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Our team is doing some spring cleaning starting with user accounts. Login using your CAS credentials for instructions. We appreciate your speedy action so we can move onto other new and exciting initiatives over the summer.

Welcome to the



Join the community using your SFU CAS account.

Join the community using your SFU CAS account. Then, complete your registration by clicking on your name located in the top right corner of the page.



Thank You for being a Part of the SFU OLC Community

After two decades of sharing educational resources and stories by students, alumni, staff and faculty, the SFU OLC is coming to an end. Thank you to every one of you who contributed stories, shared experiences, and engaged with the OLC over the years. Your participation has enriched our community and made a meaningful impact.

This notice provides you time to save any content you may wish to keep and to revisit the many contributions available. A final closure date will be posted in advance on the site.

Everyone has a story! What's yours?



Multilingual SFU

SFU students (graduate and undergraduate,) staff and faculty share their multilingual experience and welcome you to multilingual week at SFU. Do you have a multilingual story to share? Add it to the OLC.



Thank you for being a part of the SFU OLC community

After two decades of sharing educational resources and stories by students, alumni, staff and faculty, the SFU OLC is coming to an end. Thank you to every one of you who contributed stories, shared experiences, and engaged with the OLC over the years. Your participation has enriched our community and made a meaningful impact.

This notice provides you time to save any content you may wish to keep and to revisit the many contributions available. A final closure date will be posted in advance on the site.

Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Image of Priyanka Das
Discover Your True Self: 7 Tips to Develop Unwavering Self-Belief and Authenticity
Digital Resource Assistant

Take chances as you never know what opportunities may arise. Meet Priyanka Das, a Beedie Co-op student who’s working with SFU’s Communication and Marketing department as a Digital Resource Assistant. Learn more about how she landed her current co-op and other opportunities such as the CEOx1Day finalist by being authentic and believing in their abilities.




Join our team

The OLC is looking for volunteers for various positions that have a range of time commitments including content creators, editors, UI/UX developers, and website testers. Positions are open for all students hoping to gain valuable experience in writing, website development and management, task and time management, collaboration, communication, and more. There is no deadline to apply as we recruit year-round!



Chinmayee's Picks

Chinmayee's Picks

OLC has things to help students go pro. Having been part of the OLC's technical team and coming from a tech background myself, I tend to skim through tech-related articles first, diving deeper into the ones that pique my interest. I've compiled a list of my favourite finds from the OLC website, considering them valuable assets for fellow students.

Jared's Picks

Jared's Picks

Working as an editor for the OLC has been such a positive learning experience and has help me connect with so many unique and engaging stories. I would like to share some of my favourite pieces that I had the pleasure of working on. Yes, their grammar and spelling is great and their writing voice is very personal but each of these had something special.

Serena's Picks

Serena's Picks

It's been an amazing four months as a Copy Editor here at the OLC. I've had the chance to work on a variety of content, and it's been quite a journey. The OLC is a unique space where students can explore and contribute to a wide range of topics. Choosing my top picks was tough with so much good stuff, but here are three pieces that really stood out to me.


Hustle Culture

Hustle Culture

When should you stop and take a break? How much work is too much work? In this episode of Diving Into the Everyday, join us as we explore what is hustle culture, looking at its rise in exposure, and why a person may feel this pressure to participate.

Experiencing A New Culture In Mexico

Experiencing A New Culture In Mexico

I learned a lot more about myself – new interests, being more adaptable, future ambitions, etc. It was one of the most unique and remarkable experiences in my lifetime.

7 Ways to Have a Successful Meeting With Your Supervisor or Team

7 Ways to Have a Successful Meeting With Your Supervisor or Team

If you are struggling to facilitate or actively participate in meetings, you are not alone, as many students share the same struggle in school projects, student clubs and the workplace.

person laughing


Job Search in a Pandemic

New episodes of Career Conversations from SFU Career and Volunteer Services are released every Tuesday on the OLC. Tune in see your most burning questions about the world of work, volunteering, and career exploration answered by guests from diverse professional backgrounds and organizations across Canada.

Episode 3 features Kristina Lee, Director of the IT Division at Impact Recruitment. You don't want to miss her expert tips for job searching during the pandemic and how you can best show off your soft skills to employers.

person laughing


Job Search in a Pandemic

New episodes of Career Conversations from SFU Career and Volunteer Services are released every Tuesday on the OLC. Tune in see your most burning questions about the world of work, volunteering, and career exploration answered by guests from diverse professional backgrounds and organizations across Canada.

