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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Eiffel Tower
Five Ways to Gain International Experience

Interested in International Opportunities? SFU has many ways to get involved regarding volunteering, co-ops and mentorships. Read on to discover the many ways you can gain international experience while at SFU.                                                                                                                                   

Picture of elizabeth in the outdoors
Diary of a Marketing Co-op: My First Month

Elizabeth Moffat started an 8-month co-op term with the Telus marketing department in Spring 2012. She wrote about the ups and downs of her co-op experience, and reflects on what she learned about the job and herself.

Hayati Indah Putri taking a picture with a man
A Life-changing Co-op Experience in East Borneo

In spring 2011, Indah relocated to East Borneo to work as a translator and tutor. After returning from her trip, she reflects on her life-changing experience and lessons she learned while she was working there.

Elizabeth, author, smiling
My First Month

This blog will chronicle the next eight months as I complete my second and third co-op terms as a member of the TELUS Marcomm team. My first co-op term was in Fall 2010 when I spent four months as the web intern for the Vancouver Canucks. 

a girl wearing a shirt that says 'It's right to be wrong"
When You're Wrong, You're Right

It's not what you say that matters, but how you say it. You could be making something up on the spot, and be totally wrong on whatever it is you're talking about, but if you appear confident in what you're saying, you're more likely to be seen as right.

What exactly is confidence, and how do we get more of it?

Foreign students at Princeton University
Becoming a Global Citizen: Are You on Track?

“Global Citizenship” is a term that is popping up more and more.  Some say global citizenship is a way of thinking, others say it is about self-awareness and awareness of others, and still others say it is participating in the social and political life of one’s community.

photo of a thunderstorm
The True Cost of Overtime - Fires & Addicts

When it comes to careers, we act like addicts - in spite of clear evidence that working too many hours is damaging us, we continue to do it because of perceived short term reward. It's time for a change.

Two small boats in Barbados water
Barbados: My First Impressions and the Canadian Connection

If you want to spend a semester travelling, but don’t want to give up your opportunities to learn, then a co-op placement in Barbados could meet both of your aims. Lee Wu went all the way to Barbados to work as an audit intern. Learn how Lee Wu spent his Co-op semester as an audit intern abroad. Here he details his impression of the country.

A group of people are looking at a book
Working in the Non-Profit Sector: Addressing the Myths

Five panelists came to speak to students about how they ended up with their current profession, life lessons they learned along the way, and addressed the many questions students had about the nature of the non-profit sector. Here are the stories the panelists have to share with you. After sharing their educational and career experiences, the panelists addressed a variety of myths about the sector. 

There is a title "Working in the Non-Profit Sector". At the bottom left cornerof the image, there is a logo for SFU Work Integrated Learning.  Volunteer Services and Career Services are located at the bottom right corner.
Working in the Non-Profit Sector Panel: A Rewarding Career Path?

2010 EVENT RECAP: How do you acquire a successful and rewarding career? For five professionals, it was working for community organizations in the non-profit sector. The non-profit sector gave them the opportunity to contribute their professional skills, experiences and passions to advance their career while making a positive difference in their communities. Recently, they sat down with SFU students and shared their personal stories and journey to their current positions.

a girl writing in a notebook
Volunteer for Your Career

Volunteering is one of the quickest and easiest ways to meet new people, learn new skills and advance your career. So, before you say "no" to a volunteer opportunity that you think you don't have time for, consider the learning and career possibilities it may lead you to if you said "yes".

Ethics Image
Why Working for an Ethical Company Matters

When searching for jobs, things such as the salary and job description are certainly important factors in influencing your decision in applying. However, corporate citizenship can affect your career and job security. Read on to find out more about why ethics matter.

Kids playing soccer
Vancouver Police Athletic League – Engaging Youth, One Game at a Time

The PAL is opened to all youth; however, there is a focus on kids who come from lower socioeconomic statuses or more vulnerable backgrounds. As mentioned earlier, one of the great things about PAL is that it is free of cost.

A girl is looking at the computer screen.
Cover Letters: The Beginning Is All or Nothing

Has someone ever told you that your cover letter needs to have an “eye-catching” and interesting beginning? Well, this is no myth.  Recently, my sister who works in Human Resources has told me horror stories about the cover letters that she is subjected to reading.

