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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Lauretta and Caitlin with laptop
7 Goal-Setting Tips to Start a Semester Off for Success

Are you struggling to set your goals for the semester? this blog is here to help.

Valentine’s Day at the office with some of the team! Left to Right: Claudia, Laurie, Kimberly, and Kiara
Round 2: The Takeaways of Working at SFU for Two Co-Op Terms

A few days before the Christmas break of 2021, I received an email that would jumpstart my Co-op journey leading me into new experiences, connections, and so much more! I'm not sure if many people would be able to say this, but wow, am I ever happy that I checked my email that day.

2 smiling students walking on SFU campus in the sunshine
4 Ways to Stay Balanced During Summer Term

Taking classes in the summer can present some unique challenges. With warmer weather, exciting events, and endless opportunities for fun, it's easy to get swept away in distractions. Finding a balance between academic responsibilities and personal well-being is important. Here are 4 ways to help you prioritize so you can balance and enjoy everything the season has to offer:

Vanshita standing in front of a wall with the SAP logo
You've Landed a Big Co-op…Now What?

Bzzt! You're staring down at the offer letter you've received from your dream company. Usually, this is where the chapter ends or the curtains fall on a very happy ending. No one prepares you for what comes next and if you're anything like me (an international student), you're even further removed from any immediate sage advice from your loved ones. Worry not! As someone who steered her own ship amidst stormy seas, I'm here to offer some do’s and don'ts that might just save you.

Chris standing and pointing at a window with the company logo
Working as a UX Researcher and Designer for LandSure Systems

Chris works as a UX Researcher and Designer for LandSure Systems, a subsidiary of the Land Title Survey Authority (LTSA) that provides products and services related to land-related processes in BC.

A phone on the home screen where the apps for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram can be seen
Tips for Effective Social Media Marketing

When promoting events and news on social media on behalf of a club, service, or business, the main goal is to get as many eyes as possible on the content. One of my tasks in my 8-month Co-op position was to post updates on their social media accounts, which includes job postings, upcoming events, and special announcements. Over these months, I was able to find useful strategies and tools to help me manage these profiles effectively and efficiently.

Eshana working at a desk
Connecting with Community: Service Translating to Change

As the Vice-President External and Community Affairs of the @sfss_sfu, @eshanabaran had the opportunity to connect with community by building relationships with grassroot organizations, governmental entities, and unions. She also attended external events and worked on creating community projects.

Co-op students standing outside around a sign that says "SFU"
Event Planning 101: 3 Tips for Planning an Event even Gen-Z’s will Enjoy

Coming into this Co-op position as an Outreach, Promotion, and Engagement Coordinator for SFU’s School of Communication, I was not expecting to gain any sort of event planning experience. Creating an event for our incoming students for Fall 2023, was a brand-new concept that flourished this semester.

Caitlin with phone
De-influencing: Social Media’s Response to Overconsumption

Influencers are constantly promoting brands and products, but now they’ve started to take the opposite route with de-influencing

Headshot of Yeow
Fumbling My Way to Competency: A Self Reflection of My Fears

Did I exaggerate my capabilities? Will they think I’m a disappointing hire? These were some of the questions that plagued my mind when I first stepped into the office. The fears worsened as I started to learn about my expected workflow, and I wondered if I was out of my depth.

Emily Running
Work, Sport, Life Balance: Navigating Co-op as a Student-Athlete

Creating a work, life, sport balance as a co-op student-athlete can be a daunting task. Learn about some common misconceptions and tips for success!

Person holding a camera
Videography 101: A How-to on Making Videos from Start to Finish

Creating a video might seem like a daunting task, especially when we look at the editing aspect, but Trisha has provided a guide that has simplified the process for her while she gained work experience during her co-op term.

Become a Leader of Tomorrow (LOT)

Samiya, a career peer advisor at SFU shares with you an opportunity to become a Leader of Tomorrow, an experience that will surely help you grow into leadership roles. 

Abu standing next to a screen that says "Limitless"
Why Pursue a Career in Sales

This article is my take on why somebody would pursue a career in sales. I have never done sales in my life, and I like to take on new challenges. Therefore, it allows me to elaborate on the skills I have learned throughout my journey.

John standing in front of parliament building
Interview with an MA Economics Co-op Student

Meet John Owusu, an SFU Master of Economics Co-op student. In this quick Q&A, John shares a bit about his co-op experience. Keep on reading as John shares how his mindset helped him at his position, what his schedule was like and how he overcame feeling nervous at the workplace.