Episode 3 features Kristina Lee, Director of the IT Division at Impact Recruitment. You don't want to miss her expert tips for job searching during the pandemic and how you can best show off your soft skills to employers.



Activism Burnout: An Interview with Registered Clinical Counsellors

In light of the increased visibility of injustices around the world, taking a stand and contributing to social justice is becoming more prominent in our everyday lives. As you learn and advocate about different injustices, you may experience activism burnout with added stressors such as balancing work, personal life, school, and extracurricular activities. SFU Health Peers interview Counsellors at Health and Counselling Services for advice.



Why You Should Consider Submitting an SFU Story to the OLC

SFU Stories on the OLC are short-form, Instagram-style, narrative stories that help to build a welcoming SFU community. No matter how big or small, every story has something to offer. Share your story today!



I’m Starting a Minor Late Into My Degree... Now What?

One of our OLC team members, Brianna Tsang, shares her experience of deciding her minor in her 3rd year at SFU. "The knowledge and genuine connections made throughout this process has been an amazing experience and opportunity to have."



Social Media Addiction & Screen Fatigue: A Survival Guide for Jobs in Social Media

When it comes to social media and digital marketing positions, it’s easy to be blinded by the positives. After all, many Communication majors are fascinated by digital marketing and algorithms— and if you’re a digital native, creating social media content might already be second nature to you. Whether you manage social media for your organization or create external content, there are a few bonuses to consider.



On the Spot with the OLC

The OLC team is extremely excited to introduce a brand new podcast titled On the Spot with the OLC. Your hosts, Mehtaab and Terae, discuss important topics revolving around community, engagement, education and overall life advice! Within these 12 episodes, your hosts aim to bring a well rounded perspective to a variety of topics as they believe they can provide insightful knowledge about what it's like to be an SFU student. Please make sure to have a listen!

Listen to Episode 1: Creating Community at SFU



Welcome to Studio Bytes! A podcast inspired by the energy of the SIAT Studios and the memories students make in those spaces. This podcast invites Alumni back into the studio and we get to learn about their experiences at SIAT and their lives after. In Episode 2 meet SFU Alumni Marie Cheung who shares her experience at SFU, her life post SFU and her time in Europe

Listen to Episode 2: What is Service Design?

Login to Provide your Feedback!

Did you know that each landing page on the site has a feedback section for logged in users? We use this information to discover and fix issues, consider site improvements and addition of new features. Our tech team is focused on feature improvements this summer, so share your input to direct changes to the OLC.



Our Learning Community

SFU's Our Learning Community has an incredible range of content created by and for the SFU community. This includes diverse and authentic stories, which show a range of inspirational knowledge sharing happening between students, as well as handy tools that help with learning anywhere and everywhere you are.
Discover how you can contribute to our ever-expanding learning community.


Members Joined


Projects Created


Series Compiled



Recognizing that our SFU community members are versatile storytellers, the new OLC has expanded how you can tell your story. Come take a look by exploring into this brand new range of content curated by our editors; this includes Blogs, SFU Stories, Videos, and Podcasts. And remember, no matter where you are in your learning journey at SFU, we want to hear your story! Learn more on how you can contribute to the OLC.



a phone screen showcasing Amazon stocks rising
Get Your Side Hustle On: A Student's Guide to Part-Time Work

As she puts it, grad student Srijani Datta has been a student for most of her life. To support her love of academia she has worked as a reporter, tutor, translator, transcriber, and content writer. Develop your own side-hustle with her tips. 

A picture of Aslam sitting in front of a window.
Building Community
A woman standing with a cardboard box on her head
How to Navigate Student Mindset Traps

When students enter their first or second Co-op work term, there can be a risk of falling into student mindset traps. These are the habits we pick up as students that are detrimental to our professional performance and development. Read on to learn more about how Bowen learned to avoid student mindset traps after four Co-op semesters working for three different companies.

A person flexing
Just Like Bunko: Learning Strengths

Everyone has weaknesses. But its focusing on your strengths that grant you success in life.










There is so much to explore on the new OLC!

So, browse around and have fun with the new learning and storytelling tools. Found something not working?


Recognizing that our SFU community members are versatile storytellers, the new OLC has expanded how you can tell your story. Come take a look by exploring this wider range of content including Blogs, SFU Stories, Videos, Experiential Learning Experiences, and Podcasts. And remember, no matter where you are in your learning journey at SFU, we want to hear your story! Learn more on how you can contribute to the OLC.

