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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Have a great story to share?  Pitch it to our editors.

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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International Spotlight: Japan!

Working in Japan provides great experiences for students wishing to venture abroad. Enjoy the beautiful sights, incredible food, and the chance to work in an exciting new locale!

Parking station for an electric vehicle
Greening Your Travel Choices

While it may seem daunting to move or travel to a new place and maintain a sustainable lifestyle when you don’t have personal and cultural resources at your fingertips, there are several ways that you can practice sustainability while travelling and living abroad.

A woman flying away
International Students: Break Through The Wall That Blocks You!

Are you an international student that feels like there is a wall that stops you from moving forward? Are you trying to improve your language level, but feel embarrassed communicating in English? You're not the only one. But there are people who are reaching their goals. Find your inspiration and become one of them.

beautynight poster
Fostering Dignity and Community With Beauty Night Society

Find out about Lauren's interview with Caroline MacGillivray, founder and Executive Director of Beauty Night. She gets the scoop on why Beauty Night Society would be great to volunteer with and how you can get involved.

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Learning to Say No

Career Peer, Alix, talks about how getting involved is great but also how saying "no" is great too. Learn about when you should consider turning down an opportunity, even an exciting one.

three students smiling side-by-side
4 Workplace Success Tips to Advance Your Career

Have you secured your next co-op placement? Do you want to get the most out of your work experience while making a lasting, positive impression on your managers and colleagues? Here are 4 quick tips to create a personal and professional brand for yourself to advance your career.

A mother hugging her child
To Work, Or Not To Work: A Mother's Dilemma

You have recently welcomed a new baby into the world. Before you know it, you are faced with the dilemma: to work, or not to work? There is a misconception that women can be committed either to their career or to their kids, but not to both. Read on to find some factors  women consider when making this difficult decision.

Banner of Scouts Canada
Leading Children with Scouts Canada: A Volunteer Experience on Burnaby Mountain

Kerri give the scoop on volunteering with Scouts Canada, more specifically Scoutsabout! Read on to find out why this was a meaningful experience for her and how you can get involved in a similar program!

Fractured Land banner
Fractured Land: The Story of Our Nation at a Crossroads.

Our journey making the film has taken us to places of largely unseen beauty - from Caleb's traditional territories, where he’s fished and hunted moose his whole life, to Maori lands in New Zealand, where he sought to learn how Indigenous law could be blended with the current legal system in order to protect our sacred ecosystems

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Spotlight on a Loaned Representative

Averyl Bancroft spent her co-op workterm as a Loaned Representative, as well as one of the United Way's Care-y mascots! As part of the United Way Spotlight series she shares her experience about the Loaned Rep program taking her out of her comfort zone.

a group of colleagues sitting around the table talking to each other
Oh the Holidays: The Time to Keep Working…Socially.

Time flies and before you know it, you’ll be attending a lot of holiday parties, activities and social functions. Surprisingly, these holiday gatherings provide the perfect opportunity to be networking, building relationships, learning about diverse jobs, and starting career conversations that could assist you in getting a head start on your future career exploration and work search.

Communicating With Culture in Mind

A co-op placement at VACFSS allowed Aleks Besan to learn about the progress being made within the world of child welfare, family preservation, and social work. She reflects on this rewarding experience and her work in Communications.

Interview Woes

So you have been shortlisted for an interview, what do you do next?  Take a deep breath, gather your thoughts and do some research!  Preparation and confidence are key, but what happens when this isn't enough?

A hand holding up three fingers
If I Could Only Offer Three Pieces of Advice . . .

I would say to never give up, to really spend time tailoring the cover letter to the employer, and to apply for jobs that you may not initially like…because you never know what’s out there until you explore the opportunities!

a keyboard and hand on mouse
Teaching Resume FAQs

Looking for teaching work? Getting to the end of your PDP/PQP/PLP program? Check out this list of frequently asked questions about teaching resumes!

word no handwritten on brown paper
Learning To Say No To Opportunities

Scouring the internet for volunteer opportunities, I realize there are a lot out there. I make a possible schedule, trying to fit in existing commitments with new opportunities. Eventually, I conclude that if I get so much as stuck in traffic my tightrope of a schedule will fall apart. With so much out there, how do you choose? When do you say no?

