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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Have a great story to share?  Pitch it to our editors.

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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a candidate smiling at her interviewer
Behavioural Interviews

This series will help you prepare for almost any type of interview format that you might come across. In this edition learn about one of the most popular interview types you'll come across: Behavioural interviews.

girl talking and looking forward
How To Talk About Yourself Without Being An Arrogant Jerk

Did Greenday get it right?  Are nice people no more than spineless wimps, waiting to be crushed by the world's more fortitudinous vertebrates? Cathy Keates offers an alternative point of view.

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Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre

The Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre, a non for profit charitable organization, has been meeting the needs of aboriginal people making a transition to the urban Vancouver community since its doors opened in 1963. Read about one 17 year-olds summer experience.

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Warriors Against Violence Society Program

We believe there is a need to restore the traditional Aboriginal values of honour, respect and equality. The Circle of Life includes elders, lifegivers, men, and youth. All have a right to live in non-violent families and communities.

a group meeting with two individuals shaking hands
The Dirty Dozen Interview Questions

Needless to say, we all want to succeed while being interviewed. Yet it seems no matter how much we prepare, we always come across at least one question that stumps us. This three-part series explores the 12 most commonly asked, commonly-feared interview questions - and gives you the tools to rock the socks off your interviewer!

Diary of a Marketing Co-op: How to be Assertive
How to be Assertive

This entry of Diary of a Marketing Co-op asks how you can balance a level of assertiveness necessary to get your job done, without steamrolling everyone around you.

A guy with a suit
The Top 5 Last Minute Interview Tips You Really Need To Know

You’ve done all you can do to prepare for that big interview. You’re professionally dressed, confident and ready to roll. Here are some last minute tips that will ensure you make the best impression possible. 

Lady on a phone call
Phone Interviews

Do telephone interviews intimidate you? Increasingly, more and more companies are using phone  interviews to weed out potential employees and decide who will move on to the next round. If you're scared of phone interviews, read on for some tips!

Protect our ancestors sign
Musqueam Marks 100 Days with March to Protest Burials Under Threat

Open letter to my friends, relatives, colleagues and supporters of  c̓əsnaʔəm. Calling to Action.

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Cultivating Imagination & The Distraction of Logic

Just think how easy it is for young children to answer the question, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" Most kids won't hesitate to answer, even if their responses seem unrealistic, even impossible to our imaginatively-impaired minds. Not surprisingly, the answer to that question becomes much more evasive as the natural ease and strength of our imagination fades. Is there a way to get it back?

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BC Ideas

BC Ideas is an online competition, which asks British Columbians like you to bring forward innovative ideas and programs that address the challenges facing our province.

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Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Get connected to employers, mentors and career development opportunities through the Aboriginal Human Resource Council!

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[Indigenous Employer] The Canadian Cancer Society wants YOU to Join the Fight!

The Canadian Cancer Society is a national, community-based organization whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer. 

Cariboo Chilcotin Aboriginal Training Employment Center

The Cariboo Chilcotin Aboriginal Training Employment Center (CCATEC) is a nonprofit society, training unemployed First Nations for employment, First Nations, living in the Cariboo Chilcotin.

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[Indigenous Employer] Correctional Service Canada Careers

More than just a job! Join our public safety team! At the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC), putting in a day’s work means helping to keep your community safe.

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[Indigenous Employer] Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) is dedicated to providing financial services to North American Indian, Inuit and Metis people through our Aboriginal Banking Team. Join this team of experts and you’ll bring the new skills and training we provide to help meet the changing and diverse needs of the people in your community.

Jerkone's online portfolio
5 Tips for Online Portfolios: Employer’s Perspective

Portfolio tips straight from the employers, they share with us what they look for in online portfolios and how they decide who they’re bringing in for interviews. 

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The Tables Have Turned

During the lightning round Natalie was shortlisted for a third job interview and was ultimately offered a co-op job! She reflects on her latest interview experience and shares some very important insights you should know to succeed at your next job interview.

dave sitting at the head of a table with an arrow pointing at his head, with the words "expert"
Not An Expert, Don't Want To Be

Have a cold? Take this medicine. Feeling sad? Take these pills. Not sure what to do with your life? Find someone to give you the answer. Anything will do, as long as it doesn't involve a significant personal investment of our own time, effort, or mental energy - after all, we've got better things to do.

Drexel University
Paul’s Journey to Landing His First Co-op Job

Take a read at this interview with Paul as he shares with us his first co-op experience at Drexel University in Philadelphia. 

Picture of Jessica beside a microscope
Continuing Studies Graduate Wins NSERC Award

Jessica Humchitt, a graduate of SFU Continuing Studies' Aboriginal Pre-Health Program, was recently awarded the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Undergraduate Student Research Award for her work.

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Vancouver Indigenous Media Arts Festival

Vancouver Indigenous Media Arts Festival is an Aboriginal-run media arts organization rebuilding the West Coast’s film, video and media arts festival.  The organization endeavours to develop a crucial piece of infrastructure that has been missing from the Aboriginal cultural sector, as well as British Columbia’s creative industries.

an interviewee shaking hands of the two interviewers
4 Tips on Showcasing Projects in Interviews

Why talk about your work when you can show it?  Good portfolio pieces will help set you apart from other candidates. Here are some important tips from Co-op students, coordinators and employers on showcasing your portfolio during interviews.

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Co-op Employer Identifies Interviewing Weaknesses

You've always heard about how to prepare for interviews from your peers and your coordinators, but what about from an employer? Kim Steinbart of the BC Forest Service discusses common interview mistakes and provides tips on how to put your best foot forward.

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Beat Nation: Hip Hop as Indigenous Culture

Beat Nation: Hip Hop as Indigenous Culture is a website that focuses on the development of hip hop culture within Aboriginal youth communities and its influence on cultural production.

[Indigenous Employer] Vancouver Aboriginal Child & Family Services Society

Vancouver Aboriginal Child & Family Services Society is a non-profit society providing service to urban Aboriginal children and families living in the Greater Vancouver area. We function across three offices as the largest designated urban Aboriginal agency in Canada. 

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[Indigenous Employer] Scotiabank

We strive to deliver a seamless, consistent and rewarding employment experience globally by developing policies and programs based on shared global principles. 

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Indigenous Stories: Duncan Mccue, CBC Reporter & Professor

"I could, and should, expose the sickness that plagues Canada after a century of ignoring the many facets of aboriginal experience. And it empowered me to confront the darkness that I’ve witnessed in our own communities – substance abuse, corruption, and prejudice." Learn more about Duncan's journey...

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SFU Opens Up New World for Jessica Humchitt

The Aboriginal Pre-Health Program is a bridging program designed for Aboriginal high school graduates and mature students. The program helps students explore health career options and get the academic prerequisites they need to pursue post-secondary health or health science programs such as nursing, midwifery, or public health. 

Travel: A Resume Enhancing Experience

Summer travel offers opportunities to explore, relax, and hang out with friends. Plus, if you are an open-minded and curious person, travel can be a eye opening, resume enhancing experience. Here are some ways that travel might make a difference in your career.

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