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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Hands with hearts in them
How Hungry is Your Soul Today?

So what will be important in ten years? The classes you took will be important—but only if you do something with them. And you know what? You can worry about the future ten years down the road. Do something now.

Words from Within: A Conversation with SFU Alumnus

"I wanted to give students practical tips on 2 different things. How being SFU alumni can help you secure a job. How staying involved with the SFU Alumni Association is a mutually beneficial relationship." - Travis Wong, BBA '09

Job by its cover
Don't Judge A Job By Its Cover

I was hesitant to accept a co-op position because I thought that the skills I would obtain would not at all be relevant to my career path. As it turns out, I learned that trying out things that do not appeal to you 100% at the beginning is often a risk worth taking. Here's my story.

glass door with LinkedIn logo sticker
Creating an Effective LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a social networking site. Unlike Facebook, however, LinkedIn is primarily for professionals. It is a great tool to help connect you with professionals, but it’s also great for your job search. In this first part of two series about LinkedIn, we tackle the task of creating an effective LinkedIn profile.

a woman showing her laptop to her colleague
101 on Information Interviews: Should You Do One?

For the majority of university students nearing graduation, the question of what job and career path to pursue can be a very daunting and challenging decision to make. But did you know informational interviews could help you make those decisions?

a man writing notes
Bon Voyage: How To Ensure Smooth Sailing As You Wrap Up Your Co-op Work Term

With work terms winding down to a close, most co-op students can’t help but reminisce warmly about friends made, skills gained and career opportunities uncovered while on the job. During this time, it is important to take advantage of a few tips for smooth sailing as you wrap up your work term.

a flatlay of different materials for a creative
What To Put In An Online Portfolio

An online portfolio is a visual representation of your abilities, personality and style. Why not show what you can do instead of talking about it? In fact, some employers go directly to a student’s portfolio first before even glancing at their resume. Even if having a portfolio isn’t a requirement in your current field of study, it will definitely help make you stand out.

three people in professional attire having a discussion
Networking During Your Co-op Work Term

There are many ways and places to network, whether it’s at a convention, party, hiring fair, the art gallery, or even online! But have you ever considered networking on your Co-op work term?

Darth Vader
Career Blog Roundup - Awesome Metaphor Edition

I've been reading a few really great articles lately, and instead of trying and failing to come up with something original, I thought I would share some of those articles, along with some of my thoughts about them. Here's five articles I like, complete with commentary, all of which use awesome metaphors to get their career advice across.

a group of people sitting around in a circle talking
Introductions, Rules and Learning Objectives

The following article is the first in a three-part series on how Co-op supervisors can make the most of a Co-op experience with their student. Part one focuses on introductions and expectations, and how to build your students learning objectives.

baby penguin
The Problem With Helping People | Part Two

it seems like everybody wants to help people. Read how career advisor Dave Lindskoog walks through this ubiquitous yet decidedly unhelpful desire with an imaginary student. Make sure to read part 1!

conversation exchanged between two people
Some Respect for References

Liesl Jurock is back with more advice - this time on references. She explains that while picking the right references can be tough, it's also important to give them the respect and gratitute they deserve.

SFU students smiling at a networking event
Professional Attire Edition

T-shirt? Jeans? Flip-flops? Sneakers? Confused about what you should wear for your job interview, work or to a networking event? No fear! Read on “What Not to Wear: Professional Attire Edition” to find out how to dress to impress and for success…

Help wanted sign
The Problem With Helping People | Part One

"I want to help people." I quietly chuckle to myself a little bit every time somebody says it. If only they knew how many times a week I heard those exact words. So, I usually ask them to explain what they mean by 'helping people.'

close-up image of hands working on a laptop
Resume Makeovers

Does your résumé need a makeover? Do you want to have it done for free and in less than 15 minutes? If you answered "yes" to both questions, read on to find out how you can do so!

a handshake exchanged between interviewers and the interviewee
Master Your Career with Your Handshake

