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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Picture of someone's back while they're looking at the sunset
Finding The Right Fit With a Counsellor

Counselling has a lot of benefits, but it is a human relationship, and sometimes a counsellor you meet may not be the right fit - and that's okay.

Two people on their computers working on a sheet of paper
Beyond Your Final Goal for Your Co-op

A tiny step in learning and building a balanced work-personal life is a big step in your growth and accomplishments.

The silhouette of a bird over the ocean.
In Defense of Early Birds

We all wish we could sleep in longer than we need to every morning when our alarm rings. Here’s an argument for why you should listen to that alarm and even set it back a couple of hours if possible.

Four people looking at a sunset against a city
Handling the Social Boom of Late '21

How do you re-enter a social world after spending most of your time behind a computer screen? Here are some tips that helped me navigate the uncharted seas of post-pandemic socialization. 

Girl smiling with a landscape background
Five Ways That Co-op Helped Me Build My Self-Confidence

Having self-confidence has consistently been a goal of mine to achieve. And for a long time, I would get scared at the thought of pursuing Co-op positions as I thought that it would surely make me feel less confident about myself. But little did I know, my experiences in Co-op have been one of the biggest factors in building my self-confidence.

A person presenting in front of a screen and a microphone.
How To Be a Confident Public Speaker

Whether it’s an intimate meeting or a large crowd, speaking publicly in front of others can be difficult and intimidating. Follow along to hear some of the best tips for making sure you are prepared and present your most confident self!    

A person using a white cane on an outdoor path
It's Just a White Cane, It Won't Bite

Being a visually-impaired person on a university campus has its own unique difficulties on top of being a university student. Read Jillian's experience on what makes the campus accessible for her, and what resources she uses to make the most of her university career.

A person writing on a whiteboard.
The Big Leap: The Transition from Being a Student to Working a 9-5

Close to graduating or just want to know what the transition from being a student to working full-time is like? Check out Simran’s post about some of the challenges she faced due to her student habits and how she overcame them!

A wiener dog sitting in a box.
Lessons Learned After Moving Out During a Global Pandemic

Moving out during COVID was a daunting prospect, but taking that leap of faith has led me to having the best semester since before the pandemic. The skills I learned from this experience have helped me find balance even when life throws challenges my way.  

Chalk on Sidewalk
Surprising Yourself: How Keeping an Open Mind is One of the Best Things You Can Do as a Young Professional

Stepping out of your personal development comfort zone is a scary thought, but many good things can await on the other side if you take the first step.

Youtube Thumbnail
Five Video Essays CMNS Students Should Watch

Need a practical look at how communication studies are found in real life? These video essays may give you an idea to how media and culture are intertwined with communication through practical examples.

Portrait of Matthew
Building Open-Source Software: NVIDIA Software Intern Experience

Ever wonder what it’s like to work at NVIDIA as a Software Intern? That’s exactly what I did during 2021. I’ll be breaking down my entire experience at NVIDIA from start to finish; alongside the various open-source projects I had a chance to work on while at NVIDIA.

Two women looking at a computer together
Building Relationships During Your Co-op at Home

Starting my first co-op work term from home was not ideal. How was I supposed to make meaningful connections with those around me… when they weren’t physically around me?  

Working on Computer
Accepting Feedback and Learning to Take Criticism

Taking and implementing criticism is a difficult but important part of professional life. Read on to see how to make it easier on yourself when you get a bad review.

David Oyetola
What Does It Mean to Make an Impact with Your Studies?

David Oyetola’s Semester in Dialogue experience and how you can learn to make an immediate impact on the world while studying your career.

Woman sitting at table looking at her tablet.
Working in Social Media Marketing When You’re An Introvert

I imagined that working in social media would be a walk in the park. After all, I’ve spent about half my life rotating through different apps every day like a very boring episode of Black Mirror. What I forgot to take into consideration was that despite its name, I’m not actually the most “social” person at all. Keep reading to learn all about my experience working in social media marketing as an introvert. 

A Canadian flag against the blue sky
My First Virtual Day with the Government of Canada

Working at any new job is a nerve-wracking task, but being online makes us feel like we start a few more steps behind. Read's Kit's perspective on her first few days working at the Government of Canada, and how to make those really important connections over the webcam. 

Four students in red t-shirts manning an info table
Going from an SFU Student to an SFU Employee

I started my first co-op with high expectations (and nerves) – I was finally going back in-person at SFU, but this time for my first co-op. I was more nervous than I expected, there were so many questions and I had no idea what to expect. 

A computer with a braille keyboard
The Invisible Hand: In Regards to Helping a Disabled Person

Even the most well-meaning actions can have unintended consequences. Read SFU student Jillian's piece on what some of the dos and don'ts are for providing help to a blind person are. 

A woman wearing a mask looking off into the distance
Sticking with Your Resolutions

2022 is here! Read Terae's piece on how to be kind to yourself in the new year. 

Two women talking while sitting at a  coffee table.
On Self-Care, Capitalism, and Social Justice

I didn’t go into Co-op thinking that I would learn how to take care of myself. I was expecting to gain the traditional benefits–building up your resume, strengthening your professional skills, obtaining good references–but it ended up becoming much more than that.

Image of False Creek
Cycling Out of a Cycle

As I was finishing my third and final lap biking around the Stanley Park Seawall, my legs felt like Jell-O. I never biked this much before (a whopping 53 km that day, by the way), which made me wonder why I agreed to go on a “short” bike ride with my new co-workers at Vancouver Coastal Health. Looking back, however, I am glad that I agreed to join the bike ride. Continue reading to learn how this activity got me to know my co-workers outside of work – something that I didn’t know I needed.

Fireside chats at SFU
How SFU Celebrates the Holidays

We talked to members of the SFU community about how they celebrated the holiday season. 

A piece of paper with "New Years Resolutions" written on it.
Keeping to Your New Year's Resolutions

It's the start of another year, and that means it's resolutions time! Hermine from the Student Learning Commons has some great tips for acing your goals in the new year.

A person writing on a pile of papers with a pen.
Making Your Assignments Perfect: Step 1

Lost for words? No problem. The first of this two-part series from the SFU Library goes over how to edit your essay, exam, or final paper. 

Collage of 6 social media posts
Full-Time Co-op, Part-Time Artist: It Can Be Done!

I’m a student at SFU and on top of that, though, I’m a freelance creative. I do a bit of everything. As my first Co-op work term approached, I got nervous. I was terrified, frankly, that I would have to stop creating if I wanted to pursue full-time work. Keep reading to learn about how I learned to balance working full-time and being a freelance creative. 

A picture of a hand holding a phone with a blue, green, and orange case.
How to Take a Break from Technology

While smartphones and other tech devices are helpful for our personal and professional lives, it’s beneficial to take a day off occasionally. Here are some tips on how to take a break from endless scrolling. 

A person typing on a computer.
5 Email Etiquette Tips Every Employee Needs to Know

You probably know that dreadful feeling you get after opening an email that is so long your finger gets tired from scrolling. While the process of sending an email may seem intuitive, there are many considerations that should be made before hitting that “send” button. Therefore, I present to you, essential email etiquette tips every employee should know.

a potrait of Karina in her workplace
Karina Ibrayeva: Making the World’s Water Data More Usable and Accessible

Meet Karina Ibraveva, a SIAT Co-op student who's working with Aquatic Informatic as a Junior UX/UI Designer. Learn more about her journey in Co-op by clicking on the link below.

Laptop with a black and white filter
Putting my Passions to Work

Sydney shares how she managed to combine her long time passion for writing and her work.

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