Let us know button - hidden


Catch up on the latest and freshest content from the SFU OLC. You're bound to find a fresh new perspective, the most current advice, and recently published stories that are sure to inspire you.



Open laptop, pen, and clipboard on a table. Paper on clipboard reads "my resume".
Imposter Syndrome and Finding My Confidence With Co-op

Michael joined SFU’s Co-op program during his first year and quickly realized one thing as he began the job search process: projecting confidence and composure are key to showing your best points and skills. Continue reading to learn more about how Michael dealt with imposter syndrome and found his confidence with Co-op. 

Eight people in a circle cheering.
Ways to Stay Active in the Summer: Team Sports Edition

Team sports are a great way to have fun with friends, especially when the weather is nice during the summer. However, it isn't always easy to organize or find the people, space, and equipment. That's why we would like to help you out. With this blog we will discuss some of the different teams and drop-in leagues throughout the Lower Mainland that you can join!

Five members of the SAH Network, two sitting and three standing.
A Social Innovation Seed Fund Guest Blog: South Asian Healing (SAH) Network

The South Asian Healing Network is a group dedicated to the wellness of South Asian students at SFU and is a 2021 SFU Social Innovation Seed Fund recipient. Read on to hear about the group's philosophy and goals for the future!

Two people sitting at a table with masks on.
The New Normal: Transitioning Back to In-Person Meetings

 As you initiate or continue your time as an SFU student or employee, there are a lot of important things to consider when returning to public spaces. Whether it be large-scale activities or one-on-one meetings, we have you covered. 

A portrait of Hanna at a conference, with a nametag on.
Finding a Place in the Fight for Climate Justice

Read Hanna Araza's piece on her experience with SFU's Semester in Dialogue program to learn about how you can involve your passions with your work! 

Three SFU students standing in front of a laptop.
Six Tips to Make the Most of Your Undergraduate Degree at SFU

The undergraduate experience is what you make of it – whether you volunteer, do research, join Co-op, or just go to class. Read on for more tips on how to make the most of your time at SFU.

A woman lying on her back in a field with roses and a phone next to her.
How to be Mindful

Are you feeling frazzled? Do you have a lot of fatigue or forgetfulness? It may be time to take action and bring yourself back to balance with a self-care tool like mindfulness. 

Three people riding their bikes down a road.
Ways to Stay Active in the Summer: On Wheels Edition

Looking for a new adventure on wheels? Read more for some local suggestions from SFU Recreation!

A person serving soup to people in line.
Finding Your Path in Community Justice

A co-op student at SFU’s Vancity Office of Community Engagement speaks with her boss and a fellow colleague to gather advice for students who are looking for a future in community organizing.

A picture of a canyon and a lake.
Ways to Stay Active in the Summer: Hiking Edition

BC offers so many amazing hiking opportunities whether it is a 1-day hike or a weeklong backpacking trip. Learn more about what you need to prepare for your next hike.

An illustration of a bunny with text all around them, representing different life paths such as trade school, uni or college, and travel.
I’m Considering University and Panicking! What’s Next?

Louise Bindon shares their journey to SFU, dealing with uncertainty and cultural pressures to go to university, as well as their day-to-day as an undergraduate student. "Attending university has introduced me to like-minded and diverse groups of people. It teaches you about yourself, about employment and volunteer options, and about your community."

A portrait of Justine in an outdoor setting.
Co-op Work Experience Propels Economics Student's Career Trajectory

Even as a child, economics student Justine Mok loved helping others and she aspired to pursue a career that would allow her to make a meaningful difference. Read on to see how she used her time at SFU Economics to fuel her future.

A woman in a gym standing in front of a weight rack.
ABC's of Setting up a Home Gym

Want to start doing home workouts? Check out SFU Recreation's blog on tips for setting up your workout space and how to get started.

Four silhouettes on a beach with a sunset behind them.
How to Capitalize on Your Mistakes

Mistakes and regrets are a part of life, but there will always be a way to move on from them. Look at OLC staff member Terae’s blog on how she learned to accept her failures and find a new perspective on her path to the future. 

A person in a wetsuit surfing a wave.
Ways to Stay Active in the Summer: Water Sports Edition

With an abundance of beaches and lakes on the West Coast, there are lots of different activities that you can do outside while staying cool. Here are some of our recommendations for ways to stay active in the summer, water sports edition:

Aleisha Fernandes, Michelle Lam, Alisha Rana
The Student Experience From a Retired Commuter Student

Aleisha shares her experience as a commuter and how it helped shape her university experience and how it helped her in her studies.

