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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Have a great story to share?  Pitch it to our editors.

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Children in colourful clothing playing a game
Reflecting on a Life-Changing Co-op Term

In the fourth and final entry of her series, Kali reflects on her final weeks in India working at Destiny and the Socio Legal Aid and Research Training Centre, as well as taking time to travel and appreciate all that India has to offer before heading home to Canada.

Kali surrounded by women
Getting Comfortable in Kolkata

In the third entry of her series, Kali is getting comfortable with the daily routines of living and working in Kolkata, India. Through her research into adolescent health, she developed and delivered workshops for young women on nutrition and exercise.

smiling woman from Kolkata, hand on her forehead
Learning Indian Lessons

In the second installment of her series, Kali encounters some of the challenges of an international Co-op term. Find out how her determination led her to an amazing experience with Socio Legal Aid and Research Training Centre in India.

Kerri posing in front of some lush greenery
And So It Begins...

Journey through Moldova, a small country situated between Romania and Ukraine with Kerri Jang as she volunteers with a medical project in Moldova's capital and a care project in the nearby village of Vadul lui Voda this five part series. In this article, Kerri begins her journey in Moldova! 

a part of the Kolkata city line
Arrival in Kolkata, India

Kali Penney had three missions when she left on her volunteer co-op to India; to survive living in a developing country for 3 months, to learn about major health issues in Kolkata, India, and to complete work that will have a continuing impact long after she has left the country. In her first article, Kali recounts her arrival in India and introduction to the local culture.

Gateway of India Monument in Mumbai (Bombay)
Sheena Takes On the Mumbai Marketing Scene

In her third year as a Communication major, Sheena Rupani returns home to Mumbai, India and proves that an SFU student has what it takes to compete on the international marketing scene. In a setting where high stakes rely on time management and clear cross-cultural communication, this international co-op celebrity takes self-directed study to the next level.

A picture of a terrified girl
Fear Helps You Make Decisions

How do you make important decisions? I’ve been reminded in my visits with students of the difficulty that can be a part of making big decisions. I’ve also been reminded that when working with people struggling with a choice, it can be challenging to reign in the impulse to push for one direction or the other.

Picture of a young male child cowering in fear.
Fear Helps You Make Decisions

How do you make important decisions? I’ve been reminded in my visits with students of the difficulty that can be a part of making big decisions. I’ve also been reminded that when working with people struggling with a choice, it can be challenging to reign in the impulse to push for one direction or the other.

International Spotlight: Australia!

Whisk your imagination off to the world’s smallest continent and the sixth largest land mass on Earth. Not to mention a great place to do a Co-op semester. Meet: Australia!

a person gift wrapping
Make a Difference This Holiday Season

There is no better time to think about helping others than during the traditional season of giving. And because many charitable organizations kick into high gear during the holidays, there is no shortage of opportunities to contribute your time and talents. So why not try volunteering this holiday season?

jessica before the co-op make over
The Co-op Career Makeover: A Student's Journey from Drab to High Profile

Is your career portfolio feeling a little outdated? Tune in to a local makeover phenomenon that's taking the job market by storm: SFU Co-op. Communication Major Jessica Doherty knows first hand what co-op can do for building confidence, contacts, and a killer resume. Read on to follow her on her journey from drab to high profile.

Handshake neon lights
Use Empathy to Master Your Next Job Interview

Busy week! Sometimes it seems like there’s a never-ending stream of students to see, employers to contact, people to follow up with, meetings to attend, and… well, blog articles to write!

Laura in a canoe
My Summer In Whistler

For Laura Lush's fourth Co-op work-term she had the opportunity to work with Tamwood International College in beautiful Whistler, BC. Read about her experience here.

Japan building
Co-op Japan: 9-month Internship at NTT, Yokosuka, Japan

Co-op Japan: 9 months in Japan can seem like a long time away from the comforts of SFU. But as we all know, if you’re having fun, time flies. For Duncan Chan, all he saw was time fly as he experienced life in Japan like no other. He worked his Co-op work terms, developed friendships, and gained new skills he can utilize in the future – everything he did in Japan was that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and he took it until the very end.

Working For the Feds: An Interview with CIDA’s Executive Vice President, David Moloney

Read about David Moloney, the Executive Vice President of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and someone who "“…can’t decide what he wants to do when he grows up,” as he shares with us his experience working in government.  