A laptop and a book at a desk
8 Valuable Lessons I Learned from Working an Office Job

Working in a full-time position in an office involves a lot of online communication and file management, thus staying organized is the key to success. In my job specifically, my main tasks were replying to emails and messages on social media as well as posting on the platforms, creating a monthly newsletter, designing promotional graphics, and updating webpages. But no matter the occupation, whether you’re a worker or a student, these tips may help you stay organized and be effective.

image of Kaylie
Working as a Visual Interaction Designer for Nokia

Kaylie Au is an Interactive Arts and Technology co-op student who completed her work term at Nokia. Read about how this opportunity helped her develop professional associations and helped her grow her skillset!  

A table decorated with a book and tablet with a pen hovering over
5 Social Media Branding Design Tips

Unlike designing a magazine cover or a poster that remains on the shelf for a period of time, social media content elevates the brand with a single post and catches the sight of the audience in less than a second. When the design space is just small square, there is only so much you can do, so with that in mind, here are five graphic design tips to make sure your branded social media posts are appealing and maintain a lasting impression about your brand

Photo of Morgan
Taking Initiative: How FHS Co-op Student Morgan Karugaba Strived in his Student Developed Co-op

Morgan Karugaba shares his journey of how he overcame the challenges of uncertainty, by stepping out of his comfort zone.

An image of Kelly Chiang
Transitioning From Study to Work Life

As a fifth year Health Science Co-op Student, Kelly Chiang shares her advice for students interested in integrating valuable work experience with their classroom learning.

Shehahn along with four of his co-workers smiling for a group photo
The Secret to Finding a Co-op Position that is Fulfilling

How will I find a Co-op position that is perfect for me? That is a question that I had throughout my first and even my second seeking term. Thankfully, that is something that I have found the answer to this semester. This journey of mine started with my seeking semester.

Close up image of Hannah sitting outdoors
Working for A Fuel Cell Testing And Manufacturing Equipment Company

Hannah Chan, an SFU Surrey Co-op student has learnt the confidence to help her tackle the world of job searching from her time in her co-op job, and hopes to share her tips with you too.

Headshot of Janvi
How To Land Your First Co-op

Knowing what I wanted to specialize in allowed me to start making plans for my first Co-op term. In all honesty, getting your first Co-op term can be exciting and intimidating. However, with a little planning and effort, you can position yourself for success.

Two woman having a conversation over tea
Making Space for Women’s Voices: Confronting Gender Inequity and Bias

The gender wage gap is an example of an inequality that women have to face in life. However, the gender wage gap is only one example of the many inequities women face in their careers. So, in honour of International Women’s Day, SFU Career Peer Advisors have collaborated to compile a list of recommended career resources aimed towards reducing gender-related employment gaps and empowering those who self-identify as women.

A pen over a paper with the Fraser Institute logo
Employer Feature: An Interview With The Fraser Institute's Senior Manager, Development Events

Meet Danielle Fleck, the Senior Manager of Development Events at Fraser Institute. In this quick Q&A, Danielle discusses the benefits of having an intern at the organization, the growth of the interns they hired and how the organization made the interns feel comfortable in their position.

Row of students standing at SFU Surrey
Why Adding Pronouns on your Resume, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn Profile Matters

Learn how and where you can add your pronouns to your resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profiles! 

Laptop on a desk next to a plant
Learning on the Job without an Expert to Guide You

I was the only communication person in my department; there were no experienced communicators to work closely with and learn from. I thought this situation would limit my room to learn, but surprisingly I gained valuable experiences and exercised skills that I didn't expect.

Anik standing outside in front of trees
A Q&A with a MA Political Science Co-op Student

Meet Anik Ahmed, an SFU Master of Political Science Co-op student. In this quick Q&A, Anik shares a bit about his co-op experience. Keep on reading as Anik shares his co-op's workplace culture, his employer and how he got the unique experience of travelling to Victoria.

Janice at work
Finding the Balance Point Between Co-op, Club Work, and Traveling

Janice shares strategic tips on how to make the most of any student experience by becoming fully engaged. Whether it is expanding her network, traveling to interact with colleagues, connecting with mentors, or exploring a new city, Janice dives into it all.

Eden sitting at a table with papers
Finding Your Voice: Solutions on How to Public Speak with Confidence

Public Speaking is challenging, and I applaud anyone who can speak in front of a crowd because it takes a lot of courage. These tips will help when speaking to audiences to sell yourself as a speaker and increase your comfort level and confidence.


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