Rui sitting at the computer
Light and Love Home: Seniors Have a Great Passion to Learn About Computers

Hear all about Rui's experience teaching seniors how to use the computer! She details her volunteer opportunity with the Love and Learn Home and how it was not as easy as she first thought!

Microsoft Headquarters
BIG Company Interviews - Microsoft

The Online Learning Community takes a focus in  this article on how to tackle an interview with one of the biggest - Microsoft.

Your 101 Guide on Working Out-of Province

While it is difficult to secure a co-op or internship placement in today’s declining job market, out-of-province work experience is even harder to come by. If you are going to relocate soon or are thinking about doing an out-of-province co-op or internship, here are some must-know tips and information to help you make the transition smoothly and successfully!

two people shaking hands, smiling
5 Must-Know Tips for Successful Job Search

Finding a job after graduation is definitely a nerve-wrecking thought and thing to do. However, with some preparation and tips in advance, job searching can become less tedious. Find out how you can prepare for job searching and what you should expect during your job seeking journey!

hands holding wrists
Volunteer For Your Student Unions

Looking for volunteer opportunities on campus? Sabrina has the answers for you! Learn all about why volunteering for your department's student union is beneficial and how you can get involved. Also hear about Sabrina's personal experience volunteering for her department!

coins spilled out of jar
Black Friday & Value(s)

Today is Black Friday - the frenzied "first day" of holiday shopping following Thanksgiving day in the States. So naturally, value is on a lot of people's minds, as stores are now known to drop prices so low that shoppers have literally killed each other in an effort to save money. But it's another kind of value that motivated this article.

A person working on their laptop in a coffee shop
How To Use Interviewstream To Land The Job

Interviewstream has compiled a database of extremely relevant questions, similar if not identical to what professionals would ask you.

two people shaking hands
Networking 101: Building Relationships and Selling Yourself!

The main benefit of networking, allows you to find jobs, meet new people, and build long-lasting relationships for mutual benefit. Knowing the right people allows you to get to places that you might not be able to reach otherwise.

the back of a man sitting in his graduation gown
Nailing Job Interviews | Part One | Pre Departure

While some students attended class and others continued their research or homework, a group of students gathered in the depths of the Maggie Benston Centre at Career Services headquarters. Here, we were trained, equipped and armed – ready for our next mission: an Interview.

student in professional attire
4 Reasons Why You Should Work At A Start-up Company

Today, it is fairly difficult for students or new graduates to successfully find an internship, co-op or full-time position. However, start-up companies create a majority of employment in B.C., making them a perfect place for you to set your foot in the door in the industry you want to work in.

Image of a girl in a blue blazer getting interviewed by 2 offscreen people
Dealing with Interview Rejection

Dealing with interview rejection is not always easy, but don't let it stop you from landing your dream job! Read on to find out how to deal with job rejections and how you can improve your future interview performance!

a beautiful photo of Vancouver with clear skies
Five Great Volunteer Organizations in Vancouver

Are you one of the many students who have found difficulties in finding volunteering opportunities, especially in your first year? Karen has compiled some of her recommended organizations, which provide you with great opportunities to develop skills and build on your resume.

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Personal Branding: You’re a Marketable Brand!

With the rise social media, personal branding is a hot topic that is discussed constantly. Your personal brand is basically how people perceive you, and how you market yourself to others. Many students may not be aware of the fact that they need to conduct themselves professionally online because their future employers are now looking at their online presence.

multiple pieces of a deconstructed electric razor
The Key to a Great Cover Letter: Deconstructing the Job Description

Feeling nervous or unqualified as you apply for a job? Struggling to set yourself apart? Learn how to deconstruct the job description so that you can feel comfortable marketing yourself in your cover letter!

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