Sticky note with the word happy
The Happiness of Subtraction

Money, material possessions, a great job, time, even love... I would argue that adding any of these to your life is not the key to happiness.  No, adding anything is not the way to go. Instead, let's think about subtraction.

New Semester Resolutions

If you are like me, you make new semester resolutions at the start of every term. If you are like me, many of these resolutions are lofty, vague, and eventually unfulfilled. By setting SMART goals, can acheiving my goals actually be possible?

Connie shaking hands with a colleague
Secrets to Landing a Co-op Job

Entering the Co-op program may have been a breeze, but now it’s time to get down to business: Applying for jobs and getting those interviews! Don’t worry if this may seem scary at first as there are tips to help you get your foot in the door as you continue your exciting experience in Co-op.

Government Workers, They’re Just Like Us: Joining the Team at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Read about Alison's co-op at Agriculture and Agri-food Canada and how this experience has changed some her expectations of working in the federal government sector! 

Picture of the BPK Co-op event
Taking It One Day at a Time with Roger Takahashi

Roger Takahashi, strength and conditioning coach for the Vancouver Canucks, talked to BPK students about the steps he took to get where he is and how to follow a career path you love.

Eddard Stark
Stubborn or Persistent? A Stark Difference

Like most things, persistence is something of a double-edged sword: it can be either a huge strength when applied in a constructive direction, or an outright flaw when clung to too tightly in situations that call for more flexibility. Like Ned Stark's honour, it can earn you respect and carry you to high places, but it can just as quickly get you into serious trouble.

Two girls looking at a computer together
Reilika Reminisces

Reilika, the third member of Career Friends, graduated with an Economics and Business degree in Europe. Coming to Canada was a difficult transition; but the Career Friends helped her be focused, develop new skills, and provide a network of support. Read Reilika's story to learn more. 

Isabel with many people in front of a building
Isabel's Bolivia Adventure: An Irreplaceable International Experience | Part Two

The second installment of Isabel's international co-op adventure working with ICO (Instituto de Capacitacion del Oriente) in Bolivia. 

Isabel with many people in front of a building
Isabel's Bolivia Adventure: An Irreplaceable International Experience | Part One

Since its launch in 2005, the Students for Development (SFD) program has been supporting Canadian university students' participation in internships in developing countries and emerging economies. Isabel went on the SFD program in Summer 2011 where she worked with ICO (Instituto de Capacitacion del Oriente) in Bolivia.

Making a Difference in Bolivia: Deborah's International Experience

Since its launch in 2005, the Students for Development (SFD) program has been supporting Canadian university students' participation in internships in developing countries and emerging economies. Melanie Woo spoke to Deborah about her SFD experience.

Johnny on the phone
Feel Limited By Your Major?

How accurate are you in predicting what a person’s career would be based on what they majored in university? Read a list of some of my close friends’ careers.  Can you guess what their university majors were? Take this quiz and match the job title to the university major:

Lazy cat
Procrastination Problems? Maybe Not...

If you're human, you'll admit to having procrastinated about something. If you're an honest human, you'll admit to having procrastinated about a lot of things. I'll even go out on a limb and say that you've often put some salt in that wound and felt guilty about your procrastination. So what are you going to do about it?

8 studnets standing in a line with their hands in the air celebrating
What I Really Learned on My Co-op Work Term

Fulfilling your learning objectives is one thing, but what did you really learn on your co-op work term? The OLC asked some current and former co-op students what lessons they took with them so you can make your next work term a success.

A photo of three people smiling while working with laptops open
Dream, Dream, Dream...

For some of us, pursuing our dreams might be completely out of our comfort zone.  We’re happy to work in jobs we feel are our “best option” at the time.  The problem with this is that we become complacent and our motivation and passion slowly start to dwindle.

Two women smiling at the camera while they make food
Lunch Time Bonding

It's been three months since their arrival in India. The girls look back at their initial experiences and how far they have come since then. Martyna shares their interaction with the girls at Destiny Reflection and her thoughts on being surrounded by such powerful women. 

A photo of two women talking while smiling at each other
Get An Edge In Your Career Through Mentorship

Having someone who is willing to share their experience with you can make a big difference, however cliché that may sound. Despite many obvious benefits, mentorship has been cited as one of the least-utilized tools for advancing one’s career. With that in mind, learn how to form and sustain a meaningful relationship with your potential mentor.

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