A woman reaching out and touching the shoulder of a man
Empathy for Personal Growth and Beyond

Students in counselling psychology become very familiar with the term “empathy."The message that empathy is the cornerstone to successful therapy is pounded into your brain until you stop asking how or why it’s important, and start accepting it as a fact.

Extra! Extra! SFU Co-op Students Featured in Hong Kong News

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks (HKSTP) is known as a hub for innovation and technology in Asia. The following article is a translated excerpt from Takungpao, featuring Simon Fraser University students on international work terms at HKSTP.

A wastebin
Science Panel: There Is No Plan?

For three SFU Science Alumni, the road to success was a windy one. While each of them experienced roadblock and detours, none foresaw the opportunities and open doors that awaited them post graduation.

Autumn staring out into the distance, with a view of Peruvian mountains in the background
Scholarly Adventures in Peru

Q  & A's with Autumn Mochinski, a student who participated in a funded  international placement with the PAHO/ WHO to prepare an assessment of social  determinants and health and Tuberculosis in Lima, Peru.

It Starts Within You

Bomee Hwang is a Business student and just completed three co-op terms at Ericsson where she worked in the Human Resources Department.  She shares her thoughtful observations about Human Resources in her co-op reflection.

Facebook app
Facebook and Your Co-op Term

The cold, hard fact is that Facebook may be putting your job at risk, and not just because you’re writing on your friends’ Walls when you should be working. This said, co-op students: please take heed of the following guidelines and maintain your all-important professional poise.

picture of a lighthouse in the distance
Canadian Co-op Adventure

Tired of the same ol Vancouver scene?  Want to travel, but think you cant because your student bank account is plummeting somewhere in the negatives?  If you said yes to both these questions, sounds like youre suffering from a classic case of travel bug blues.  But dont worry, theres a simple solution to your ailment.  Start searching for co-op jobs out of town!


International Spotlight: Switzerland!

While Switzerland is a great place to travel and eat, its more than just a land of cheese, chocolates, and msli! Its also a great place to work and study, allowing students gain experiences of a lifetime!

Jeanni standing in front of the business objects sign
Jeannie Chan: A Co-op Student's Success Story

Meet Jeannie Chan, a Computing Science and Statistics student who convocated this June. Shes completed a total of five Co-op work terms, and has been able to develop an impressive set of skills, helping her to land a full-time job! Read on to learn all about her experiences.

a group of people gathered together for a conference type event
Speed Networking: Not for the Soft-Spoken

Keep hearing that networking is the key to professional success, but unsure of how to go about doing it? The Vancouver Board of Trade's first-ever Speed Networking event brought together students, mentors and representatives of the business community for 2 hours of intense contact building. Widely attended and well-received, this event proved that networking can be an enjoyable affair. 

Life balance
Understanding Balance

When someone on campusasks you “how are you doing?” what do you usually say? More often than not it seems the answer is “busy” because, let’s face it, SFU students ARE busy.

Kamil on the phone, looking at the camera
Survival Guide 101: Keys to Office Survival

Welcome to Office Life 101. A wealth of friendly advice for the first time or inexperienced co-op student, and some advice as to what is required of you to not only survive, but to flourish in an office environment.

Mila writing on a white board
Mila Lukic: A Co-op Student's Success Story

Mila Lukic, who immigrated to Canada from Serbia with her family at age 16, convocated this June with a B.Sc. in molecular biology, biochemistry and business administration with First Class honours. During her time at SFU, she completed four Co-op work terms including an international placement in Scotland for the Encouraging Global Dynamic Entrepreneurs (EDGE) program. Learn more about her achievements and experiences here.

Stephanie sitting at a desk typing
Opting for the Extracurricular: An Interview with PR Exec Stephanie Vicic

Trying to decide whether devoting your time to a club or professional association is right for you? Public Relations Executive, IABC member and former Communication Co-op student Stephanie Vicic gives insight into the value of pursuing the extracurricular. Read on!


Officials around a round table
Post-Graduation Work Permit Program: What You Need to Know

Attention to all international SFU students! Are you preparing to enter the Canadian workforce soon? If so, the transition has just been made easier for you, courtesy of the federal government.

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