Are you a bone crusher or a limp hand-shaker? You may ask, “Does a handshake really matter?” Well, apparently, a simple handshake can say a lot about you in the work and social settings. Read on to find out what kind of handshake you have and how to improve your handshaking skills…

Picture of someone holding a briefcase
Career Portfolio: Making Intangibles Tangible

The portfolio makes intangibles tangible offering a complete picture of who you are and where you want to go. Portfolios get attention, provide links, and build your credibility and confidence. If you are wondering how to start building your career portfolio click to read more.

students at an SFU assembly
Top Ten: Tips For a Successful Transition

If you've recently graduated, or are about to, the prospect of transitioning from the comfort and predictability of a student lifestyle to the dynamic unpredictability of the world of work can seem daunting.

Two students sleeping in class.
A BA That's Definitely Not Worth It

The Bold Academy is a 4-week 'potential-building' experience marketed at college students and recent grads. The strategic use of the letters BA suggest that the program is primarily directed at arts students, conveniently playing off the stereotype of the aimless arts student. It's an interesting idea, but is it worth the steep price tag?

Picture of author sitting in front of a microphone, looking to his left
Alumni Spotlight: Chris Lo

Chris Lo, a Business Co-op alumnus, was able to leverage his Co-op and volunteer experience in order to gain a competitive edge after graduation. Read on to learn how he effectively used his time at SFU as a  stepping stone to his current position with the City of Burnaby.

Picture of karen
Co-op students land ‘space’ jobs

Karen Tulloch, a biomedical physiology and kinesiology (BPK) major, has been working for the past three months as a BPK co-op student at the Canadian Space Agency in St. Hubert, Quebec. Read on to find out more about her exciting work and amazing achievements. 

christina wu laughing
Life After Co-op Series: Connecting Local and Global Experience

Christina Wu finished a joint major in Business and Communication at SFU and is now working as a Communications Coordinator for the BC Council for International Education. She sat down with us to share her rich Co-op experiences and how they played a significant part in developing the skills and connections she has today.

Jesse Faltus: A Co-op Student's Success Story

Meet Jesse Faltus, a Computing Science student convocating this June. He has successfully completed three co-op work terms, and had a blast doing so! Read all about his experiences and why he recommends joining the co-op program.

a guy running late carrying a suitcase
Why is Everything Late?!?

In the next entry from our marketing co-op she contimplates her love of deadlines and fast paced changes, then how it all went out the window. Join her as she re examines the fluid nature of deadlines.

Smantha Garcia on the SFU track smiling
Samantha Garcia: A Co-op Student's Success Story

Samantha Garcia graduated this past June with a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology, with a Co-op designation for her four Co-op work terms. Read all about her experiences here!

An arm holding up a diploma at graduation.
Listen Up Recent Graduates!

Congratulations on your new accomplishment! You are a proud SFU grad who is ready represent SFU and engage in global communities. Some of you may already know what you will be doing but some of you may still be wondering what the future would entail.

An indigenous grass dancer
Indigenous Career Services & The Dance of Success

My name is Mike & I'm originally from Little Black Bear’s Band in the Treaty #4 area. I am in my final year of a First Nations Studies degree. Our goal is to determine ways in which the Career Services team can better serve the indigenous student population.

A man dressed as Batman
How To Be More Like Batman

As much as you may hear otherwise, you're not special. If you're like 99% of people, you don't have any superpowers. You're not going to change the world in any significant way. Sure, you've got strengths, and you'll probably help lots of people, but you're not going to single-handedly save the world.

You're not Superman. You're not Spiderman. But here are five ways you channel Batman in your own career development.

Students participating in a string exercise
Networking and the Extrovert Bias

Being a pretty typical introvert, one of the things that I need to put more effort into than a lot of more outgoing people is building and maintaining new relationships.  Friends, coworkers, other professional contacts, you name it - any new relationship.


Facebook laptop login
Social Networking: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Social networking has taken our wired world by storm. While Facebook is a great way to network with others and reconnect with old friends, the use of social networking sites and the availability of personal information creates a plethora of implications for personal privacy and safety.

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