An illustration depicting many people exercising in a park.
The 5 Components of Fitness

Keeping a well-rounded fitness approach is important for overall physical health. Focusing on the 5 components of fitness can help with this.

Painted sign of the sun and blue skies that says "Burnaby"
What Is It Really Like Working For a Non-Profit?

I have always wanted to work at a non-profit organization. While my main objective during my first Co-op term was to gain experience in the Communication field, that goal to work at a non-profit had always remained in the back of my mind. Keep reading to learn more about my experience working for a non-profit. 

Girl smiling
How Working in the Health Care Sector during a Pandemic Rekindled My Passion for Communication Work

Communication? What do you do in Communication? It wasn't until my Co-op term with Fraser Health that I started to gain a solid understanding of what a career in Communication could really encompass. Keep reading to learn about how working in the healthcare sector during a pandemic rekindled my passion for Communication work. 

Vancouver Biennale project under the Cambie Bridge
Working in the AR Industry as an App Designer

SIAT Co-op Student Michelle Illing talks about her work experiences at Vancouver Biennale and how the SIAT Co-op programs helped her during her work term

white desk with open laptop, computer mouse, phone, notebook, and plant
Non-Profit, Start-Up or Corporate: What's Right for You?

Co-op can be an overwhelming process. You are entering a trial adult experience where you look for and apply for jobs. But what do you do when you are scrolling through the long list of job postings and a wave of companies and organizations blind your eyes? Continue reading to learn about Carissa's experience working for a variety of industries. 

Photo of Novia Chen
Developing Feminist Narratives in Filmmaking

Dr. Novia Chen receives a doctoral degree in Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies! Before joining GSWS, Novia worked as a film/video production instructor, filmmaker, and festival coordinator. She decided to pursue a doctoral degree to further inform the ways in which her position negotiates gender politics, representation, and feminist film criticism and theory. 

A woman studying on her laptop with notebooks open around her
Must Knows for Exam Prep

Final exams are the pinnacle of your semester, and they never get any easier to cram for. This blog post by the Student Learning Commons gives us some tips on how to prepare for the worst. 


Two girls kicking around a soccer ball on a soccer field.
Reasons Why You Should Join the SFU Recreation Promotions Team

Helping out the SFU Recreation team can come in many different forms! Read as Aleisha, a Promotions Assistant at SFU Rec, tells us about her role and why Promotions is a great team to partner with.

Four people sit around a table in business casual wear.
Value People as Much as You Value Your Work!

When a company invests in its people, the work experience can go from good to great. Roop Gill’s anecdotal piece on how she prospered in her co-op despite massive setbacks proves that there is nothing more valuable than workplace connection.

A stethoscope resting next to an open laptop.
How I Created My Own Co-op Opportunity and How You Can Too

Interested in self-directed Co-ops and want to know more? Read on as Jessica shares her experience creating a self-directed Co-op at TELUS and gives advice that can help make your work term run as smoothly as possible!

Photo of Jordan Eshpeter
Bringing Industry Experience to your Studies

Jordan shares his thoughts on his SIAT experience after coming back to university as a member of the industry.

Photo of Isabelle Soares
Convocation Spotlight: Isabelle Soares

Isabelle Soares is a stand-out SIAT student who is graduating this week with a Bachelor of Arts in Interactive Arts & Technology. During her time as a SIAT student, Isabelle was involved in the IAT student union and took part in an internship at LinkedIn where she was placed on the LinkedIn Learning Enterprise Growth team.

A portrait of Marilyn sitting outside with a cup in her hand.
Meet Marilyn Brimacombe: CMNS Co-op Student Shares Experience Working at FCAT and the Parkinson Society BC

Communication student Marilyn Brimacombe talks about her time at Parkinson Society and FCAT, and how she used Communications skills to her advantage.

5 people waiting to go into an interview
How I Found a Self-Directed Co-op in the Non-Profit Industry with No Experience

This article outlines my tips for those looking to find their own self-directed co-op and break into the non-profit industry with no experience.

A picture of Terae with the Zoom interface at the bottom.
Working in a Virtual World: How to Participate in Online Meetings

Even as the pandemic subsides, remote and online learning has become our new reality and that can take some adjusting to. OLC staff member Terae’s piece on Online Meeting Etiquette has you covered on where to sit, what to say, and how to look professional doing it.