out how Alan overcame these insecurities.

Three people behind a desk writing notes next to a Life Sciences BC billboard
What I Learned About Personal Values During My First Co-op Work Term

Your Co-op seeking term is full of opportunities. But without an idea of what you’re looking for, it can be overwhelming. As a newcomer to the communications field, I spent my first seeking term sifting through job after job like a deer in headlights, not knowing what to look for and where to look for it. Continue reading to learn how working with a company that shares my values enhanced my co-op experience.

man sitting at office desk holding dog
Why Co-op is the Most Important Thing You Can Do as an International Student

Being an international student from Bangladesh, I always felt that I did not have the necessary network to succeed in the Canadian workforce even though I feel strongly about my ability to work hard and grow. I felt anxious when looking at my peers who have been working in a job since the age of 16 whereas I was just getting started. This is when I was introduced to SFU Co-op. 

girl standing beside SFU sign
Starting or Continuing Your Co-op Journey: A Letter to Current and Future Co-op Students

If you are a current Co-op student, someone who’s about to begin their work term, or someone who’s thinking about possibly joining the program, this one is for you! I remember going into my first Co-op work term and finding comfort in reading about other students’ Co-op experiences. Not knowing what to expect can be scary, so being able to have a snapshot into what others have experienced or learned can offer some insights.

desktop computer on a wooden desk with plants in the background
8 Keys to Master the Art of a Hybrid Co-op

So, you've just started your first hybrid Co-op term and you have no idea what to expect or how to navigate a hybrid model of work within the corporate sector. Things may seem a little overwhelming! Here is the good news - there are 8 keys that I have picked up through my own trials and tribulations in a hybrid Co-op term.

man sitting outside in front of sign that says "mnp tower"
A Q&A with a MA Econ Co-op Student

Meet Ian Ho, an SFU Master of Economics Co-op student. In this quick Q&A, Ian shares a bit about his co-op experience. Keep on reading as Ian shares with us his most valuable less, some highlights from his work term, and tips for those going into their first co-op. 

girl with safety hat, vest, and glasses standing in front of construction site
There’s Nothing Scary About a Steep Learning Curve

I was determined to find a position during my Co-op search to anywhere I thought was interesting. When I saw PCL had an opening, I applied, even though I didn’t know anything about construction. While I had no experience in construction marketing, I was still intrigued and applied. Continue reading to learn about my experience in taking the challenge of diving into a new industry. 

A stack of books and a notebook on a desk
‘Worthless’ Majors are More Than Worthy 

What gives the liberal arts a bad reputation? An SFU FASS student shares their perspective on the colonial roots of the devaluation of liberal arts degrees and how their contributions to society are indispensable despite it. 

Photo of Ashley Kyne
Advocating for Lasting Change in The Community

Recent graduate, Ashley Kyne, won the Lieutenant Governor General Medal of Inclusion, Democracy and Reconciliation for her advocacy and community service. She reflects on her experiences and learnings during her undergraduate degree, including her work in challenging colonial narratives on and beyond campus. 

Vancouver Chinatown
Spill the Tea: Gentrification of Vancouver Chinatown

This short video-documentary was created in hopes to represent a diversity of voices of Chinatown. As the neighbourhood has become more polished, more people came to the local stores and restaurants. Yet, those developments also drove up the rent, pushing out many businesses which have existed in the area for decades.

person typing on laptop which is on white round table
The Perfect Cover Letter That Will Get You Hired

I can write a solid resume, interview well, and make sure that my online presence is on point. The one thing that’s always been a struggle? The dreaded cover letter. Continue reading as I highlight some of my top tips to selling yourself and securing that interview.

Photo of Daniel Furlot
Making an Impact During My Work Term Extension

Beedie student, Daniel Furlot, shares their experiences with making the most out of an eight-month Co-op term by being aware of areas of improvements within the company, and making a pitch to facilitate positive change.

A person on their computer at a work desk with a landline phone on the side
The Unteachable Skills

Beedie student, Alex Beechney, shares his experience in learning essential life skills such as decision-making, communication, and working under pressure during his Co-op work term at ACD Systems. 

Stairs to the SFU Academic Quadrangle (AQ) during sunset
New to SFU? Here Are Three Helpful Tips to Assist You on Your Journey!

Vivian shares some tips and resources on how you can make your time at university more effective and relaxing.

A crowd of people walking on a crosswalk
Why You Should Consider Submitting an SFU Story to the OLC

SFU Stories on the OLC are short-form, Instagram-style, narrative stories that help to build a welcoming SFU community. No matter how big or small, every story has something to offer. Share your story today!

Girl wearing a pink bucket hat smiling at the camera
Defeating My Inner Saboteur – Working with a Learning Disability

I never felt that I was good enough from my early years. I was a child that frequently struggled in school. No matter how much I put my heart and soul into projects or homework, I felt constantly knocked down. So a mix of excitement and dread came over me when I was notified that I was accepted into the Knowledge Network Co-op. Continue to read about how I defeated my inner saboteur and learned to work with a learning disability. 

Neon lights on a window reading "What is your story?"
Finding My Story Through Creative Writing

OLC Content Creator, Luis Arce Diaz, shares how the lessons he learned though his Creative Writing courses helped him not only to become a better writer, but to find his own story through exposure to different perspectives on life and writing.

man standing in front of grey background with arms crossed
A Q&A with a MA Econ Co-op Student

Meet Zafer, an SFU Master of Economics Co-op Student. In this quick Q&A, learn more about his current co-op at Scotiabank. Keep reading as Zafer tells us more about the role, what he's looking forward to the most, and some tips for students who are beginning their co-op journey. 

SIAT students Nhi Nguyen, Marielle Wall, and Julia Yee at the 2021 Vancouver UX Awards.
SIAT Students and Alum Recognized at the Vancouver User Experience Awards

The hard work of these SIAT students paid off when their work was recognized at the Vancouver User Experience Awards.

person standing in front of blue sky
Diving Headphones-First Into the World of Podcasting

I’ve always been deeply fascinated with audio as a medium. After all, I’ve worked with it plenty–I picked up the flute at age 12, and music’s been playing nonstop in my life ever since. Not just performing, either: composition, production, sound design, even a bit of voice acting as a hobby. So, when I saw the post from SFU’s Vancity Office of Community Engagement, I was curious. Continue reading to learn more about my experience working in the world of podcasting!

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